
lǐng xiù
  • leader;model;standard-bearer;collar and sleeves
领袖 [lǐng xiù]
  • (1) [collar and sleeves]∶衣领和衣袖

  • (2) [model]∶指能为人表率的人

  • (3) [leader]∶国家、政党、群众团体等的最高领导人

  • 改革运动的一位领袖

领袖[lǐng xiù]
  1. 谁较可能接替他担任党的领袖?

    Who 's the likely successor to him as party leader ?

  2. 这篇报道企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。

    The story was an attempt to smear the party leader .

  3. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  4. 反对派领袖加强了对政府的攻击。

    The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government .

  5. 政党领袖与该党党员在这个问题上产生了分歧。

    The leaders clashed with party members on the issue .

  6. 当地商界领袖听到这消息都感到很丧气。

    The news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders .

  7. 该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府。

    The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government .

  8. 反对党领袖要求首相宣布进行大选。

    The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election .

  9. 他作为党的领袖的日子已屈指可数了。

    His days as leader of the party are numbered .

  10. 战后该国人民不再拥护他们的政治领袖。

    The country abandoned its political leaders after the war .

  11. 人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。

    He is recognized to be their natural leader .

  12. 新领袖希望把国家统一起来。

    The new leader hopes to unify the country .

  13. 领袖和下属的成员在这个问题上产生了分歧。

    The leaders and members clashed on the issue .

  14. 反对党领袖遭软禁。

    Opposition leaders were put under house arrest .

  15. 他只是名义上的政党领袖。

    He 's party leader in name only .

  16. 这个政党希望由她做领袖。

    The party wants her as leader .

  17. 这个党派的领袖未遇反对,再次当选。

    The party leader was re-elected unopposed .

  18. 民族主义领袖们呼吁保持冷静。

    Nationalist leaders appealed for calm .

  19. 他天生是个领袖。

    He 's a natural leader .

  20. 她是个天生的领袖。

    She 's a born leader .

  21. 法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖。

    Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans .

  22. 她不该亵渎宗教领袖的画像。

    She shouldn 't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader

  23. 他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。

    He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders .

  24. 为了显示和领袖的同心同德,支持者们希望明天举行游行。

    Supporters want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their leaders .

  25. 这个异教团体的领袖把自己看作救世主一般的人物。

    The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure .

  26. 一位反对派领袖莫名身亡,引发了示威游行。

    The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader

  27. 言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后收敛了他的好战言论。

    The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting

  28. 大众媒体往往把他描绘成环保领袖。

    The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru .

  29. 他公开脱离该党,并谴责该党领袖背信弃义。

    He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders

  30. 当政治领袖到达的时候,聚集的人群欢呼起来,并吹起了口哨。

    The assembled multitude cheered and whistled as the political leaders arrived .