
zhuàn bāo
  • subcontract;lip-pour ladle
转包[zhuàn bāo]
  1. 我们转包给了一家小型工程公司去干那项工作。

    We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work .

  2. 我们把工作转包给了一家小型工程公司。

    We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm .

  3. 他们通过将任务转包给当地其他公司来减少成本。

    They are cutting costs by subcontracting work out to other local firms .

  4. 基于Web的分散网络化转包生产企业异地协同生产调度与控制方法

    A Web-based Approach of Remote Cooperative Production Scheduling and Control in Distributed Network Manufacturing for Subcontract Production

  5. SiteB的远程转包商承担维护开发、对现存的客户/服务器应用软件进行单元测试任务。

    The remote subcontractor at Site B is tasked with maintenance development and unit testing on the existing client / server application .

  6. 这些玩具汽车是由旭日实业有限公司(EarlyLightIndustrial)生产的。旭日实业是美泰在中国的合同制造企业之一,它又将玩具零部件的涂漆工作转包给了另一家企业。

    The toy was produced by Early Light Industrial , one of Mattel 's contract manufacturing facilities in China , which subcontracted the painting of parts of the toy to another company .

  7. JR东海设计并运行其自己的列车,不过建设工作会转包给工程企业,如川崎重工(KawasakiHeavyIndustries)。

    JR Central designs and operates its own trains , though construction is contracted to engineering companies such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries .

  8. 这个SaaS还能帮助决定生产转包中的容量计划所需的业务流程。

    The SaaS could help determine the business processes to use for capacity planning in subcontract manufacturing .

  9. 第二个教训:bp在危机爆发初期表示,尽管自己要为漏油负责,但事故并非自己造成的,因为平台运营已经被转包出去了。

    Second lesson : BP did itself no good in the early days of the crisis by saying that , while the spill was its responsibility , it was not its accident because a subcontractor had been running the rig .

  10. 在这种情况下,大型CAD软件研发实际上应该包括产品开发(如框架系统的开发)、成品购买(如几何核心)、转包(部分专用模块)等方式。

    In this case , the development of Large scale CAD software should include that new component development ( such as integrated framework ), COTS acquirement ( such as the geometric modeling kemel ), outsourcing ( such as FEM function module ), et al .

  11. 北京商人jingkim称,他已帮助多家公司从平壤sek工作室500位艺术家手中接收转包的动画作品。

    Jing Kim , a Beijing-based businessman , claims that he has helped a number of companies to subcontract animation work from 500 artists at SEK studio in Pyongyang .

  12. 冲突水平与组织效率之间成倒U形关系,冲突过多和过少都不利于组织取得良好的绩效,所以保持适当的冲突水平对于转包生产至关重要。

    The relationship between the conflict level and the organizing efficiency shows an inverted U. Much higher or lower conflict level makes against the favorable performance . Therefore , it is essential for the subcontract project to keep the conflict on an appropriate level .

  13. 应该考虑加入SLA中的业务水平策略包括保障、未涵盖的服务列表、过度使用、付款和处罚方法、转包服务、授权软件和特定行业的标准。

    The business level policies that should be considered for inclusion in the SLA include guarantees , list of services not covered , excess usage , payment and penalty methods , subcontracted services , licensed software and industry specific standards .

  14. 上周,谷歌在其安全博客上表示,CNNIC曾允许一家转包商发放未经授权的数字化认证。这种数字化认证被互联网浏览者用于确认网站的合法性。

    Google said on its security blog last week that the China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ) had allowed a subcontractor to issue unauthorised digital certificates , which are used by internet browsers to verify that a website is legitimate .

  15. 西航外贸转包生产高速发展探析

    Discussing the High Speed Development of Foreign Trade Subcontract in XAC

  16. 用原先合同再转包的人。

    Someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor .

  17. 航空转包生产测试结果由神经心理医生进行测评、分析。

    Aeronautical Subcontract Production And the data were analyzed by neuropsychology physicians .

  18. 工程转包合同被确认无效后工程价款的确定

    Determination of Project Price after Engineering Subcontract is Confirmed Invalid

  19. 成飞从机头转包生产走向世界

    CAC Gone to the world Market from Nose Subcontract Production

  20. 我们已设法取得承办爱丁堡那份工活的转包合同。

    We managed to get the subcontract for that job in edinburgh .

  21. 供应商自身是否对候选的转包商有一定的要求?

    Does the supplier have requirement for subcontractor qualification candidate ?

  22. 我们将把电气工作转包出去。

    We will put the electrical work out to subcontract .

  23. 转包生产线建设项目的招投标管理研究

    Research on Tendering and Bidding Management of Subcontract Production Line Construction Project

  24. 略论农村土地转包

    Comments on the transfer of land use in rural areas

  25. 大部分砌砖工作转包给一名当地的建筑商。

    Most of the bricklaying has been subcontracted to a local builder .

  26. 谈建筑工程中的违法分包及非法转包

    Preliminary Views on the Illegal Subcontracting and Contract Transformation in Contract Construction

  27. 民机转包生产中的构型控制

    Configuration Control in the Subcontract Production for Commercial Aircraft

  28. 转包和挂靠,并列为我国建筑行业的两大热点问题。

    Both subcontract and subordination are hot spots in Construction industry in China .

  29. 很多公司仅保留附加值高的核心业务,而将其他业务转包。

    Companies just retain core and high value-added business and subcontract other business .

  30. 电气工作已转包给史密斯有限公司。

    The electrical work have been subcontracted to smith ltd.