
hé xīn jiā tínɡ
  • Nuclear family;core family;nucleus family
  1. 核心家庭住宅空间设计研究

    Study on the Design of Dwelling Space of Core Family Housing

  2. 尤其是在城市,核心家庭开始占据主导地位。

    Especially in the city , the core family began to hold dominant position .

  3. 它是超人、詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)、以及克利弗一家(Cleavers)那种紧凑的核心家庭的时代。

    They referred to the time of Superman , James Bond and tight nuclear families like the Cleavers , which were all part of the pastiche .

  4. 对18个NTD核心家庭进行以父母为对照的病例对照研究,计算TDT和HHRR;

    18 NTD nuclear families were analysed as case parental control study , from which Transmitted Disequillibrium Test ( TDT ) and Haplotype based Haplotype Relative Risk ( HHRR ) were calculated ;

  5. 用Morton的不完全确认条件下的分离分析方法,对141个原发性高血压核心家庭进行假设检验及最大似然估计,在IBM微机上进行计算。

    Segregation analysis was applied to 141 nuclear families of essential hypertension . The values of segregation ratio p and the proportion of sporadic cases x were estimated with the maximum likelihood score method ( Morton , 1959 ) . The calculations were performed in a IBM personal computer .

  6. 在一个大家庭里经常有很多核心家庭。

    There are often many nuclear families in one extended family .

  7. 核心家庭一般只有父母和孩子两代。

    A nuclear family consists of parents and their children only .

  8. 先天性心脏病核心家庭蛋氨酸合酶基因多态性研究

    Polymorphism of Methionine Synthase Gene in Nuclear Families of Congenital Heart Disease

  9. 我的堂表兄弟姊妹并不是核心家庭的一部分。

    My cousin is not part of my nuclear family .

  10. 包括核心家庭和血亲的家庭。

    A family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood relatives .

  11. 单列向心推力球轴承平向扩展的单核心家庭

    Single row angular contact ball bearing one horizontally extended family

  12. 传统的美国家庭是核心家庭。

    The traditional American family is a nuclear family .

  13. 这种现代化的核心家庭是较之前身更特殊的单位。

    The modern nuclear family is a more specialized unit than its predecessor .

  14. 几乎所有居住在这的新加坡人都是小核心家庭单位。这些组屋座落于各个市镇。

    Almost all Singaporeans lived as small nuclear families in these apartment blocks .

  15. 家庭基本上可分两类:核心家庭和大家庭。

    There are basically two types of families : nuclear families and extended families .

  16. 核心家庭的生活不一定总会令人满意,也可能让人失望。

    The nuclear family may lead not to satisfaction but to frustration and disappointment .

  17. 第四个也是最后一个要点是终结连锁式移民,保护核心家庭。

    The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration .

  18. 上海核心家庭亲子沟通状况及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on parent-child communication situation and its influential factors in nuclear families in Shanghai

  19. 谁说的核心家庭才是正常的?

    Who says the nuclear family is natural ?

  20. 对非常规核心家庭实践的亲属关系的考察&以翟城村为例

    On the Kin Relationships in Unconventional Nuclear Families

  21. 在像美国这样的后工业化国家里,甚至核心家庭也在变。

    In post-industrial societies like the United States , even the nuclear family is changing .

  22. 看看电视和电影里核心家庭是怎么过圣诞节的。

    Look at TV shows and movies about Christmas , the nuclear family they show .

  23. 核心家庭的这种“分裂”结果将是什么?

    What will be the result of this " splitting " of the nuclear family ?

  24. 然后他们形成新的核心家庭。

    Then form new nuclear families .

  25. 中国的核心家庭往往由父亲、母亲和独生子组成。

    In china , the nuclear family usually consists of father , mother and one child .

  26. 父亲和母亲形成核心家庭的核心或中心。

    The mother and father form the nucleus , or center , of the nuclear family .

  27. 随着传统核心家庭结构的解体的解体,更多问题浮出水面,而这些数据只揭示了人们面临的部分问题。

    Those numbers capture only part of the challenge as the traditional nuclear family breaks up .

  28. 新世纪城镇核心家庭住宅套型设计研究

    Study on the Design of the Dwelling Plan of Urban Nuclear Family Housing in the New Century

  29. 核心家庭通常由双亲(父亲和母亲)和他们的孩子组成。

    The nuclear family usually consists of two parents ( mother and father ) and their children .

  30. 很多核心家庭也正在“分裂”&因为越来越多的父母正在离婚。

    Many nuclear families are also " splitting up "– more and more parents are getting divorced .