- 网络Nucleic Acid Database;Nucleotide Database

In the search for rye-specific and barley-specific primers , a common primer for barley and rye was found and a new sequence of rye was generated which is not in the public nucleotide database until now .
Results : The PCR product was about 700 bp in size which was in accordance with predicted 657 bp and seqencing result showed the same with GenBank 's report .
By using the program of BLAST on NCBI GenBank database , three sequences were all ACC synthase genes , coded 326,242 and 310 amino acids , respectively .
Then a local nucleotide database of Bacillus thuringiensis cry genes and local BLAST was constructed and achieved .
A Sequence Feature Based Searching System for Nucleotide Database
This chapter summarizes the nucleotide sequence database resources , provides information on how to submit sequences to the databases , and explains how to access the sequence data .
Development of Secondary Nucleic Acid Sequence Database Based on Agent Program