
qīng zǐ shù
  • lepton number;leptonic charge
轻子数[qīng zǐ shù]
  1. 根据守恒流是矢介子场的源的概念,讨论了重子数和轻子数所对应的矢介子场Z。

    Assuming that the conserved currents are sources of the vector meson fields , the vector fields Z 's coupled to baryon and lepton number are discussed .

  2. 原子核双β衰变在检验轻子数守恒律和中微子质量等问题上都起了重要的作用。

    Double beta decay in nuclei plays an important role in testing lepton number conservation and neutrino mass .

  3. 在反μ子衰变中,总轻轻子数和总重轻子数也是守恒的。

    The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers .

  4. 在寻找超对称时,可能存在的破坏轻子数和重子数的R宇称破缺耦合受到了充分关注。

    The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .

  5. 在反μ子衰变中,总轻轻子数和总重轻子数也是守恒的。此括号内没有为μ子留下空位,于是问题随之产生。

    The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers . This scheme allows no room for the muon and the question arises of what to do with it .

  6. 一般认为如存在第五种力或非牛顿引力分量,则它必耦合于重子数和轻子数的某种线性组合,而不应耦合于光子。

    It has generally been assumed that if there is a " fifth force " or non-Newtonian component of gravity , it must couple to some linear combination of baryons and leptons , and does not couple to photons .

  7. 其次,为了协调弱作用中代轻子数守恒与中微子传播中代轻子数破坏,通行的含时微扰论在应用到涉及中微子反应的概率计算时会受到限制。

    Second , in order to coordinate the flavor conservation in the weak interaction and the flavor violation in the neutrino propagation , the conventional time-dependent perturbation theory is limited in the calculation of the reaction probability where the neutrino is involved .

  8. 证明了只有轻子荷才是严格守恒的,各代轻子数分别守恒只能近似成立。

    It is proved that only lepton charge is strictly conserved and the individual conservation of the lepton number of every generation of leptons hold only approximately .