
mín zú dú lì
  • national independence
民族独立[mín zú dú lì]
  1. 许多国家经过长期斗争而获得了民族独立。

    Many countries have gained national independence after prolonged struggles .

  2. 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。

    The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence .

  3. 阿尔巴尼亚是一个大约有300万人口的单一民族独立国家。

    Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people .

  4. 这一危机已在魁北克激起了一波民族独立主义情绪。

    The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec .

  5. 普里扬卡12539;甘地的曾祖父是印度民族独立领袖、首任总理贾瓦哈拉尔12539;尼赫鲁(JawaharlalNehru)。

    Priyanka Gandhi 's great-grandfather was independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru , India 's first prime minister .

  6. 黑人民族独立运动的政治体系是完美而朴素的。

    The economic philosophy of black nationalism is pure and simple .

  7. 国际妇女大会-平等、民族独立与和平

    World Congress of Women - Equality , National Independence and Peace

  8. 无论在国内还是在国外,他都为民族独立而英勇斗争。

    Whether at home or abroad he struggled for national independence bravely .

  9. 因此,波兰人对主权和民族独立非常敏感。

    Therefore , Poles is very sensitive for sovereignty and national independence .

  10. 苏格兰的民族独立运动及其影响

    The National Independence Movement in Scotland and Its impact

  11. 论拉美民族独立意识的形成

    On the Formation of Consciousness of Independence in the Nations of Latin America

  12. 我相信民族独立是实施负责可靠的自治的第一阶段。

    I believe in national independence us the first stage of responsible self-government .

  13. 综观其一生,实现民族独立与国家富强,始终是梁启超矢志不渝的追求。

    Surveyed his life , national independence and prosperity always was his pursuit .

  14. 此后,新加坡的民族独立运动迅猛展开。

    Aftermath , the national independence movement entered into a rapid development period .

  15. 在这些地区都出现了民族独立运动。

    National independence movements have emerged in these regions .

  16. 世界上最强大的力量就是要求民族独立的愿望。

    The strongest force in the world is the desire for national independence .

  17. 民族独立比阶级斗争更重要。

    National independence takes priority over class struggle .

  18. 我们同情他们的民族独立运动。

    We commiserated with their national independence movement .

  19. 罗马尼亚救国阵线委员会几内亚比绍争取民族独立阵线

    Council of the National Salvation Front of Romania

  20. 中国走上了民族独立,人民解放,国富民强的光辉道路。

    China is well on the way to independence , liberation , power and wealth .

  21. 我们必须维护民族独立。

    We must safeguard national independence .

  22. 具体说来,第一,民族独立、国家统一是中国政治现代化的前提。

    Specifically , First , national independence and national unity were prerequisites for Chinese political modernization .

  23. 他们为民族独立而战。

    They fought for national independence .

  24. 没有民族独立哪来民族自由,说着一句就够了。

    Key : Suffice it to say that without national independence there is no democracy or freedom .

  25. 历史上有名的节目纪念民族独立二百周年的大型庆祝活动而被限时。

    The historic gala event has been timed to coincide with Argentina 's national bicentennial celebrations of independence .

  26. 退出印度运动是印度现代民族独立斗争洪流中的最后一次巨大浪潮。

    The " India Withdrawal " was the last of India 's independence struggles in its contemporary history .

  27. 黑人民族独立运动的哲学体系包括一个在教育程序,在黑人的社会里让他们去关注经济。

    The philosophy of black nationalism involves a re-education program in the black community in regards to economics .

  28. 在近代中国,要实现民族独立就必须抵抗外来侵略,废除不平等条约;

    In modern China , to achieve national independence we must resist foreign aggression , abolish the unequal treaties .

  29. 毛实现了民族独立。如果非要说他是个杀人犯的话,他也不会比乔治华盛顿或小布什杀的人多。

    Mao gave us independence . He 's no more a killer than George Washington or George W Bush .

  30. 邓演达的社会主义设想与当代亚非拉民族独立国家的社会主义实践

    Deng Yan-da 's Socialist Contemplation and the Socialist Practices in Contemporary Asian , African , Latin-American National Independent Countries