
  • 网络political corruption
  1. 这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。

    The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption

  2. 整件事情都透着政治腐败的气息。

    The whole thing stinks of political corruption .

  3. 正如汉密尔顿(Hamilton)所说,政治腐败是利益和野心的产物,因此不仅在他的时代敏感,在我们的这个时代同样敏感。

    As Hamilton would have supposed , the susceptibility of political judgment to corruption by interest and ambition is as operative in our time as it was in his .

  4. 一旦完成这些案子,温伯格同意继续为FBI效劳,在他的协助下就有了以揭露政治腐败而著名的阿伯斯坎行动。

    Once those cases were completed , Weinberg agreed to continue to work for the FBI , leading them to uncover the political corruption that the Abscam operation became known for .

  5. 纽波特大学的昆汀·基德通过Skype表示,麦克唐纳这样的政治腐败审判案往往来源于在美国媒体上发表的调查报告。

    Political corruption trials , like the McDonnells ' , often stem from investigative reports published in the U.S. media , according to Newport University 's Quentin Kidd via Skype .

  6. 关于政治腐败效应的争论&国外政治腐败研究的文献评述

    Controversies on Effects of Political : A Review of Western Studies Concerned

  7. 论社会转型时期的政治腐败及其治理

    On Political Corruption and Its Cure in the Period of Social Transformation

  8. 这篇关于政治腐败的文章引起轩然大被。

    The article about political corruption caused a real stink .

  9. 美国社会转型时期的政治腐败与反腐败

    The political corruption and the counter-corruption during the social transformation in America

  10. 试论美国政治腐败及其治理(1870-1920)

    A Study on the United States Political Corruption and Governance ( 1870-1920 );

  11. 正是由于这种可靠的行政结构,政治腐败几乎不曾出现。

    Political corruption was virtually unknown as a result of these sound administrative structures .

  12. adj.充斥的全城充斥着政治腐败和贿赂的谣言。

    rife The whole city was rife with rumors of political corruption and bribery .

  13. 政治腐败与我国传统文化

    Political Corruption and Chinese Traditional Culture

  14. 转型时期美国城市中的政治腐败问题及其改革

    The problem and reform of the urban political corruption in America during the period of transformation

  15. 所有马来西亚人都应负起责任,因为他们共同促成了当前的政治腐败和冷漠。

    All Malaysians should take responsibility as they contributed to the current corrosive politics and apathy .

  16. 他总是抱怨自己国家的各种问题:生活条件,政治腐败,环境污染,人口众多及交通拥堵。

    He was always complaining about the living conditions , corruption , pollution , population and traffic .

  17. 而政治腐败、社会动荡则增加了诗人的描写领域。

    And the political corruption , the social darkness gives it a deploitation for its new visual field .

  18. 一些想要到印度投资的外国公司经常因为印度的繁文缛节和政治腐败而止步观望。

    Foreign companies wishing to invest in India have frequently complained of being held back by red tape and corruption .

  19. 腐败渗透力强,政治腐败、司法腐败、经济腐败和生活腐败交织在社会生活的各个领域。

    Political corruption , judicial corruption , economic corruption and life style corruption mix up in all areas of social life .

  20. 政治腐败在伊利诺斯州已经不是新鲜事——在过去的35年里,有三位州长被判入狱。

    Political corruption is nothing new to Illinois -- three former governors have gone to jail in the past thirty-five years .

  21. 过渡政府领导人誓言打击政治腐败,数百人被监禁,其中包括谢赫.哈西娜和卡莉达.齐亚。

    The interim leaders vowed a crackdown on political corruption , jailing hundreds of people , including Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia .

  22. 目前,对政治腐败实质的认识,越来越形成了国际性共识,而事实上腐败已经成为国际现象;

    At present , people have reached a consensus on the essence of political corruption while corruption has in fact become an international phenomenon .

  23. 不加有效制约和监督的权力必然被滥用从而造成政治腐败,这是一个已为世人所知的权力运行规律。

    Power without effective restriction and supervision are certainly abused and causes political corruption , which is the power moving law known to all .

  24. 马来西亚人对自己的国家被描绘为政治腐败、闭塞、技术上无能、以及缺乏商业与危机管理技巧感到愤慨。

    Malaysians resent the way their country has been depicted as a politically corrupt backwater , technically inept and lacking in business and crisis management skills .

  25. 为了研究上的方便,我们大体上把官吏腐败划分成经济腐败、政治腐败、生活腐败三种类型。文章的主体部分在探讨官吏腐败时就采用这种划分方法。

    For the convenience of the research , we divide the corruption into three types , that is , economic corruption , political corruption and life corruption .

  26. 黑幕揭发者对政治腐败的揭露,对改革的呼吁,推波助澜,呼唤了进步运动的来临。

    The Muckrakers ' revealing of political corruption and the appeal for the reform added fuel to the fire and accelerated the coming of the progressive movement .

  27. 但是每个月仍有几百人死于非命,政治腐败依然严重,基础能源服务供应紧张,比如生活用电仍旧时断时续。

    But hundreds of people are still being killed each month , corruption is high and the provision of basic services such as electricity is still sporadic .

  28. 可惜连年战争,政治腐败,民生凋敝限制了铁路功能的充分发挥,阻碍了经济的健康发展。

    The successive wars , political corruptions and the destitution of people 's life restricted the function of the railway and hindered the healthy development of Xuzhou 's economy .

  29. 政治腐败和公正是作者所有作品中贯穿的主题,还有他对西班牙文化定位的长篇讨论。另有两部小说是以体育运动为焦点展开的&《越位》和《奥林匹克之死》。

    Political corruption and justice are themes that run throughout , alongside discourses on cultural identity , while two novels focus on sport , Offside and An Olympic Death .

  30. 政治腐败、经济衰落、思想文化的相对松弛和层出不穷的社会问题,是经世派官绅所处的历史背景。

    Political corruption , economic , ideological and cultural relative relaxation and emerge in an endless stream of social problems , by who to send officers located historical background .