
duō nǎo hé
  • the Danube;the Danube River
多瑙河 [duō nǎo hé]
  • [the Danube River] 欧洲第二大河。流经德国、奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、前南斯拉夫、保加利亚、罗马尼亚和乌克兰等国,流入黑海

多瑙河[duō nǎo hé]
  1. 他们在多瑙河和希腊之间定居下来。

    They established themselves between the Danube and greece .

  2. 奥地利多瑙河梯级水电站建设特色介绍

    Construction features introduction of the Danube R. cascade hydropower station of Austria

  3. 恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。

    Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River .

  4. 以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(LaPlata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。

    The four trans-boundary rivers ( The Rhine and The Danube in Europe , The La Plata in South America and The Mekong in Southeast Asia ) were exemplified to describe the modern monitoring methodologies .

  5. WiktoriaSkiba是一名居住在布达佩斯的当地人,也是YourLocalCousin的一名导游,同时也是TheSpoiledQueen博客的创始人。他喜欢位于多瑙河中央、或位于城市中心的绿色之地——Erzsébet广场的“玛格丽特岛上的寒冷”。

    For fun , Wiktoria Skiba , a Budapest native , also a guide for Your Local Cousin and founder of The Spoiled Queen blog , likes " chilling on Margaret Island " in the middle of the Danube , or in Erzs é bet Square , a green space in the city centre .

  6. 上月,他们来到位于奥地利多瑙河沿岸的美丽城市林茨,参加一年一度的电子艺术节(ArsElectronica),这场数字媒体盛会吸引了全球各地的反主流文化技术专家。

    Last month , they descended on Linz , a pretty city perched on the banks of the Austrian Danube that hosts the annual Ars Electronica festival , a digital media event that has become a magnet for counter-cultural technologists from around the world .

  7. 多瑙河是欧洲的主要河流之一。

    The Danube is one of the principal rivers of Europe .

  8. 维也纳是多瑙河上一座美丽的古老的城市。

    Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube .

  9. 多瑙河博斯-大毛罗什堤坝的环境影响

    Environmental Effects of the Dam System on the Danube at Bos-Nagymaros

  10. 奥地利多瑙河梯级电站开发特点

    Development Features , of Step Hydropower Plant on Danube River in Austria

  11. 它与罗马尼亚的国界沿着普鲁特河和多瑙河下游。

    Its border with Romania follows the Prut and lower Danube rivers .

  12. 多瑙河水域捕捞公约;

    Convention concerning fishing in the waters of the danube ;

  13. 几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的通路。

    For centuries , the danube was the greatest route in europe .

  14. 《蓝色的多瑙河》被认为是华尔兹之王。

    The Blue Danube is considered the " King of Waltz " .

  15. 沿着多瑙河河岸骑单车应该蛮好玩的。

    Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun .

  16. 蓝色多瑙河。多瑙河是维也纳的一条河流。

    The Blue Danube . The Danube is the river in Vienna .

  17. 多瑙河航行制度公约;

    Convention regarding the regime of navigation on the danube ;

  18. 施特劳斯在1867年写下他的著名的《蓝色多瑙河》。

    In 1867 Strauss wrote his famous Blue Danube waltz .

  19. 译:多瑙河流经南欧许多国家。

    Ex : the Danube River flows through many countries of southern europe .

  20. “前天在多瑙河上负伤的。”士兵回答。

    " The day before yesterday on the Danube ," answered the soldier .

  21. 中国人即将跨越多瑙河。

    The Chinese are about to cross the Danube .

  22. 湄公河上美妙的巡游。这条河堪称亚洲的多瑙河。

    River cruising swells on the Danube of Asia .

  23. 随着宫廷的迁移,巧克力也风靡了蓝色多瑙河。

    With the court , chocolate moves in by via the blue Danube .

  24. 让他们想到了蓝色多瑙河这首名曲!

    Make them think of The Blue Danube waltz !

  25. 我去看望他时,他正在听著名的华尔兹舞曲《蓝色多瑙河》。

    He to the the Blue Danube when I went to see him .

  26. 他们要轰炸多瑙河沿岸位于林滋的铁路工厂。

    They had hit the railroad yards at Linz along the Danube River .

  27. 多瑙河流出匈牙利后途经欧洲几个国家。

    The Danube , after leaving Hungary , runs through several European countries .

  28. 在西南方向,多瑙河三角洲形成了与罗马尼亚的边界。

    To the southwest the delta of the Danube forms the border with Romania .

  29. 我要在多瑙河裸泳!

    I wanna swim naked in the danube !

  30. 蓝色的多瑙河>>这首曲子一向是我十分喜爱的。

    " The Blue Danube " has always been a great favorite of mine .