
lǐng dì
  • territory;land;domain;fief;manor;territorial land;hereditary estate;manor of a feudal lord
领地 [lǐng dì]
  • (1) [manor of a feudal lord;hereditary estate]∶古时领主所占有的土地

  • (2) [domain;land;territorial land;teritory]∶领土;国王、封建主、国家、联邦享有主权的土地

  • 建立天主教国家的领地

领地[lǐng dì]
  1. 处于竞争漩涡中的现代报业,如果不及时调整自己的策略,就可能丧失部分领地。

    If modern newspaper estate can 't adjust tactics in time , may lose a portion of manor .

  2. 这是因为它们不仅关系着基础教育的健康发展,而且关系着中等职业教育领地的生存与发展。

    This is because they not only relate to the healthy development of foundational education , but also relate to the manor 's existing and developing for middle vocational education !

  3. 她把办公室视为她的私人领地。

    She considers the office as her own private fiefdom .

  4. 香料群岛曾是西班牙的领地。

    The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains .

  5. 它们都曾是法国的领地。

    All of them were French possessions at one time or another .

  6. 无论你什么时候需要,都可以自由穿过我们的领地。

    You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it .

  7. “家庭”是基本单位,每一个家庭都控制着自己受人认可的领地。

    The ' families ' are the basic units , each holding sway over a recognised territory .

  8. 黑人模特正逐步涉足曾是白人主宰的领地:签约获利丰厚的化妆品行业。

    These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory : the lucrative cosmetic contracts .

  9. 他意识到除非英国至少归还一部分以前的占领地,否则国无宁日。

    He had realized that Britain could not have peace unless she returned at least some of her former conquests .

  10. 他们已经进入敌军领地。

    They had penetrated into enemy territory .

  11. 一个非常典型的例子是位于澳大利亚北领地的最偏僻的一处养牛场SupplejackDowns,这里绵延4,000平方公里,从最近的主要城镇艾利斯斯普林斯开车要花13个小时才能到达。

    One prime example is one of Australia 's most isolated cattle stations , Suplejack Downs in the Northern Territory , extending across 4,000 square kilometers , taking over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major town — Alice Springs .

  12. 但是,塞拉特说,这些蜗牛在继续向新的领地迈进

    But the snail continues its march to new territory , says Serrat .

  13. 黑猩猩会以某种方式合作,比如一同在战斗中保卫自己的领地。

    Chimps will cooperate in certain ways , like gathering in war parties to protect their territory .

  14. 在孤注一掷地闪电战中他猛冲过外国领地

    He careened through foreign territories on a desperate kind of blitz .

  15. 庄园是贵族与豪族的私人领地

    Manors were private estates of aristocrats or of distinction .

  16. 结果这句话成为肆意挥霍的一个例证在那块领地里传开了

    Subsequently , this statement was quoted widely in the colony as an evidence of profligacy .

  17. 先在自己的食物上舔一下,就可以让别人对你的食物望而生畏,或者吃蛋糕先吃外围一圈,圈下自己的领地。

    It would frighten others if you choose to lick your food or the peripheral2 circle of your cake first to define your manor3 .

  18. 另一种理论指出,因为袋熊倾向于在石头和原木上用自己的便便来划分彼此的领地,立方体形状的便便不会从石头和原木上滚下去。

    Another theory claims that because wombats tend to use their poop to mark their territory on rocks and logs , the cubical shape of the excrement ensures that it won 't simply roll off .

  19. 东莞唯一一家6A写字楼与酒店交相辉映的豪华领地。

    The unique luxury hotel , opposites of a6A office building .

  20. 另一种更古怪的传说将他们描绘成巨眼怪物(bug-eyemonster),会杀死并吃掉误入其领地的地面居民。

    More outlandish versions of the legend painted them as bug-eyed monsters who would kill and eat surface dwellers who strayed into their territory .

  21. 我们怎么才能在保持like真正有用之处的情况下防止它侵略其他词汇的领地呢?恢复使用as这个不难学的词,以及suchas,也许能使我们的用语更多样化。

    How could one preserve whats useful about like without allowing it to reduce everyday vocabulary ? The restoration of the word as , which isnt that hard a word to master , along with such as , would also be a help in varying the national lingo .

  22. Phoebe和Kato这两只猫在他们的领地上则是“分时度假”,所以我们从来看不到它们俩同时出来巡逻;

    Phoebe and Kato worked out a " timeshare " of their territory so they were never patrolling at the same time .

  23. 一旦bolg爱好者的独有领地和在线新闻网站演变成基于Web的服务和内容发布的下一代平台,会怎么样呢?

    What was once the sole domain of bloggers and online news sites is evolving into a platform for next generation Web-based services and content distribution .

  24. 赫伯德曾在微软公司(Microsoft)担任过首席运营官,并出版了《职场领地综合症:地盘之争的危害与治理》(TheFiefdomSyndrome:TheTurfBattlesthatUndermineCareersandCompanies&andHowtoOvercomeThem)一书。

    A former chief operating officer at Microsoft ( MSFT ) , Herbold wrote a book called the fiefdom syndrome : the turf battles that undermine careers and companies & and how to overcome them .

  25. 我要把你带回sabra的领地。

    I 'm taking you back to the Sabra homeworld .

  26. 国家研究集团如今已经隶属尼尔森公司(Nielsen),这样的传统观众追踪公司还在向各大公司出售竞争定位报告,它们坚决捍卫自己的领地。

    Traditional tracking companies like the National Research Group , which is now owned by Nielsen and still sells competitive positioning reports to every major studio , are aggressively defending their turf .

  27. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  28. 它的大陆领地被波黑在Neum附近的短海岸线划分成两个并不相邻的部分。

    Its mainland territory is split in two non-contiguous parts by the short coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina around Neum .

  29. 我父亲的母亲凯瑟琳(Katharine),出生于巴拉丁伯爵领地(Palatinate)上一个叫做弗朗霍芬(Fronhofen)的村子里,童年时就随父母来到了俄亥俄。

    My father 's mother , Katharine , was born in the village of Fronhofen , in the Palatinate , and came with her parents to Ohio as a child .

  30. 作为一座古都与这个国家仅存的苏丹领地(sultanate),这里长久以来培养着这些演奏,对于爪哇人来说,它为官方典礼与日常生活中的固定仪式赋予了象征性的形式。

    As an ancient city and the last remaining sultanate in the country , it has long nurtured the presentations that , for Javanese , give symbolic form to everything from official ritual to the routines of daily life .