
  1. 论民事执行程序中对关联企业债权人的立法保护

    Legislative Protection to Creditors of Affiliated Enterprises in the Civil Execution Process

  2. 论民事执行程序中参与分配制度的缺陷及其完善

    On Flaws and Perfects about the System of Participating Allocation in China

  3. 论民事执行程序中的参与分配

    On the Participation Distribution in the Civil Executive Program

  4. 民事执行程序重构的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Re-establishment of Civil Execution Procedure

  5. 执行的原则性与灵活性的有机结合是民事执行程序公正的必要措施;

    Both principal and flexible execution is the necessary measure for civil enforcement proceedings ;

  6. 其次,分析了在民事执行程序中不应适用揭开公司面纱规则的理论依据。

    Secondly , the implementation of the civil procedures should not apply to the piercing the corporate veil .

  7. 这几项内容也是近几年蒙古国在民事执行程序中所采取的变革措施。

    These contents are the reform measures applied by Mongolia in recent years in the civil executive procedures .

  8. 破产程序与民事执行程序的冲突及协调&对修改《破产法》的一点建议

    Conflict Between Coherence of Bankruptcy Proceedings and Execution Procedures in Civil Cases & Some Advice on the Amending of the Bankruptcy Act

  9. 民事执行程序中有关第三人(执行第三人)权利保护的相关问题一直游离于学者们的视线之外,我国现行的执行程序立法也对其寥寥数语,简略疏漏。

    The correlative problems that how to protect the legitimate interest of the third-party in the procedure of civil enforcement always dissociate the fields of the scholars .

  10. 在民事执行程序中通过变更或追加执行当事人从而保障执行顺利进行的制度在学理上称为民事执行承担。

    In the execution procedure of civil suits , by changing or appending to the parties to ensure the success of the system is called the enforcement undertaking theoretically .

  11. 民事执行程序中的实体争议,是指在民事执行程序中,发生于执行当事人、案外人之间,与法院的执行行为相关联的、有关民事实体权利义务的争议。

    Substantive dispute of the civil execution refers to the dispute relating to executing acts of the court and substantive rights and obligations between the parties and a third party during the civil execution .

  12. 对我国民事执行程序中的参与分配制度的反思就我国参与分配制度的条件设置、申请参与分配的债权人范围、被执行人适用主体及查封制度与执行分配原则的关系等问题进行反思。

    Distribution system to the conditions of participation in setting the scope of application for participation in distribution of the creditor , debtor and seal for the main distribution system and the implementation of the relationship between the reflection problems .

  13. 民事执行程序作为司法活动的最后一个环节,不仅关系到当事人的合法利益能否得到实现,而且直接影响司法权威的树立和司法公正的实现。

    Ln civil enforcement procedure as the last link of the judicial activities , not only related to the legitimate interests of the parties can be achieved , but also directly influence the realization of the establishment of judicial authority and judicial justice .

  14. 民事执行程序能否圆满实现申请执行人的权利,除了外部因素以外,关键是看被申请人有无可供清偿的财产,即在客观上有无清偿债务的能力。

    The successful implementation of civil enforcement proceedings can apply for the right holders , in addition to external factors , the key is to look at is whether the applicant for the property settlement , that is , objectively speaking , whether debt capacity .

  15. 论民事强制执行程序之完善

    How to Perfect the Procedure of Coercive Execution in Civil Cases

  16. 民事强制执行程序中的参与分配制度是法学理论界和司法实务界争论的焦点之一。

    Civil Enforcement program participate in the distribution system is the legal theory and judicial practice focus of debate .

  17. 在法律规范的层面,民事强制执行程序存在着平衡生存权与债权关系的三层结构。

    In the level of legal norms , civil enforcement procedures exist the three-tier structure for a balance between survival and claims .

  18. 在长期的工作实践中,笔者发现很多法院的民事执行听证程序在实际操作中往往流于形式、走过场,未能真正做到程序公正。

    In the long term practice , the author finds that the Civil Execution Hearing System is not truly fair and stuck in formalization with no effect in most cases .

  19. 文章的第二部分是对行为民事执行的方法和程序。

    The second section is the measures and procedure of the civil enforcement of behavior implementation .

  20. 为了约束公权力的不当使用,民事诉讼法在执行程序这一编规定了相应的执行救济制度。

    For restraining the improper use of public power , the civil procedure law execution procedures ina compiled this stipulates corresponding executive relief system .

  21. 国务院金融监管机构依法对出现重大经营风险的金融机构采取接管、托管等措施的,可以向人民法院申请中止以该金融机构为被告或者被执行人的民事诉讼程序或者执行程序。

    When the financial regulatory commissions of State Council have taken custodian or receivership measures against a financial institution , the commissions may submit application to the courts to suspend any lawsuits or enforcement measures against the financial institutions .

  22. 民事执行拍卖作为民事执行程序中的一项重要制度,其合理及完善对民事案件的解决起着至关重要的作用。

    The auction of civil enforcement is an important system in civil enforcement ; it plays a vital role in solution of civil cases .

  23. 民事执行救济制度作为实现民事执行程序功能与价值的保障,是民事执行制度不可或缺的组成部分。

    Civilian implementation of the relief system as the implementation of procedures to achieve the functions and value of civil protection , civil enforcement system is an integral part .

  24. 民事强制执行标的是民事强制执行程序中的重要组成部分。

    Object of civil execution is the important constituent of civil enforcement procedure .

  25. 我国当前的民事执行现状不容乐观,在民事执行程序中,执行难问题一直备受理论界和实务界关注。

    In China , the current civil execution situation is not optimistic , in the process of civil execution , the problem of " difficult to execute " has become a focus in the theory and practice circle .

  26. 民事执行听证制度是为了保证民事执行程序公正而推出的一项重要措施,从一开始在一些法院试点运行,到如今已经历时数载,在此过程中取得了初步的成效。

    Civil Execution hearing system is an important measure in order to ensure fair and civil execution procedures introduced from the start in a number of pilot courts run , and it has lasted for several years and it has achieved initial success in this process .

  27. 修订后的民事诉讼法创设了民事执行复议制度,与民事执行异议制度共同构成了民事执行程序上的救济体系。

    The revised code of civil procedure establishes the civil enforcement review system , and the civil implementation constitutes a dissent from common civil enforcement program relief system .

  28. 通过对民事强制执行理论的梳理,从民事强制执行的基本原则、价值目标以及执行穷尽观念出发,论述了执行不能案件退出民事强制执行程序有理论上的依据。

    By combing the theory of civil execution , beginning with the fundamental principles , values and concept of exhausted execution , the author thinks that the theoretical basis of civil execution exit from cases impossible executed exists .