
hé dàn tóu
  • nuclear warhead;nuclear bomb
核弹头 [hé dàn tóu]
  • [nuclear warhead] 指装有核裂变物质或核聚变物质的弹头

  1. 今年1月和3月,中国对联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)对朝制裁措施投了赞成票,分别回应朝鲜发射远程火箭和进行核弹头试验的举动。

    China supported UN Security Council sanctions against Pyongyang in January and March , in response respectively to a long-range rocket launch and nuclear warhead test .

  2. 针对朝鲜4月份发射一枚飞越日本的远程导弹,以及5月份引爆一枚核弹头的行为,联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)已对其实施制裁。

    The UN Security Council imposed sanctions on North Korea for firing a long-range missile over Japan in April and for detonating a nuclear warhead in May .

  3. 去年试射的烈火III型导弹能够搭载核弹头,并能更加深入亚洲腹地。

    The Agni-III tested last year can carry nuclear warheads deeper into Asia .

  4. 效力于意大利AC米兰队的乌克兰“核弹头”舍甫琴科日前终于以175票如愿以偿地当选了2004年“欧洲足球先生”。

    Milan 's Ukrainian striker Andriy Shevchenko was yesterday named the European Footballer of the Year , dedicating the award to the people of Ukraine .

  5. 正如巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)所说,有关朝鲜已能用导弹搭载核弹头的言论纯属猜测。

    Suggestions that Pyongyang can already fit a nuclear warhead on to a missile are speculative , as Barack Obama has noted .

  6. MCNP程序在核弹头核查中子探测技术研究中的应用

    Application of MCNP Code in Research of Neutron Detecting Technique in Nuclear Warhead Verifying

  7. 据了解五角大楼(pentagon)一份核安全防范报告的政府官员称,美国军方目前无法确定数百件敏感的核弹头导弹部件的去向。

    The US military cannot locate hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components , according to government officials familiar with a Pentagon report on nuclear safeguards .

  8. 支持这个理论的是有报告显示为此舰设计的JL-1和JL-1A弹道导弹从没有大规模生产过,配套的核弹头也是如此。

    Supporting this theory are reports indicating the JL-1 and JL-1A ballistic missile ( designed for Xia ) never entered mass production nor were warheads manufactured for them .

  9. 他也会为这些核弹头和核燃料未来在该掌控它们的人手中而担心。

    He should also fret about their future in the right hands .

  10. 核弹头泄露中子能谱的蒙特卡罗计算

    Neutron Spectrum Computed with Monte Carlo Method of Nuclear Warhead

  11. 情报人员显然地帮助了他们的科学家发展小型核弹头。

    The intelligence apparently helped their scientists build a miniaturized nuclear warhead .

  12. 具有较强顽固性的印度核弹头技术,造成了较大的社会影响。

    Nuclear warhead has stronger obduracy which induces more effect on society .

  13. 他们还在市中心找核弹头。

    They 're looking for the warhead in their cities .

  14. 用缓发中子探测核弹头的技术探索

    Investigation on detection of nuclear warheads by counting delayed neutrons

  15. 这些核弹头储存在很多地方

    There are many , many sites where warheads are stored

  16. 他们会用潜艇发射带核弹头的远程导弹把美国炸翻。

    But they have enough nukes to take us out .

  17. 这是一个在发射井中的真是的,活生生的核弹头。

    That is an actual , live , nuclear-tipped missile on the launchpad .

  18. 很明显,核弹头的引爆是一个高烈度事件。

    Obviously , the detonation of a nuclear warhead is a high-amplitude event .

  19. 它看到,巴基斯坦试验核弹头受到了制裁,随后又得到了宽恕。

    It has watched Pakistan test warheads , be punished and then forgiven .

  20. 2006年,朝鲜引爆了一颗核弹头。

    North Korea detonated a nuclear warhead in 2006 .

  21. 我们正在全力以赴寻找那颗核弹头。

    We 're putting everything we 've got into finding this missing warhead .

  22. 你不明白核弹头已经丢失了么?

    Isn 't it you clear warhead missing ?

  23. 放上所有寻找这颗核弹头的信息。

    Put all resources into finding this warhead .

  24. 而你又碰巧得到了一个因为安全措施没做好,而被人偷出来的核弹头

    and you happen to get one of those insecure nuclear warheads that exist .

  25. 我们还要继续寻找核弹头。

    We still have to find this missile .

  26. 核弹头大约会什么时候到达?

    When is the warhead due to arrive ?

  27. 导弹是单级,液体推进设计能携带一枚单一的核弹头。

    The missile is a single-stage , liquid-propellant design carrying a single nuclear warhead .

  28. 美国和加拿大就加拿大装配核弹头问题开始谈判。

    America negotiated with Canada on the question of " Canada equips nuclear warhead " .

  29. 带有核弹头的中程导弹。

    Medium range missiles with nuclear warheads .

  30. 核弹头模型的γ射线探测

    Detecting the γ Rays of Warhead Models