
jié ɡòu dān wèi
  • structural unit
  1. 核苷的一种磷酯,是核酸(DNA或RNA)的基本结构单位。

    A phosphoric ester of a nucleoside ; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids ( DNA or RNA ) .

  2. 词是现代汉语的基本结构单位吗?

    Is Word the Basic Structural Unit of Modern Chinese ?

  3. 话轮(turn)是人们日常会话的基本结构单位,包括说话轮次的长短,顺序,内容变化等。

    Turn is the basic unit in people 's daily conversation , including the length , order , and content alternation in the conversation .

  4. 字是言语交往活动的基本结构单位;

    The character is the spoken language contact basic structure unit ;

  5. 新结构单位力测定装置的研制与应用

    Development and application of unit load measuring apparatus with new structure

  6. 场景是比镜头高一个层次的视频内容结构单位,能在一定程度上缓解镜头颗粒度过小的问题。

    Scene is a higher video content structure unit than shot .

  7. 原子是元素最小的结构单位。

    An atom is the smallest characteristic unit of an element .

  8. 概念是人类思维的基本结构单位。

    Concept is the basic construction unit of human thinking .

  9. 氨基酸是生命系统中蛋白质的基本结构单位。

    Amino acids are the primary units of proteins .

  10. 渐渐地,书法研究者首先发现了汉字的最小结构单位&笔画。

    Gradually , Chinese calligraphy first discovered the smallest structural units - strokes .

  11. 字是汉语的基本结构单位;

    " The character is Chinese basic structure unit ";

  12. 话轮是日常会话的基本结构单位。

    Turn is the basic unit of daily conversations .

  13. 句子是独立表达比较完整语义的语言结构单位。

    Sentence is a basic structure unit which can independently expresses the whole meaning .

  14. (物理和化学)元素或化合物最简单的结构单位。

    ( physics and chemistry ) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound .

  15. 基本结构单位和基本结构顺序&认知角度的汉英对比

    Basic Structural Units and Basic Structural Order in Chinese and English : A Cognitive Perspective

  16. 偏旁,又称部件,是合体字的结构单位。

    Pianpang are components of characters that are made up of more than one part .

  17. 字作为基本结构单位的音、形、义、法

    On the Phonetic , Orthographic , Semantic and Grammatical Properties of Zi as a Basic Structural Unit

  18. 词汇不仅是语言的建筑材料,还是句子的基本结构单位。

    Vocabulary is not only the construction materials of language , but also the basic structure of sentence .

  19. 为了区分书写单位和结构单位,最好还是用两套术语来表示。

    For distinction between graphic and structural units , it is better to introduce two sets of terminology .

  20. 段不是通常认为的语篇结构单位,它是以段号为标识的语言片断。论段号及其语篇功能

    The paragraph isn 't always regarded as the structural unit of text . On paragraph mark and its textual functions

  21. 这几种教学法都是基于对汉语基本结构单位认识的不同基础上提出的,可以说,是基于汉语不同的本位观提出的。

    These types of teaching methods are based on a different basis proposed Chinese understanding of the basic structural unit .

  22. 《文通》中的“顿”是因语气停顿而表现出的语音节奏单位,不是语法结构单位。

    Secondly ," pause " is a phonetic unit of rhythm for the manner of speaking , not a grammar structure .

  23. 其二,谢惠连的家学。世家大族作为六朝时一种特殊的结构单位,内部具有封闭性。

    Second , aristocratic families were special kind of structural unit in Six Dynasties , and its internal circumstance is closed .

  24. 文章运用图形-背景理论,以构型为基础的认知视角出发,对英语附加疑问句所蕴涵的结构单位之间的认知关系进行分析。

    This paper attempts to explore the cognitive management of tag question in English on the basis of the Figure-Ground theory .

  25. 核小体作为染色质的结构单位,在基因启动子区域调节基因转录中具有重要的作用。

    The nucleosome , the structural unit of chromatin , is known to play a central role in regulating gene transcription from promoters .

  26. 环状过氧化物作为一类具有生物活性的天然产物的结构单位,其合成方法的研究对于这类天然产物的合成具有重要的指导作用。

    Synthetic studies on cyclic peroxide which constitutes active structure unit in some natural substances are of great importance to the total synthesis .

  27. 现代汉字笔画是现代汉字字形结构单位中最基本的元素,也是汉字识别和书写的基础。

    The modern Chinese character strokes are the elements of the basic structural units of Modern Chinese Characters Chinese character recognition and writing foundation .

  28. 认识语言基本结构单位的性质和特点是把握语言结构脉络的基础。

    The nature and characteristics of the basic structural unit of cognitive linguistics serves as the basis for commanding the thread of language structures .

  29. 精巢的基本结构单位为精细管。

    The basic structure of testis was seminiferous tubule and the dissepiment of deferent duct consisted of mucous layer , muscular layer and serous membrane .

  30. 询承成分具有特定的语义、语形功能,且因果句群的语义结构单位与语法结构单位具有不一致性。

    It has specific functions of semantic meaning and form . Moreover , the semantic unit of Causality Sentences doesn 't coincide with the grammatical unit .