
zì zhì lì
  • self-control;discipline;phlegm;will
自制力 [zì zhì lì]
  • [discipline] 自我克制的能力

  • 她有非凡的自制力

  1. 你应该表现出更强的自制力。

    You need to demonstrate more self-control .

  2. 当他们把消息告诉她时,她表现出极大的自制力。

    She showed great self-control when they told her the news .

  3. 他为自己工作是不会有什么成就的——他毫无自制力。

    He 'll never get anywhere working for himself ─ he 's got no discipline .

  4. 最让她的朋友震动的一点是她非同寻常的自制力。

    The thing which rocks her friends is her extraordinary self-discipline .

  5. 有两件事肯定会增强我们的自制力。

    There are two things which will surely strengthen our self-control .

  6. 因为他们没我那么有自制力

    Because typically ... They don 't show my level of restraint .

  7. 在激烈的争论中,我失去了自制力

    In the heat of the argument I lose my self - control

  8. 它降低了自知之明,消磨了自制力,让人变得放纵。

    It erodes self-awareness and self-restraint , and fosters self-indulgence .

  9. 因为他们想显示出他们在感情上有很强的自制力。

    Because they want to show that they have great emotional restraint .

  10. 严重的幻觉可能使一个人永远失去自制力。

    A bad trip can destroy a person 's stability .

  11. 我有点儿醉了,没有自制力

    I 'm a little drunk and out of control .

  12. 如果你自制力不够,或此书令你不快。

    If you have weak self-control , or feel nervous about this .

  13. 你在孩子面前本应该表现更大的自制力。

    You could have showed more self-control in front of the children .

  14. 在马尔凯蒂展现自己过于严苛的自制力时,我吃了些面包;

    I eat some bread while Marchetti demonstrates parsimonious restraint ;

  15. 他失去自制力,揍了她。

    He lost control of himself and hit her .

  16. 自制力的强弱如同天平的砝码,决定着生活的倾向;

    Self-control strength as the balance weight , determines the tendency of life ;

  17. 使某人失去自制力或非常兴奋

    Cause sb to lose self-control or be very excited

  18. 所有还活着的见证人后来都说他已经完全丧失了自制力。

    All the surviving witnesses testify that he completely lost control of himself .

  19. 你是说我没有自制力战略不错

    Heh . You just pointed out that I have no self-control.Clever strategy .

  20. 在言行上表现出明智的自制力,特别是谨慎的保持沉默。

    Showing wise self-restraint in speech and behavior especially in preserving prudent silence .

  21. 越是伟大的人就越是有自制力。

    The greater a person is , the more self control ha has .

  22. 懒惰:一只睡著的龙虾将随水流走而毫无自制力。

    Laziness : A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current .

  23. 在有压力时表现出[运用]很强的自制力

    Show / exercise great self-control in moments of stress

  24. 以谨慎、虚心和聪明的自制力为特点。

    Marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint .

  25. 京晶:马克,听起来你在某些方面缺少自制力呀。

    It sounds like you lack self control in some areas , Mark .

  26. 所以既然我有这么强的自制力。

    So since I have such strong self-control .

  27. 厉行节约、锻炼耐性、锻炼自制力。

    Practise economy , patience , self-control , etc.

  28. 她几乎一点也没有身为公主者特别需要的那种自制力。

    She had very little of that self-command which is especially required of princess .

  29. 你没有哭表示出你有很强的自制力。

    You showed great restraint in not crying .

  30. 他们和男人一样有自制力。

    They have as much self-control as men .