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  • light infantry
  1. 为的CAI课件,轻步兵类型的单位而被限制在15。

    For the sake of the CAI , Light Infantry type units have been limited to15 .

  2. 他们用自己的吃饭家伙-斧子武装起来,可以砍倒其他轻步兵。

    Armed with their tools of the trade , a large axe , they can hew down other light infantry .

  3. 一般类型:早期专业部队轻步兵是专业战士,虽出生低微。

    Light Men at Arms are professional warriors , drawn from the lower classes .

  4. 马队是轻步兵的克星,碰到马队,轻步兵就只能飞驰回自己的主阵线追求保护。

    Against cavalry , however , their best defence is to withdraw to their own battle line .

  5. 空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵。防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争

    Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons . ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM

  6. 恺撒把他的一些最精锐的部队(不肯定是不是第10军团)部署于右翼,轻步兵位于它前方。

    Ceasar placed some of his best troops ( not sure if it was the Tenth * ) on the right flank , covered in the forest , with lighter troops ahead of them , visible to Pompey .

  7. 它与HJ-8型和HJ-9型系统相比是轻量型因而特别适用于轻步兵和空降部队。

    Its lightweight comparing to the HJ-8 and HJ-9 system makes it particularly suitable for the light infantry and airborne troops .