
  • 网络the roman republic;republic of rome
  1. 一些民族几乎把这种掠夺当成了一种职业:罗马共和国便是一个例子;在成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其继承人领导下攀上成功顶峰的欧亚大草原游牧民族则是另一个例证。

    Some peoples made almost a business out of such plunder : the Roman republic was one example ; the nomads of the Eurasian steppes , who reached their apogee of success under Genghis Khan and his successors , were another .

  2. 其三,促进了罗马共和国军事力量的强大。

    Third , it promoted the military power of Roman Republic .

  3. 其二,促进了罗马共和国经济的发展。

    Second , it developed the economy of Roman Republic .

  4. 罗马共和国,亦即罗马帝国的前身,是以城邦制发端的

    Rome , which began its republican history as a city-states

  5. 每年选举中当选的古罗马共和国地方官员。

    An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic .

  6. 罗马共和国的结构是纵向相互依存。

    The vertical structure of the Roman Republic is interdependent .

  7. 罗马共和国的法律对婚姻坚持人道主义的观点。

    Roman republican law upheld a humanistic view of marriage .

  8. 谈罗马共和国时期的大地产

    A discussion about latifundium in Republic Rome A Big Cheater

  9. 公民权的扩展对罗马共和国兴起的影响

    Influence of the extension of citizenship upon the vitalizing of the Rome Republic

  10. 略论古罗马共和国的权力制衡机制

    On the Power Restriction Mechanism of Ancient Roman Republic

  11. 执政官是罗马共和国常设最高长官,内理国事,外逞军威,其职权涵盖了政治、军事、司法等领域,其活动与罗马共和国的兴衰紧密相联。

    The consuls were the supreme civil and military magistrates in Roman Republic .

  12. 罗马共和国时期宗教情感对政治行为的影响

    Religious Emotions Influence on Political Actions in Roman Republic

  13. 地方总督罗马共和国和罗马帝国的拥有执政官权威的地方总督

    A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire

  14. 论罗马共和国的制度建设

    On the Construction of Systems in the Roman Republic

  15. 罗马共和国和罗马帝国中具有领事等级的省市的统治者。

    A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire .

  16. 随着元老院的衰退,罗马共和国也灭亡了。

    When it declined , the Republic fell .

  17. 有关罗马共和国时期廉政建设的研究,尚属新的课题。

    The topic of honest administration during Roman Republic is a new problem for study .

  18. 试论罗马共和国早期的执政官

    The Consulship in the Early Roman Republic

  19. 论古代罗马共和国时期的骑士阶层

    On the Equites Class in Roman Republic

  20. 罗马共和国时期的宗教情感在两个方面对政治行为产生影响。

    In Roman Republic , religious emotions shed influence on political actions in two aspects .

  21. 古罗马共和国就是一个例证。

    This was the lesson of Rome .

  22. 但是对于古罗马共和国的法治建设的研究,虽有不少学术著作涉及,可专门系统阐述古罗马共和国的法治建设的文章尚属空白。

    Although there are many academia works studying to construction governed by law as ancient Rome .

  23. 西塞罗不仅是古罗马共和国时期最伟大的政治家之一,而且也是著名的伦理学家。

    Cicero is not only the greatest statesmen in republic period of Roman , but also the famous ethicist .

  24. 罗马共和国的公民权问题是罗马史研究中的一个重要课题,但我国学者对这一课题的研究还不够深入。

    Roman citizenship during the Republic is an important issue , but the research about it is not sufficient .

  25. 稍后,随着罗马共和国的建立和扩张,公民身份在更广阔的范围内扩展开来。

    With the establishment and expansion of the Roman Republic , citizenship had been expanded to a broader scope .

  26. 公证是一种古老的法律制度,西方最早出现在古罗马共和国。

    Notarization is a legal system since ancient times . It first appeared in the West in ancient Roman Republic .

  27. 就此而言,罗马共和国的没落有着诸多的原因,而其中3点在今天特别能产生共鸣。

    In this regard , the Roman Republic fell for a number of reasons and three in particular resonate today .

  28. 罗马共和国后期,逐渐发展起来的大地产打破了原有的土地经营模式,成为罗马社会经济发展中的支柱产业。

    In the late of Roman Republic , latifundium broke the former economic trend and became the backbone of Roman economy .

  29. 不过,要想保持美国的强大,决策者们必须从历史中特别是从罗马共和国的陨落之中汲取某些教训。

    Yet to keep America great , policymakers must learn certain lessons from history , notably the downfall of the Roman Republic .

  30. 行政长官,司法官古罗马共和国一年选举一次的司法官,位列执政官之下,但具有与执政官几乎相同的职权。

    An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman republic , ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul .