
  • 网络folk belief;belief;popular religion
  1. 海峡两岸民间信仰文化旅游开发的SWOT分析

    The SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Exploitation of the Folk Belief Cultures Between Fujian and Taiwan

  2. 民间信仰对民间木刻版画的影响

    The Folk Belief 's Influence on the Folk Wood Block Print

  3. 金平傣族是一个跨中越边境而居的特殊族群(ethnicgroup),其民间信仰表现出十分丰富多彩的特征。

    The Dais in Jinping , a special ethnic group living in the border area of China and Vietnam , have very rich and colorful folk beliefs .

  4. 如强烈的宗族观念、祖先崇拜、民间信仰等。

    E.g. intense racial notion , ancestor worship , folk beliefs etc.

  5. 第四章,傩与宗教及民间信仰的交融;

    Chapter 4 , the combine of Nuo and other religion ;

  6. 太湖地区民间信仰音乐研究

    Music for the Folk Beliefs of Taihu Lake District , China

  7. 试论唐代民间信仰中的当朝人物崇拜

    The Contemporary Person Adoration of the Folks Faith in Tang Dynasty

  8. 江南市镇的民间信仰与奢侈风尚

    The Folk Belief and Luxury Trend in South of Yangtze Towns

  9. 土族民间信仰中的神职人员探析

    Studies into the Clergymen in the Folk Religion of the Tus

  10. 民间信仰是透视乡村社会的重要视角。

    Folk Religion is a vital perspective to observe rural society .

  11. 金平傣族的民间信仰探析

    A Study of the Folk Beliefs of the Dais in Jinping

  12. 口头神话与民间信仰是一个不可分割的统一体,二者浑沌为一,难解难分。

    Verbal mythology and folk conviction are of an inalienable unity .

  13. 汉代的类宗教迷信和民间信仰

    The Resembling Religious Superstition and the Folk Beliefs in the Han Dynasty

  14. 就民间信仰与日常生活而言,它是四组关系中结合最为密切的一组。

    Fork belief and daily life is the closest relationship in four .

  15. 第二部分儒家对民间信仰的控制与管理。

    The second part of Confucianist to folk belief control and management .

  16. 论闽台民间信仰的社会历史作用

    On the Historical Function of Folk Beliefs in Ming-Tai Area

  17. 壮族民间信仰的历史变迁与当代转型

    The historical Vicissitude and Contemporary Transition of Zhuang Folk Beliefs

  18. 但是,在很多的陕北地区这种民间信仰风俗转移到丧葬习俗中。

    However , such folk beliefs customs transferred to the funeral customs .

  19. 庙宇可以集中表现民间信仰的诸要素。

    The temple can embody all the key elements of folk beliefs .

  20. 民间信仰的聚散现象初探

    The Initial Research on the Gathering and Scattering Phenomena of Folk Belief

  21. 动物信仰是中国北方地区最普遍的民间信仰。

    Animal belief is the most popular folk religion in northern China .

  22. 能否和谐发展:民间信仰面临的挑战与选择

    Harmonious Development : Challenge and Option Faced by Folk Religion

  23. 试论民间信仰对我国民间文学之影响

    On the Effect of Folk Belief upon Chinese Folk Literature

  24. 关帝信仰是中国特有的民间信仰。

    The belief in Guan-God is a peculiar Chinese folk-belief .

  25. 第三部分民间信仰中的儒家思想。

    The third part of folk belief Confucianist thought .

  26. 汉中地区的巫鬼遗风与民间信仰

    The relic of the necromancy and ghost and folk faith in HanZhong district

  27. 元代泉州的民间信仰与社会经济之关系

    The Relationship between Folk Belief and Social Economy in Quanzhou of Yuan Dynasty

  28. 民间信仰与汉代地方行政

    Popular Faith and Local Administration in the Han Dynasty

  29. 妈祖信仰是中国一种古老的民间信仰。

    The belief of Mazu is a kind of ancient folks in China .

  30. 壮族的民间信仰与民俗医疗

    About Popular Religion and Folkloric Medical of the Zhuangs