
ɡōnɡ zhí rén yuán
  • functionary;public employee;public functionary;public official;public servants;public servant;functionary
公职人员 [gōng zhí rén yuán]
  • (1) [government officials]∶指政府官员

  • (2) [public officer]∶主管、指导或管理公众事务的人

  1. 这里的公职人员非常称职。

    The public officials here are very qualified .

  2. 不要丑化公职人员形象。

    Don 't vilify the image of public servants .

  3. 他表示,为了全面贯彻“爱国者治港”,公职人员有必要多了解祖国的最新发展。

    In a bid to comprehensively implement " patriots administering Hong Kong " , he added it 's necessary for people who hold public office to learn more about the latest development of the motherland .

  4. 因此,对ICE中勇敢公职人员——伟大的男人女人

    So , to the courageous public servants at ICE - men and women , great ones

  5. 这项研究的结果今天将由非营利性新闻调查机构公职人员廉正中心(centerforpublicintegrity)发布,它很可能会推高美国民众要求实施更严厉金融监管的呼声。

    The study , which will be released today by the center for public integrity , a non-profit investigative journalism organisation , is likely to strengthen public calls for much tougher financial regulation in the US .

  6. 实际上,正是g20成员国一些高级公职人员的穿梭外交,才使得庆州协议成为可能,并缓和了紧张关系。

    Indeed , it was the shuttle diplomacy of some senior civil servants of G20 countries that made the Gyeongju agreement possible and diffused tensions .

  7. 父亲RichardHeene可能因试图以虚假信息影响公职人员而认重罪。

    The father , Richard Heene is expected to plead guilty to a felony offense of attempting to influence a public servant .

  8. 在过去,g7会议使得该集团成员国关键经济政策制定者与公职人员员之间保持了紧密而频繁的私人联系。

    In the past , the G7 meetings had led to close and repeated personal contacts between key economic policymakers and civil servants of the club of advanced countries .

  9. 他在公众娱乐和公民价值观方面的理念体现于卡通电视剧《辛普森一家》(thesimpsons):所有公职人员都是骗子,而公众则是一群愚昧无知的流氓无产阶级。

    His notions of public entertainment and civic values are enshrined in the cartoon television series The Simpsons : all public officials are crooks and the public is an ignorant lumpenproletariat .

  10. 正是在这个动荡背景下,旧金山市监事哈维•米尔克(HarveyMilk),即第一个在加利福尼亚公开同性恋身份的公职人员,鼓励贝克在1977年设计一个同性恋社区的独特象征,一种能够肯定其社会独立性的骄傲标志。

    It was against this turbulent backdrop that San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk , the first openly gay person ever to be elected to public office in California , encouraged Baker in 1977 to devise a unique symbol for the gay community - an insignia of pride capable of affirming social independence .

  11. 教育腐败的主体是教育公职人员,客体是公共权力,两者缺一不可。

    The subject of education corruption is staffs in education sphere .

  12. 公职人员最常见的许多疾病是放纵所致。

    Many of the most common ailments are those of over-indulgence .

  13. 但是,一些公职人员表示,他们看到了一些积极的方面。

    But some public servants say there is a silver lining .

  14. 这让首相可以只做公职人员。

    That allows the prime minister to be just a functionary .

  15. 在公职人员受到不公平指责时指出事实真相;

    Facts are pointed out when public officers are unjustly accused ;

  16. 公职人员的职业行为与政府形象建设

    The Public Service Personnel 's Professional Behavior and the Government Image Constructs

  17. 中国治理和防止公职人员利益冲突的实践

    China 's practice in solving and preventing conflicts of interests

  18. 公职人员薪酬制度改革初探

    An Exploration of Reforming the Public Servant 's Salary System

  19. 试析我国公职人员的双重道德人格

    An Analysis on Dual Moral Personality of Government Servants In our Country

  20. 它有效的限制了公职人员的个人利益的无限扩张。

    It effective limits the officer of the infinite dilate personal interests .

  21. 利益导向机制与公职人员低薪制的位;

    Dislocation of interest guidance mechanism and low-salary system of civil servants ;

  22. 论公职人员过错责任追究制度

    On the System of Investigating Fault Accountability of Governmental Employees

  23. 预防与惩治公职人员海外洗钱的若干对策

    Tactics on the Prevention and Punishment of Public Employees ' Foreign Laundering

  24. 或该人乃以公职人员身份执行职务。

    Or in the exercise of his duties as a public officer .

  25. 因此,对公职人员利益冲突问题的研究十分必要。

    Therefore , the officer conflict of interest issues research is necessary .

  26. 但腐败的公职人员却以此来捞取好处。

    But corrupt public officials used this as an advantage .

  27. 格雷森先生决定参加公职人员竞选

    Mr. Grayson has decided to run for public office ,

  28. 关于增加国家公职人员预期收入的思考

    Thoughts on Increasing the Expected Income of National Officials

  29. 腐败犯罪动机和变形的需要结构是国家公职人员实施腐败犯罪行为的心理动力;

    Tortured material needs constitute psychological motive of corruption .

  30. 前项规定于公职人员之罢免准用之。

    The preceding paragraph shall be applied to the recall of public officials .