
mín shì àn jiàn
  • civil case;civil lawsuit;suit at law
  1. 这是一起民事案件。

    It was a civil case .

  2. “民事案件”是指民事诉讼或者程序;

    " civil case " means a civil action or proceeding ;

  3. 第四十一条人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。

    Article 41 The people 's court of second instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel of judges .

  4. 第十九条中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:

    Article 19 The intermediate people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases :

  5. 合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。

    The collegial panel must have an odd number of members . Civil cases in which summary procedure is followed shall be tried by a single judge alone .

  6. 人民法院审理民事案件,除适用上述规定外,还可以予以训诫、责令具结悔过、收缴进行非法活动的财物和非法所得,并可以依照法律规定处以罚款、拘留。

    When hearing civil cases , a people 's court , in addition to applying the above stipulations , may serve admonitions , order the offender by law .

  7. 民事案件与刑事案件司法精神医学鉴定

    Control analyses of civil and criminal cases with forensic psychiatric expertise

  8. 对简单的民事案件,原告可以口头起诉。

    In simple civil cases , the plaintiff may indict verbally .

  9. 论证券欺诈民事案件的诉讼方式

    On Action Form of the Civil Case of Securities Fraud

  10. 在法院起诉某人的民事案件

    Civil case in a law court where a person sues another person

  11. 有许多指南手册可为你的民事案件提供协助。

    There are many guidebooks to help you with your civil action .

  12. 很多民事案件都可以在庭外解决。

    Many civil cases can be settled out of court .

  13. 略论民事案件的程序转换

    Pithy Remarks about the Procedure Conversion of Civil Cases

  14. 第一节研究表面证据在民事案件中的适用。

    The first section studies the adoptability of prima-facie evidence in civil lawsuits .

  15. 宋代民事案件的上诉程序考述

    Analysis of the Civil Appellate Procedure in Song Dynasty

  16. 这不是民事案件,她是我们的人。

    Well , it 's not civilian . She 's one of ours .

  17. 与一般民事案件相比,知识产权案件具有显而易见的特殊性。

    Compared with general civil litigation , IP litigation has obvious special characteristics .

  18. 法院决定再审民事案件的内部程序

    Internal Decision Procedures of Civil Cases to Be Reheard

  19. 治安法庭也审理某些有限类型的民事案件。

    The magistrates ' court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases .

  20. 大维:律师说的民事案件是指甚麽?

    Davy : What do lawyers mean when they talk about a civil case ?

  21. 虚假验资民事案件中银行权益的维护

    Protection of Bank Interest in False Capital Case

  22. 涉外民事案件审理期限的再思考

    My Re-reflections on the Limitation Period of Trials of Foreign - related Civil Cases

  23. 这意味着该案件将继续按照民事案件处理。

    That means the civil cases will proceed .

  24. 陪审团审判在民事案件和刑事案件中的使用都呈逐渐减少之趋势,并且批评陪审团审判制度的声音也越来越多。

    It seems that the jury trial is declining both in civil and criminal procedures .

  25. 民事案件再审管辖问题之探讨

    Discussion on Retrial Jurisdiction of Civil Cases

  26. 依照我国现行立法规定,大部分的民事案件由合议庭进行审理。

    The collegiate bench hearing most civil cases in accordance with the current legislative regulations .

  27. 此类案件现已构成法院受理的民事案件中很大一部分。

    Such cases before the Court is now a large part of the civil cases .

  28. 我国民事案件证明责任分配规则解读

    On Principles of the Distribution for the Burden of Proof in Civil Cases of China

  29. 浅谈再审民事案件改判的原则

    Remarks on the Principles of Which the Retrial Civil Cases Is Changed the Original Sentence

  30. 民事案件包含经济纠纷和海事海商案件。

    Data of civil cases include cases of economic disputes and maritime law and affairs .