
  • 网络matriarchy;matrilineal clans
  1. 半坡遗址位于西安城东,是黄河流域规模最大、保存最完整的一处典型的母系氏族聚落遗址。

    The Banpo relics is the biggest and the most complete typical matriarchy relics along the Yellow River valley scale , which is located on the east of Chan River , eastern suburb of Xi'an .

  2. 在此基础上,本文得出了法起源于原始母系氏族社会、原始社会规范的出现和原始习惯的产生是法产生的标志的结论。

    On this basis , the paper draws the conclusions that law originates in the primitive matriarchy society and and that the start of custom or conduct norm in primitive society signs the beginning of law .

  3. 同时,半坡文化见证了母系氏族社会。

    Meanwhile Banpo Culture witnessed the time of matriarchal clan society .

  4. 仰韶文化属于母系氏族公社制繁荣时期的文化。

    Yangshao culture is matriarchal clan commune system during the cultural prosperity .

  5. 母系氏族公社时期,人们已经能够在一定的地区长期活动。

    Matriarchal commune period , people have been able to certain long-term activities .

  6. 在母系氏族社会内,女性优先获得这种创造美的自由。

    In matrilineal society , women had taken the priority of creating beauty .

  7. 仰韶文化经历了由母系氏族社会逐步过渡到父系氏族社会的漫长历史长河,在中国古代文明起源中具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .

  8. 母系氏族社会最基本的经济单位是家户经济。

    In the maternal society , the basic economic unit is the family economy .

  9. 我国的农业是从母系氏族社会开始萌芽、发展的。

    China 's agriculture is the matriarchal society from the beginning of embryonic development .

  10. 哎,韩佳,那他们以前该卖是一个母系氏族的社会了。

    Eh , Han Jia , they must have lived in a matriarchal society in the past .

  11. 在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。

    In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge .

  12. 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。

    The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship , patrilineal clanship , feudal laird system , and socialist society .

  13. 这种观念,这种态度,只能源于母系氏族社会的母神崇拜。

    This idea , this manner , only origins from the female god worship of the matriarchal clan society .

  14. 仰韶文化早期,社会组织是以氏族制为基础的,属于母系氏族公社的高级阶段;

    Social organizations in the early Yangshao Culture based on clan system belonged to the senior stage of matrilineal community .

  15. 泸沽湖是唯一延存下来的母系氏族,我放的电影都是关于女人的电影。

    My works was " open film " . Lugu Lake is only maternal clan . I showed the women film .

  16. 要了解中国农业的起源,我们就不得不从母系氏族社会讲起。

    To learn more about the origins of agriculture in China , we will have to talk from the matriarchal society .

  17. 图腾崇拜是在远古时期就存在,而毕摩产生于母系氏族公社时期,成熟于父系氏族公社时期。

    Totemism existed in ancient times , Bimo produced in the period of matriarchal commune , mature in the patriarchal clan commune period .

  18. 在通古斯萨满教中,反映母系氏族社会三百女神神系的创世神话,表达了人类最早的人本主义思想,在人类文化史中有不可代替的人文价值。

    In Tungusic Shamanism , the creation myth with non-substituted value reflecting the three hundred goddess series of matriarchal society showed the earliest humanism .

  19. 遗址有两座同性合葬墓,分别埋着两个男子和四个女子,一般认为是母系氏族社会的葬俗。

    There are two sites gay He Zangmu , respectively Maizhuo two men and four women , generally considered to be matriarchal clan community Zangsu .

  20. 一般认为,早期属于母系氏族社会末期向父系氏族社会过渡阶段,中、晚期已进入父系氏族社会。

    Generally believed that a matriarchal clan community of early end to the patriarchal clan society transitional phase , has entered advanced paternal clan society .

  21. 这里居住着中国唯一的母系氏族摩梭族。但是全球化和城市化让这块圣地显得有点开发过度。

    This amazing land breeds the most unique ethnic – Mosuo , but the globalization and urbanization makes the sacred place a little over touristy .

  22. 这里居住着中国唯一的母系氏族摩梭族。但是全球化和城市化让这块圣地显得有点开发过度。贵州凯里

    This amazing land breeds the most unique ethnic - Mosuo , but the globalization and urbanization makes the sacred place a little over touristy .

  23. 一夫一妻制个体家庭,在母系氏族公社繁荣阶段萌芽,到父系氏族公社阶段成为独立的消费单位和副业生产单位。

    Individual monogamy family took shape in the prosperous period of matriarchal clan commune and became an independent consumptive and sideline production unit during the period of patriarchal clan commune .

  24. 它是在原始社会母系氏族时期与氏族制度一起形成的,图腾是不同婚姻集团和氏族的标志。

    Totem , together with the clan system , came into being in the matriarchal clan period of primitive society ; totem is the symbol of different marriage groups and clans .

  25. 仰韶文化时期的母系氏族文化有了长足发展,呈现出黄河流域进步于长江流域的趋势。

    The matriarchal culture in the Yangshao culture age had been well developed and the one in the Yellow River Valley was more advanced than the one in the Yangtze River Valley .

  26. 道学文化是人类唯一保存下来的新石器时代母系氏族公社时期的原生态文化,它是人类最初的文化,也必将是人类最后的文化。

    The Daoist culture is the only existing primitive culture coming down from the matriarchal clan commune time of the Neolithic Age . It is the earliest and definitely the ultimate human culture .

  27. 一个是代表原始农业的母系氏族社会,一个是代表农业、手工业、建筑业和冶铜业已有明显发展和开始的奴隶社会。

    On behalf of a primitive agriculture , matriarchal society , one representative of agriculture , handicrafts , construction and Ye Tong has been a clear development and the beginning of slave society .

  28. 舅权虽然只是从母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会过渡的一个中间环节,但在人类社会发展史上有过显赫的地位。

    Although the uncle right from the matriarchal clan community is only to the patriarchal clan society of a transitional intermediate links , but in the history of the development of human society have a prominent position .

  29. 由于秦国的母系氏族残余,婚姻关系混乱,不以同父兄弟为亲,却形成了独特的母系贵族势力强大的局面。

    As a result of Qin country 's matriarchal clan remaining , the marital relations is chaotic , take as does not depend on the brothers , actually has formed the unique matriarchal aristocrat influence formidable aspect .

  30. 本章将从母系氏族的神话、男权中心文化的崩溃、女性意识的凸现这三个方面来阐述虹影小说创作中的女权主义思想。

    From the aspects of the mythology of matriarchy , the collapse of the culture centered by male power and the arising of female consciousness , the author elaborates the feminism thought which consists in her creation of fiction .