
hé zì xuán
  • nuclear spin
  1. HfV2Hx中扩散导致的~1H核自旋弛豫近邻无规行步处理

    ~ 1h nuclear spin relaxation caused by diffusion in hfv_2 · h_x the model of random walk to nearest neighbor sites

  2. 实验研究表明,在高里德伯态氢原子与D2的散射中,非弹性散射和化学反应散射都是重要的.在非弹性散射过程中,氘分子的核自旋是守恒的。

    Experimental results show that both inelastic and reactive scattering are significant , and that nuclear spin is conserved in the former process .

  3. 分子的完全不对称旋转和甲基内旋转可待因~(13)C核自旋晶格弛豫

    Fully Anisotropic Overall Molecular Tumbling with Group Internal Rotation - ~ ( 13 ) C Spin-Lattice Relaxation Study of Codeine

  4. 本文对负绝对温度系统进行了统计讨论,导出并分析了典型的核自旋负温系统的S和C_B的表达式。

    The negative absolute temperature system of the nuclear spin is discussed statistically . And the expressions of S and CB of typically nuclear spin negative tempera-ture system are introduced and analysed .

  5. ~(129)Xe核自旋极化转移增强分子的核磁共振信号

    Enhancement of molecular NMR signal induced by polarization transfer from laser-polarized ~ ( 129 ) Xe

  6. 这两种核自旋诱导的磁光效应都与分子的结构信息密切相关,可能发展成为综合NMR和光学光谱的新分析技术。

    These two new nuclear-spin-induced magneto-optical effects are closely related to the molecular structure and thus may be developed into new analytical techniques integrating NMR and optical spectroscopy .

  7. 激光极化~(129)Xe核自旋弛豫率的测量

    Measurement of the nuclear spin relaxation rate of the laser - polarized ~ ( 129 ) xe gas

  8. 采用BP神经网络研究C-F键核自旋偶合常数

    Calculation of Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants of C-F Bonds by A Nonlinear Model and Back Propagation ( BP ) Neural Network Analysis

  9. 反式-PtHL2X配合物中Pt&H核自旋偶合常数的量子化学计算

    The Quantum Chemical Calculation of Nuclear Spin Coupling Constants between Platinum and Hydrogen in trans-PtHL_2X Complexes

  10. 近十几年来,水和其它高极化核自旋体系中的分子间多量子相干(IntermolecularMultipleQuantumCoherence,iMQC)现象在核磁共振领域引起了极大的兴趣。

    Over the past decade , the intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence ( iMQC ) phenomena in highly polarized nuclear spin systems have attracted great attention in research community of nuclear magnetic resonance .

  11. 提出一种可同时直接测量高极化核自旋体系分子间n阶多量子相干横向弛豫时间T2,n和自扩散系数Dn的一维核磁共振方法。

    Simultaneous measurements of transverse relaxation time , T_ ( 2 , n ), and self-diffusion coefficient , D_n , of intermolecular multiple quantum coherences ( iMQCs ) were presented for a highly polarized single-component spin system .

  12. 迄今为止,可用于量子计算实验的物理体系主要有:核自旋、电子自旋、光子、离子阱、超导Josephson结等。

    Up to date , several different systems are available for the experimental realization of quantum computer : nuclear spins , electron spins , photons , trapped ions , superconductor Josephson junctions .

  13. 二键连原子间核自旋偶合常数的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Spin-spin Coupling Constant of Indirectly Bonded Atoms

  14. 扩散敏感梯度磁场对核自旋运动的影响

    Effect of diffusion sensitive gradient magnetic field on the movement of spins

  15. 用强迫恢复法测量原子核自旋晶格弛豫时间T1

    The Measurement of Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time T_1 Using Driven Recovery Method

  16. 选择照射下核自旋波函数的变换特性

    Transformation characteristics of spin wave function of a nucleus under selective irradiation

  17. 三核自旋偶合体系的磁化率公式

    The Magnetic Susceptibility Formula for Trinuclear Spin-coupling System

  18. 利用双色激光感生光栅光谱法测定127I的核自旋

    Determination of the Nuclear Spin of 127 I by Two Color Laser Induced Grating Spectroscopy

  19. 本文研究了处于扩散敏感梯度磁场中核自旋所受附加外力,并分析了这个外力对核自旋自由扩散的影响。

    The effect of powerful diffusion sensitive gradient magnetic field on the movement of spin was studied .

  20. 核自旋偶合常数的计算Ⅵ.取代苯质子偶合常数的加和性

    The Calculation of Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants ⅵ . The Additivity of the Proton Coupling Constants in Substituted Benzenes

  21. 在二维电子系统中,电子自旋和原子核自旋通过超精细相互作用相互耦合。

    In the two-Dimensional Electron System ( 2DES ), electron and nuclear are coupled with each other via the hyperfine interaction .

  22. 在慢旋转条件下,核自旋非均匀相互作用产生一系列旋转边带。这些旋转边带包含了各向异性张量的信息。

    Inhomogeneous interactions , under slow rotation , generate a series of spinning sidebands , which contain information on their anisotropic tensors .

  23. 目前,化学位移与核自旋偶合常数的实验测量值已经非常精确,量子化学从头算方法也有了较大的进展。

    By now , experimental values of chemical shifts have been very accurate and ab initio methods have also been greatly developed .

  24. 如果水分子中的两个氢原子核自旋以相同的方向取向,则称为正水分子。

    If the nuclear spins of the two hydrogen atoms in water are oriented in the same direction , it is called ortho-water .

  25. 核自旋之间的各种各向异性相互作用都能用二阶张量表示,这些张量可分解成各向同性、对称以及反对称分量。

    The various anisotropic spin interactions which can be represented by the rank two tensors are decomposed into isotropic , symmetric , and antisymmetric constituents .

  26. 核自旋晶格弛豫率以及奈特位移的实验结果显示,超导态的电子配对是d波单态配对.d波能隙函数里存在节点,使得准粒子从涡线中心漏到涡线外面。

    The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate and the Knight shift indicate d-wave pairing , which brings about the extended quasiparticle states outside the vortex cores .

  27. 海森堡模型是描述很多物理系统的有效模型,如核自旋,电子自旋,量子点和量子光学晶格等。

    Heisenberg model is an effective model to describe many physical systems , such as nuclear spin , electron spin , quantum dots and quantum optical lattice , etc. .

  28. 本文简述了固体核自旋相互作用,介绍了化学位移张量测量的基本理论,并对单晶和粉末样品化学位移各向异性的测量方法做了介绍和比较。

    In this dissertation , the theory for measurements of chemical shift tensors is described , and various approaches for NMR measurements of the chemical shift tensors are introduced and compared .

  29. 量子点系统的电子自旋会受到周围体材料的核自旋的影响,引起超精细相互作用,对量子态传输有很大的破坏性。

    Hyperfine inter-action , which induced by the coupling between electron spins and nuclear spins in sur-rounding bulk materials , plays deleterious role in quantum state transfer in spin chains constructed by quantum dot arrays .

  30. 其中最简单的海森堡自旋链被用来构造量子计算机,能实现量子计算机的物理体系有许多,诸如量子点、核自旋、电子自旋和光晶格等。

    The Heisenberg spin chain , as the simplest spin chain , is used to construct a quantum computer based on many physical systems such as quantum dots , nuclear spins , electronic spins and optical lattices .