
  • 网络competent
  1. 有行为能力是一回事疯狂又是另一回事了。

    Competent is one thing , crazy is another .

  2. 合伙必须是有行为能力的当事人的组合。

    The partnership must be an association of competent parties .

  3. 尽管同其家人或社区负责人进行商议可能是合适的,除非他或她自由表达同意,否则不得将有行为能力的个体纳入研究中。

    Although it may be appropriate to consult family members or community leaders , no competent individual may be enrolled in a research study unless he or she freely agrees .

  4. 人有自由行为能力。

    Man is a free agent .

  5. 有民事行为能力人在被宣告死亡期间实施的民事法律行为有效。

    Any civil juristic acts performed by a person with capacity for civil conduct during the period in which he has Been declared dead shall Be valid .

  6. 但一些分析家认为,欧佩克有很大的行为能力。

    But few analysts believe OPEC has much capacity to act .

  7. 在完全竞争的信贷市场研究场景下,声誉机制有引致合作行为的能力;

    In studying scene of a full competitive market , reputation mechanism has ability of leading to collaborate behavior ;

  8. 自然人有无民事责任能力是考虑自然人有无行为能力的前提,有无行为能力是考虑自然人在过错责任原则下是否需要承担责任的前提。

    Whether natural person having capacity for civil liability or not is the premise to capacity for civil conduct , but natural person having capacity for civil conduct is the premise to civil liability under the liability for fault .