- 名Hazardous substances;harmful substance

Test results indicate that the EC-2 ( F ) oil additive is very effective in terms of oil saving , harmful substance in waste gas reduction and equipment corrosion retardation , etc.
Through the transformation function of modifier , it successfully realizes zero emission of such harmful substance as CH2O in combustion of low-carbon fuel .
The wine had been doctored .
Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer .
the process of decontaminating areas exposed to radioactivity
Chang An medical stone contains a lot of trace elements and adsorbs or destroys many kinds of hazardous matter and viruses , favourably adjusting pH value .
Every his blood is biohazard . - Hey Carl , his over here and fishing too .
Average food charge , smoking and alcohol drinking , HBsAg and harmful chemical contamination history had no significant effects on diabetes .
Chef sleeve offers disposable plastic sleeves to protect the iPad from flour , grease and other hazards in the kitchen .
Result tables present the selected environmental flows , including CO_2 , particulate matter , and energy consumption , for each of the RMS life cycle stages .
We carry out ROHS standard for the poisonous and harmful product .
Coal burning and sulfur solidify theory is used in the incineration process for industrial wastes burning to reduce the SO 2 content in tail gas .
MG I maintains the mucous membranes moist , reduces friction during mastication to prevent the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and potentially harmful substances as well as acid and protein hydrolase , thereby protects the oral tissues .
Hydrogen is a kind of clean and regenerated energy , combustion of hydrogen does not produce pollutant materials such as CO2 , CO and HC , it is ideal substitute for petroleum .
COPD mainly results form a long term infection and inhaling much more harmful substances in daily life , as well as the decrease of resistance capacity for disease and Physical conditions .
The IECQ is now also developing product standards for hazardous substances .
The Directive on Restriction of Hazardous Substances ( RoHS ) in Europe Union has definitely stipulated to forbid manufacturing some BFRs .
The dipping solution ( DS ) of nylon-66 cord fabric contains latex , resorcinol , formaldehyde , ammonia , ethene and butyl benzene . The COD content and turbidity in DS wastewater are very high .
With a view to the green consumption fashion and our presently joining in WTO , the concept and sign of green textiles and harmful substances in textile fabric are introduced . Moreover , some effective approaches to develop green textiles are analysed .
Carbon monoxide ( CO ) is usually regarded as a toxic species that disrupts cellular respiration . However , recently , CO has been shown to be an important signaling molecule and protects tissues against injuries induced by several types of stress .
Based on the study of the deliveries of BaP and other harmful component in mainstream under alternative puffing regimens , the effects on the harmful component deliveries were discussed .
The automotive exhaust had caused serious environmental pollution , to remove the harmful materials in the automotive exhaust including the CO , HC and NO_x , an effective method called as three-way catalytic converter ( TWCC ) had been applied .
The HSF objectives shall include a timeline , as appropriate , for the elimination of hazardous substances identified and used in processes or products including procured products .
An oxidation catalytic converter is mainly used for catalytic conversion of unburned THC and CO in the exhaust gas , and its primary principle is to reduce the hazardous materials by farther oxidating of the unburned intermediate reactive products in the exhaust gas .
To do well in Greenpeace 's rankings , firms must make sure both products and production processes are free of polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) [ 3 ] and some BFRs that are not on the RoHS list .
In order to optimize the combustion conditions of boilers in thermal power plants , thus to save fuel , raise boiler efficiency and reduce emission of harmful substance from flue gas , the CTD SCAN digital type computerized flame scanning system is researched and developed .
As the accident will have a severe effect on the area 1000m around the company , a particular study was made on it . The suggestion of evacuation and self-rescue according to the particularity of the harmful substance were given .
Yellow phosphorus wastewater containing many kinds of toxic and harmful components , such as P_4 , F ~ - , CN ~ - etc , which can cause serious pollution , has to be purified to meet the standards for discharge water .
Hazardous substances used by chlorinated dry cleaning operation include perchloroethylene ( PEC ), trichloroethylene ( TCE ) and small amounts of trichloroethane , all known as volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) listed in many professional testing criteria and limit values of pollutant control index .
Stabilized chlorine dioxide is a new kind of disinfection , it has the specific properties such as high efficiency , broad-spectrum , safety and wide scope of application , and its produce has without harm to people .