
zhènɡ fǔ zhí nénɡ
  • governmental functions
  1. 浅谈我国高等教育市场化改革与政府职能转换

    Market-oriented Reform in Higher Education and the Transition of Governmental Functions

  2. 奶业产业化进程与政府职能转变

    The transformation of governmental functions in the process of dairy industrialization

  3. 转变政府职能,深化简政放权,创新监管方式,增强政府公信力和执行力,建设人民满意的服务型政府。

    The government needs to transform its functions , further streamline capacity , building itself into a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people .

  4. 领悟WTO规则,转变政府职能;范式转换研究

    Transferring the functions of government ; Research on Paradigm of Transition

  5. 适应WTO要求加快转变政府职能

    Applying to the demand of WTO to quickly change the government function

  6. 政府职能的错位、越位、缺位;公众与政府信息不对称,地方政府信用问题成为我国加入WTO后面临的一个很严峻的挑战。

    Due to the lack of democracy and administrative conceptions , the dislocation , overstepping and omission of the government functions , and the asymmetry of information between the public and Government , the credit of the local governments met with a severe challenge after China 's entry into WTO .

  7. 在对问卷进行初步分析整理的基础上,运用描述性统计方法和Logistic回归分析方法对喀什地区乡镇政府职能转变的基本情况进行详细分析,这也是本文研究的核心内容。

    On the basis of preliminary analysis on the questionnaire , using descriptive statistical method and LOGISTIC regression analysis method , this paper analyzes the basic situation of township government function transformation of Kashi area in detail , which is the core content of this paper .

  8. 第二,转变政府职能,提高工作效率;

    Second , change government 's function , improve working efficiency ;

  9. 政府职能部门增值业务方面需求联络,落实;

    Government functional departments increment service aspect demand contact , realization ;

  10. 征地拆迁引发的政府职能思考

    Thinking of Government Function Incurred by Land Expropriation and Housing Removal

  11. 公法学与经济学视野下的政府职能研究

    A Study On Government 's Function Under Public Law And Economics

  12. 转变政府职能,理顺管理体制。

    Transformation of government functions , improve the management system .

  13. 转变政府职能,加快创新政府建设;

    Change , government function , quickly creat government construction ;

  14. 土地市场诚信缺失的原因分析(上)&论体制、产权、制度生成路径与政府职能

    Analysis on the Causes of Honesty Shortage in Land Market

  15. 充分发挥政府职能,保障各项措施落实。

    Develop the government working talent well , guarantee various measure implementation .

  16. 经济全球化背景下对我国政府职能的探讨

    Discussion of the function of our government under the economical globalization background

  17. 市辖区政府职能问题分析

    The Analysis of the Borough Government 's Functions and Problems

  18. 进一步转变政府职能,改善投资环境。

    The government 's further change in functions and improve investment environment .

  19. 国家与社会&政府职能转变的一个视角

    State and Society & a Visual Angle for the Governmental Function Transformation

  20. 解决政府职能的转换问题是振兴东北问题的源头、是根;

    The root is to converse the functions of governments .

  21. 转变政府职能,优化市场环境;

    Rearranging the functions of the governments and optimizing the market environment ;

  22. 西部开发中政府职能的定位和转换

    The Orientation and Transfer of Governmental Functions in West Development

  23. 政府职能转变与文化体制创新

    The Innovation in Government Functions and the Reform of Culture Management Institutions

  24. 公共服务是现代政府职能的重要组成部分。

    The Public Service is a significant element of modern government functions .

  25. 提出了我国资源型城市产业转型升级中政府职能的运行机制。

    Proposing the government functions operating mechanism of in resource-based industry upgrading .

  26. 解决这些问题要求转变政府职能,建设服务型政府。

    To solve these problems require changes government functions , build service-oriented government .

  27. 转变政府职能,优化投融资环境。

    To transform government functions , optimize investment environment .

  28. 市场经济条件下的政府职能与国有股减持

    Government Function and State Share Reduction under Market Economy

  29. 突发性公共事件的爆发打破了有关政府职能的传统认识。

    Occurrence of abrupt public affairs changes the traditional understanding of government functions .

  30. 现阶段我国政府职能转变问题探讨

    Research on Chinese Government Functions Transform at Present Stage