
fū qī cái chǎn zhì
  • marital property system;matrimonial regime
  1. 第二部分是夫妻财产制的一般理论。

    The second part is the common theory of marital property system .

  2. 我国夫妻财产制立法之完善

    Perfecting the Legislation of Marital Property System in our Country

  3. 论我国夫妻财产制的不足及完善

    By Our Country Husbands and Wives Property System Insufficiency and Consummation

  4. 论夫妻财产制中知识产权的权利归属及分割规则

    Rules of Division of Intellectual Property Rights in Conjugal Property System

  5. 现行夫妻财产制的缺陷及完善

    Deficiency of the Exiting System of Community Property and Its Improvement

  6. 论夫妻财产制与民事交易安全

    Property system of husband and wife and civil transaction safety

  7. 夫妻财产制的修改:法政策之检讨

    Reform of Matrimonial Property Systems : Review for Legal Policy

  8. 在个体利益与社会利益的均衡之间&以我国婚姻法对夫妻财产制的规定为例

    On Balancing the Relationship Between Individual Interest and Social Interest

  9. 夫妻财产制的道德基础与未来走势

    Moral Base of Conjugal Property System and Its Future Tendency

  10. 在身份与契约之间&我国夫妻财产制之透视

    Between Identity and Contract : A Perspective of China 's Marriage Settlement

  11. 非常法定夫妻财产制研究

    Research on the Regime of Unusual Statutory Matrimonial Property

  12. 完善夫妻财产制的立法建议

    Some Suggestion to the Making-law of Perfecting Property System of Man and Wife

  13. 同财产的分割纳入夫妻财产制一章中进行规范。第四部分:阐述我国夫妻财产制怄田去构想的理由。

    Part four : The Reasons of Conceiving Matrimonial Property Regime are Discussed .

  14. 夫妻财产制的理论探讨及若干疑难案例分析

    Discussion of System of Property of Husband and Wife

  15. 夫妻财产制法律适用公约

    Convention on the Law Applicable to Matrimonial Property Regimes

  16. 因而法定夫妻财产制成为我国婚姻家庭立法的重点。

    So the Statutory matrimonial property regime is the focus of the marriage law .

  17. 离婚时的财产分割是夫妻财产制的内容之一。

    The divorce belonging was one of the contents of the marital property system .

  18. 我国现行夫妻财产制的评价及其完善

    Appraisal and Perfection of Current Matrimonial Property Regimes

  19. 其次,阐述了夫妻财产制的内容与分类;

    Secondly , expatiating the contents of the matrimonial regime and the lawmaking principle ;

  20. 首先,介绍夫妻财产制的概念和特征。

    First of all , it introduces the concept of marital property and characteristics .

  21. 因此,本文结合其他国家的规定,对夫妻财产制契约的解除问题进行了介绍,为今后我国的立法完善提供借鉴。

    The thesis introduces the legislations of some other countries from which we can learn .

  22. 另外对《新婚姻法解释(三)》下的夫妻财产制问题进行了特别论述。

    Moreover , discussing the matrimonial property regimes of the Third Interpretation of Marriage Law .

  23. 试论夫妻财产制

    Attempt to Expound the Marital Property System

  24. 在此基础上对夫妻财产制的立法价值进行了探讨。

    On this basis , the value of legislation of the matrimonial property was discussed .

  25. 中国夫妻财产制的社会性别分析&以离婚夫妻财产分割为侧重

    Gender Analysis of Marital Property in China

  26. 夫妻财产制契约法律性质问题。

    The legal character of the marital agreement decides the law applicable of the marital agreement .

  27. 约定夫妻财产制应从其功能出发选择立法模式;

    Contractual marital property system shall choose its legislative model on the basis of its function ;

  28. 夫妻财产制在夫妻关系中占有重要地位,实践中的大量纠纷也因此而发生。

    The regulation on the property of husband and wife plays an important role in conjugal relation .

  29. 夫妻财产制与民法的其它制度如共有制度、代理制度、无权处分制度有密切联系。

    System of property of husband and wife is closely associated with other system of civil law .

  30. 中国区际法定夫妻财产制比较研究

    The Comparison Research on the Legal Husbands and Wives Property System in the Intersectional Area of China