- lepton number;leptonic charge

Assuming that the conserved currents are sources of the vector meson fields , the vector fields Z 's coupled to baryon and lepton number are discussed .
Double beta decay in nuclei plays an important role in testing lepton number conservation and neutrino mass .
The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers .
The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .
The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers . This scheme allows no room for the muon and the question arises of what to do with it .
It has generally been assumed that if there is a " fifth force " or non-Newtonian component of gravity , it must couple to some linear combination of baryons and leptons , and does not couple to photons .
Second , in order to coordinate the flavor conservation in the weak interaction and the flavor violation in the neutrino propagation , the conventional time-dependent perturbation theory is limited in the calculation of the reaction probability where the neutrino is involved .
It is proved that only lepton charge is strictly conserved and the individual conservation of the lepton number of every generation of leptons hold only approximately .