
mín zhǔ xuǎn jǔ
  • democratic election
  1. 但自南非第一次民主选举后的20年来许多选民已经不再抱有幻想。

    But many of these voters have become disenchanted with South Africa 20 years after that first democratic election .

  2. 他说:“很多市民并不真正了解行政长官是如何选举出来的,我们希望使他们有一次行使公民权利、为民主选举制度而战的经历。”

    Not many citizens really understand how the Chief Executive has been elected , and we want to give them an experience to exercise their civil rights and fight for a democratic election system . '

  3. 他们将能够通过民主选举选择自己的领导人。

    They will be able to choose their own leaders in democratic elections

  4. 该国将在一年之内举行民主选举。

    The country will hold democratic elections within a year

  5. 阿塞拜疆没有举行民主选举,是这些共和国中的异类。

    Azerbaijan has been the odd man out , the one republic not to hold democratic elections

  6. 理事会民主选举产生会长和副会长。

    The Councils shall democratically elect their Presidents and Vice - Presidents .

  7. 第九条各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。

    Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members .

  8. 第一个经过民主选举产生的哈拉雷市长EliasMudzure六年前就已经提出警告,该城市的自来水配送和污水系统已经处于崩溃的边缘。

    The first democratically elected mayor of Harare , Elias Mudzure of the MDC , warned six years ago that the city 's water distribution and sewage systems were in on the verge of collapse .

  9. 1994年担任总统期间,克林顿派遣美国军队前往海地恢复军事政变中被推翻的民主选举产生的Jean-BertrandAristide政权。

    And as president in 1994 , he sent U.S. troops there to restore democratically elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide , who had been ed in a military coup .

  10. 他们将被灌输自由和民主选举的思想。

    Then they 'd instil free and fair elections .

  11. 缅甸执政者说,这次公投将会导致2010年进行民主选举。

    Burma 's rulers say the referendum will lead to democratic elections in 2010 .

  12. 这将是前总统苏哈托1998年下台以来印尼举行的第二次民主选举。

    It will be the second democratic presidential election since President Suharto stepped down in 1998 .

  13. 民主选举也在所谓的世界上最大的民主国家上演。

    Democratic elections are also taking place in what 's known as the world 's largest democracy .

  14. 这个计划将结束阿萨德政权的轰炸,并带来过渡政府和民主选举。

    That would bring an end to Assad 's bombing , leading to a transitional government and elections .

  15. 穆尔西是埃及首位民主选举总统,被罢免后便再也没有公开露面。

    Morsi was Egypt 's first democratically elected president and has not been seen in public since his ouster .

  16. 国际社会成员要求让民主选举的阿卜杜拉希重新执政,军政权领导人阿齐兹多次拒绝了这一要求。

    Junta leader Aziz has repeatedly refused demands from elements of the international community to restore democratically-elected Abdallahi to power .

  17. 纳尔逊·曼德拉是南非首位通过民主选举产生的黑人总统,于12月5日辞世。

    Nelson Mandela , who was the first democratically elected black president of South Africa passed away on December 5 .

  18. 自2006年起哈马斯在民主选举中以压倒性的优势获胜之后就一直掌控加沙。

    Hamas is the current ruling party in Gaza , and has been since 2006 , when it won a landslide in democratic elections .

  19. 切尼表示,他相信,在巴基斯坦组建的民主选举出的联合政府将继续同华盛顿联合打击恐怖主义。

    Cheney also expressed confidence that the new democratically-elected coalition government being formed in Pakistan will remain allied with Washington in the fight against terrorism .

  20. 目前还不清楚,经过民主选举的新政府是会采取相同的立场还是会采取一条不同的方式来对付巴基斯坦所面临的安全威胁。

    It is unclear whether the democratically-elected government leaders will have the same stance or take a different approach to the security threats facing the country .

  21. 布什和美国国务卿以及国防部长一起在白宫玫瑰园发表讲话。他说,美国支持经民主选举产生的格鲁吉亚政府。

    Flanked by his secretaries of State and Defense in the White House Rose Garden , President Bush said the United States stands with Georgia 's democratically-elected government .

  22. 我们相信,我国的未来只能由一个在不分肤色的基础上通过民主选举而产生的机构来决定。

    It is our belief that the future of our country can only be determined by a body which is democratically elected on a non ? racial basis .

  23. 南非种族隔离时代的总统、将在南非第一次民主选举后就任曼德拉政府副总统的德克勒克说,他以前的这个劲敌在谈判时可能会很无情。

    Apartheid-era President de Klerk , who would serve as Mr. Mandela 's deputy after the country 's first democratic vote , said his former adversary ' could be brutal ' in negotiations .

  24. 2014年5月,泰国发生军事政变,后来该国一直由军政府统治。军中领袖重振经济的举措一直不奏效,已承诺明年恢复民主选举。泰国是个严重依赖出口的国家。

    Thailand has been ruled by a junta since a May 2014 coup and the generals have struggled to revive the export-dependent economy , while promising to restore democracy with an election next year .

  25. 穆沙拉夫说,即将上任的文官政府是他今年允许实行民主选举的结果。穆沙拉夫还为他为期九年的铁腕统治作辩护,称他的统治是“朝着民主和发展”的方向前进。

    While making reference to the incoming civilian government resulting from democratic elections he permitted this year , the president also defended his nine years of strong-armed rule as a journey " toward democracy and development . "

  26. 2005年伊拉克举行首次民主选举以来,什叶派领导的政党--其中的许多有着教士或伊斯兰根源,如今在伊拉克议会,以及总理办公室都占多数。

    Since the first democratic elections in 2005 , Shia-led parties , many of them with clerical or Islamist roots , have had a majority in Iraq 's parliament , as well as the prime minister 's office .

  27. 阿根廷现任总统克里斯蒂娜·基什内尔是已故前总统内斯托尔·基什内尔的遗孀,她是阿根廷第二位女性总统,也是阿根廷第一位由民主选举产生的女总统。

    Argentina 's president Cristina Kirchner is the widow of former President N é stor Kirchner . She is Argentina 's first elected female president , the second woman to hold the position , and the first woman reelected to it .

  28. 为促成这次会谈,卡扎菲上周在利比亚会见了阿卜杜拉希,他是毛里塔尼亚首位经民主选举的总统,在去年八月阿齐兹将军领导的不流血政变中垮台。

    In an attempt to establish a dialogue , Mr. Gadhafi met last week in Libya with Sidi Mohamed Ould Sheikh Abdallahi , Mauritania 's first democratically-elected president , who was toppled last August in a bloodless coup led by General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz .

  29. 2002年时,穆沙拉夫举办了“被控制了的民主”选举。

    In 2002 Musharraf held elections for ' controlled democracy . "

  30. 最近,突尼斯举行了第二次民主议会选举。

    Recently , Tunisia held its second democratic parliamentary elections .