
duō xī bāo shēng wù
  • Multicellular organism;multicellutar organism
多细胞生物[duō xī bāo shēng wù]
  1. 细胞凋亡(apoptosis),即细胞程序性死亡,是多细胞生物组织正常发育与正常生理功能的关键环节。

    Apoptosis , the programmed cell death , plays a critical role in development and physiological function of multi-cellular organisms .

  2. 在多细胞生物的基因组中都存在一类非编码RNA基因,能够产生长度约为22个核苷酸的小分子RNA,称为mi鄄croRNA(miRNA),具有调节其他基因表达活性的功能。

    MicroRNA ( miRNA ) are family of small , non-coding RNA that can regulate expression of other genes .

  3. 大部分算法只考虑简单而且短的Motif,所以各种软件对酵母菌这种单细胞生物的Motif识别性能比多细胞生物要高。

    Most algorithms only consider simple and short Motifs , so their Motif detecting performance on monadic yeast is significantly higher than on metazoans .

  4. 细胞黏附分子(CAMs)是位于细胞表面的糖蛋白。它通过介导细胞与细胞、细胞与外基质间的相互作用,参与多细胞生物的多种生理及病理过程。

    Cellular adhesion molecules ( CAMs ) is a kind of glucoprotein on cell surface , which takes part in many physiological or pathological processes by mediating interactions between cells and cell and cells and extracellular matrix .

  5. 细胞不对称分裂是多细胞生物发育的基础。

    Asymmetric cell division is the foundation of multicellular organism development .

  6. 那些单细胞在一天内已经进化成多细胞生物。

    The cells rapidly evolved into multi-cell creatures in a day .

  7. 细胞增殖和细胞凋亡是多细胞生物控制组织细胞稳态的重要机制。

    Cell proliferation and apoptosis are essential for development and tissue homeostasis .

  8. 当然,也因为这些语汇,使细菌得以变得像多细胞生物。

    Of course what that allows bacteria to do is to be multicellular .

  9. 多细胞生物如何辨识病原体?

    How are pathogens recognized by multi-cellular organisms ?

  10. 然后6亿年到8亿年之前,多细胞生物出现。

    Then from about 600 to 800 million years ago , multi-celled organisms appear .

  11. 并且它们会因有生命的细胞,一种叫做褐藻的多细胞生物,而使其质量变得更好。

    And they may get better thanks to living cells : the multicellular organism called brown algae .

  12. 细胞存活与凋亡之间的平衡是多细胞生物正常发育与稳态的关键。

    The balance between cell survival and apoptosis is crucial for normal development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms .

  13. 如今,这一家族又添新物种&完全不需要氧气就能生存繁衍的多细胞生物。这是人类首次发现此类生物。

    Now comes a new one-the discovery of the first multicellular animals that survive and reproduce entirely without oxygen .

  14. 细胞凋亡是多细胞生物生命过程中不可缺少的部分,它是保证多细胞生物个体正常发育成熟和维持正常生理过程所必须的。

    Apoptosis was necessary in development of vital process and is very important in maintaining normal physiological function of organism .

  15. 细胞凋亡是多细胞生物清除多余、感染、损伤或有潜在危险细胞的一种主要生理机制。

    Apoptosis is the major mechanism by which multicellular organisms clear superfluous , infected , damaged or potentially dangerous cells .

  16. 我希望能进一步地说服你们的是,这就是多细胞生物的起源。

    What I would hope that I could further argue to you is that this is the invention of multicellularity .

  17. 在我们最早的多细胞生物祖先于数亿年前在地球上出现时,癌症可能就已经存在。

    Cancer has probably existed ever since our first multicellular ancestors appeared on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago .

  18. 在多细胞生物,细胞被置身于组织严密、互相制约的多种细胞群体的社会中,它们的分裂、增殖、衰老、死亡都受到邻近组织甚至生物整体的调控。

    In multi-cellular organisms , cells comprise a complicated society , in which cell proliferation and cell death are strictly regulated .

  19. 多细胞生物要求体内的多数细胞做出达尔文主义的最大牺牲,即放弃繁衍后代的权利。

    Multicellularity requires most of the cells in a body to make the supreme Darwinian sacrifice , by giving up reproducing .

  20. 这是迄今为止发现生活在最深地方的多细胞生物。

    Writing in the journal Nature , the team says this is the deepest-living " multi-cellular " organism known to science .

  21. 细胞凋亡是由胞内基因控制的程序死亡过程,即多细胞生物在生理或病理条件下,经过多途径的信号传导作用而启动内部机制,结束其自身生命的过程。

    Apoptosis is programed death process controlled by intracellular gene , which are taken place in multicellular organisms under physiological or pathological condition .

  22. 普通电池都是电化电池,不过在活细胞多细胞生物,褐藻的帮助下能够得到优化。

    Common batteries are electrochemical cells . And they may get better thanks to living cells : the multicellular organism called brown algae .

  23. 在多细胞生物中,凋亡是一种正常的生理过程,该过程清除了多余的细胞,确保了胚胎发育和组织分化的完成,维持了体内细胞数量的动态平衡。

    Apoptosis is a normal physiological progress for killing unwanted cells in multicellular organisms . It is necessary in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis .

  24. 长期以来人们一直认为只有多细胞生物存在细胞与细胞之间的信息交流,而细菌往往被认为以单纯的单个细胞的生存方式存在于环境中。

    It has long been thought that cell-to-cell communication only exists in multicellular organisms . Bacteria were considered to function individually in the environment .

  25. 今天仍有一些细菌是双球菌、四球菌、链球菌和葡萄球菌,这些就是最原始的多细胞生物。

    Today , there are still some meningitidis bacteria , four cocci , streptococcus and staphylococcus , which is the most primitive multicellular organism .

  26. 许多单细胞生物的防御机制,在多细胞生物的所有细胞中保留下来,而其他机制仅存在于特化的细胞。

    Many protective mechanisms of unicellular organisms were preserved in all cells of multi-cellular organisms , whereas others were preserved only in specialized cells .

  27. 在多细胞生物的发育过程中,细胞凋亡是一个必不可少的环节,而且它是一个主动过程,涉及一系列蛋白的激活、表达以及调控等的作用。

    Apoptosis is an essential part during the development of multicellular organisms and an active process involving the activation , expression and regulation of proteins .

  28. 细胞凋亡是机体正常的生理机能,是多细胞生物正常更新和清除异常细胞的重要手段。

    Apoptosis , which is the basically physiological mechanism , is important on renewing the normal cells and eliminating the abnormal cells for the multicellular organism .

  29. 所以蠕虫作为第一个在深层地下发现的第一种多细胞生物他并不感到吃惊。

    So it wasn 't a surprise to him that the first multicellular organism to be found in the deep subsurface of the Earth was a worm .

  30. 由单细胞生物到多细胞生物,是进化史上的一个飞跃,但在时间上并不需要漫长的岁月。

    From single cells to multicellular organisms , is a leap in the history of evolution , but the timing does not need a long period of time .