
  1. 论我国夫妻财产制的不足及完善

    By Our Country Husbands and Wives Property System Insufficiency and Consummation

  2. 我国夫妻财产制度立法完善之构想

    Thought on Perfecting Legislation on Marital Property System of Our Country

  3. 略论中国夫妻财产约定制度

    On the agreement system of the property of man and wife

  4. 论夫妻财产制度

    On the Advances and Deficiencies of Conjugal Property System in China

  5. 论夫妻财产制中知识产权的权利归属及分割规则

    Rules of Division of Intellectual Property Rights in Conjugal Property System

  6. 试论新婚姻法中的离婚制度和夫妻财产制度

    Study Regulations of Divorce and Allot Property for New Marriage Law

  7. 第三章夫妻财产分割的立法缺陷。

    Part ⅲ & The lawmaking blemish of division common property .

  8. 现行夫妻财产制的缺陷及完善

    Deficiency of the Exiting System of Community Property and Its Improvement

  9. 夫妻财产关系是婚姻关系的重要内容之一。

    Marital property relationship is an important part of the marriage .

  10. 修正夫妻财产约定后的债务清偿问题;

    To correct debt discharge means with conjugal property stipulation ;

  11. 关于建立夫妻财产登记制度的思考

    Reflect on the Establishment of Husband and Wife 's Property Registration System

  12. 论夫妻财产制与民事交易安全

    Property system of husband and wife and civil transaction safety

  13. 夫妻财产制的修改:法政策之检讨

    Reform of Matrimonial Property Systems : Review for Legal Policy

  14. 夫妻财产约定的性质及法律适用

    Quality and Legal Application of the Agreement About Property Made by Spouses

  15. 关于我国夫妻财产制度的缺陷及立法思考

    On the Flaw of Chinese Conjugal Property System from the Legislative Perspective

  16. 在个体利益与社会利益的均衡之间&以我国婚姻法对夫妻财产制的规定为例

    On Balancing the Relationship Between Individual Interest and Social Interest

  17. 夫妻财产制度是家庭亲属法中的一项重要的法律制度。

    Matrimonial regime is an important law in family law .

  18. 第二部分:我国现行法定夫妻财产制度分析。

    The second : Analysis of existing Marital Property System in China .

  19. 夫妻财产制的道德基础与未来走势

    Moral Base of Conjugal Property System and Its Future Tendency

  20. 第二部分是夫妻财产制的一般理论。

    The second part is the common theory of marital property system .

  21. 第一章是夫妻财产制度的一般理论。

    General theories of matrimonial property regime were discussed in chapter I .

  22. 论新《婚姻法》夫妻财产制度

    About Legal system as to Marital Property of the New Marriage Law

  23. 我国夫妻财产制立法之完善

    Perfecting the Legislation of Marital Property System in our Country

  24. 夫妻财产制度是规范夫妻财产关系的重要法律制度。

    Couples property system is an important law regulating property relations couples system .

  25. 论我国夫妻财产制度契约的特征

    On the Features of Matrimonial Property Contract in China

  26. 非常法定夫妻财产制研究

    Research on the Regime of Unusual Statutory Matrimonial Property

  27. 试论夫妻财产中知识产权的分割

    Partition of Information in Property Division of the Spouses

  28. 自然,夫妻财产关系需要法律来调整。

    Naturally , the marital property relations need to be adjusted by law .

  29. 完善夫妻财产制的立法建议

    Some Suggestion to the Making-law of Perfecting Property System of Man and Wife

  30. 试论夫妻财产责任制度

    On the Responsibility System of the Property of Spouses