
  • 网络Roman Emperor;Hadrian
  1. 穿越世界历史上最不可思议的100年,了解为什么当罗马皇帝没有听起来那么美好,百年战争实际上怎么没有持续100年,以及斯宾塞·珀西瓦尔的政治生涯为何如此倒霉。

    Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn 't always as good as it sounds , how the Hundred Years ' War didn 't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record .

  2. 可以参考的一个例子就是罗马皇帝Augustus的雕塑。

    One example to consider is the statue of Roman emperor Augustus .

  3. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。

    Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius .

  4. 博物馆的下一场展览与罗马皇帝哈德良(Hadrian)有关。

    Its next show is on the Roman emperor Hadrian .

  5. 罗马皇帝图拉真(Trajan)在位期间,保留了这些福利项目,还实行一项“供给”(alimenta)福利,用以养育贫苦无靠的孤儿,确保他们衣食无忧,还可以接受教育。

    This early form of welfare continued under Trajan , who implemented a program known as " alimenta " to help feed , clothe and educate orphans and poor children .

  6. 罗马皇帝卡里古拉(caligula)对于身边不太亲近的人恨自己,说的全是自己的理,他最终满门被杀。

    The Roman Emperor Caligula , who gave more reasons than most for being hated by those near and not so dear , was eventually murdered along with his family .

  7. 收藏木乃伊、腊的雕像和罗马皇帝的半身像。

    Collect mummy , Hellenistic Statues and busts of Roman emperors .

  8. 1026年的今天,教皇约翰十九世为圣罗马皇帝授冠。

    1026-Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor .

  9. 亲自挑战罗马皇帝来得光荣呢?

    Than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena ?

  10. 何谓罗马皇帝?&帝者,神也

    What was a Roman emperor ? & emperor , therefore a God

  11. 公元393年,罗马皇帝中断了奥运会。

    In393ad , a Roman emperor stopped the games .

  12. 古德明先生的译文:罗马皇帝尼禄以残暴著称。

    Roman emperor Nero is infamous for his cruelty .

  13. 罗马皇帝们建筑牌坊以纪念他们的胜利。

    Roman emperors built arches to commemorate their victories .

  14. 有些罗马皇帝试著使基督教徒宣誓放弃他们的宗教。

    Some of the Roman Emperors tried to make Christians abjure their religion .

  15. 罗马皇帝的中坚护卫。

    The elite bodyguard of a Roman Emperor .

  16. 罗马皇帝,你不可能说他是没被揭露的。

    The Roman emperor , you could have never said here was not revealed .

  17. 所以罗马皇帝将其关闭。

    So the Roman emperor closed it down .

  18. 后来在罗马皇帝的统治下,它的确达到了它的最繁盛的时代。

    It was to grow , indeed , to its greatest proportion under Roman emperors .

  19. 马克西米努斯成为了一位独特的罗马皇帝,因为他从来没有去过罗马。

    He carries the distinction of being a Roman emperor who never actually visited Rome .

  20. 有人说,罗马皇帝尼禄(著名的罗马帝国暴君)为了满足自己吃甜食的口欲而发明了冰淇淋。

    Some say the Roman emperor Nero invented ice cream to satisfy his sweet tooth .

  21. 第一罗马皇帝是谁?

    Who was the first Roman emperor ?

  22. 公元394年,基督教罗马皇帝狄奥多西将其视为异教徒的节日予以废除。

    In394 AD , the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius abolished the games , as pagan festivals .

  23. 露西拉:今天我见到一个比罗马皇帝还强大的奴隶。

    Lucilla : today I saw a slave become more powerful than the emperor of rome .

  24. 1719年,这块领土被正式册封为公国,只受罗马皇帝管辖。

    In 1719 , the domain was granted principality status , answering only to the emperor .

  25. 他成为了罗马皇帝。

    He became emperor of rome .

  26. 历史上的今天-图拉真成为罗马皇帝98年的今天,图拉真在涅尔瓦死后成为罗马帝王。

    Trajan becomes Roman Emperor 98 - Trajan becomes Roman Emperor after the death of Nerva .

  27. 第六次十字军东征(1228&1229年)由神圣的罗马皇帝腓特烈二世率领。

    The Sixth Crusade ( 1228-1229 ) was led by Frederick II , the Holy Roman Emperor .

  28. 有些人认为,《启示录》写于公元60年左右,当时尼禄是罗马皇帝。

    Some people actually believe that Revelation was written in the60s when Nero was himself the emperor .

  29. 公元303年,罗马皇帝戴克里先血腥迫害基督徒期间,尼古拉被捕入狱。

    During the Roman emperor Diocletian 's bloody persecution of Christians in 303 , Nicholas was imprisoned .

  30. 历任罗马皇帝都高度关注宗教问题,君士坦丁也不例外。

    Every Roman emperor was deeply concerned with religious issues , and the Constantine I was no exception .