
  • 网络Development Stage;Development;Stage;developmental stages;stage of development
  1. 去年,中国实现了消除绝对贫困的目标,进入了新发展阶段。

    Last year , China accomplished its goal of eliminating extreme poverty and entered a new development stage .

  2. 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。

    Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage , implements growth between northern and southern China .

  3. 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。

    China is pushing a " dual circulation " development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years , building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage .

  4. 目前Web挖掘的研究正处于发展阶段,需要在理论、实现方法与技术上进行更多的研究。

    Now the research of web mining is in the development stage , and more and more study should get on in theory , implement methods and technique .

  5. 而不同汇率制度对FDI的影响各有利弊,且大国经济与小国经济表现不一,一国的不同发展阶段也各不相同。

    Moreover the influence on FDI can be different in relation to the economy scale and the different stage of the country .

  6. 决策支持系统(DecisionSupportSystem,简称DSS)是信息系统研究的最新发展阶段,已成为系统工程与计算机应用领域中的重要研究课题之一。

    Decision Support System ( DDS ) represents one of the latest reflections of research on information system and it has become a key research agenda in system engineering and computer applications .

  7. 本文使用H.钱纳里的标准,以国家为基本单位,对各国经济发展阶段进行了宏观比较。

    If we use Chenery 's standards , we will , taking a country as a basic unit , make a macro-comparison .

  8. 结论CRM训练的各个发展阶段都具有突出特点和相对局限,同时在现代军事航空中有着重要应用。

    Conclusion Each phase of CRM training has obvious characteristic and relative limitation . At the same time , CRM training also has many important applications in modern military aviation .

  9. 结果表明,在TLC的不同阶段,技术动态性强弱存在差异,相应地,对于处于不同发展阶段的技术实施技术追赶,追赶者应该具备的组织学习能力也不相同。

    Main conclusions are as below : At different phases of TLC , technological dynamics is distinct , and thus , OL capabilities that technology-purser should possess differ .

  10. 通过分析质量管理的不同发展阶段,论述了集成质量系统的概念及发展,指出开发和运行集成质量系统在我国制造业CIMS实施工程中的重要地位。

    With the analysis to developing stage , the concept and development of IQS are discussed . Developing and operating IQS stands an important station in manufacturing CIMS system project .

  11. 利用时间序列分析对1992&2003年的北京房地产市场周期发展阶段进行判别研究,并将该判别结果作为训练样本,利用局部改进的标准BP人工神经网络构建了房地产周期识别模型。

    The time sequence analysis was used to distinguish the different development phases of the Beijing real estate market from 1992 to 2003 . A real estate market cycle identification model was developed by the distinguished results and an improved standard error back propagation artificial neural network .

  12. 在新的经济发展阶段,树立绿色GDP社会可持续发展观,促进人与自然的和谐,在会计界积极推行环境会计制度,加强绿色生态资源监管,显得尤为必要和重要。

    In the new stage of economic development fosters sustainable development concept Green GDP community , the promotion of human and natural harmony in the accounting profession actively promote environmental accounting system , and strengthen supervision green ecological resources , it is particularly necessary and important .

  13. 但是,由于神经生理学家目前对主视皮层V1区的了解仍然知之甚少,所以稀疏编码技术尚处于发展阶段,其在理论和应用方面的研究还有待于进一步深化和完善。

    However , generally neurophysiologists know a little about V1 at present , so the sparse coding technique is still at a developing stage , and the investigation of theory and application should be enhanced and improved further .

  14. 本文选取1985-2004年间的对外直接投资及其相关数据作为研究样本,在IDP理论的框架内,通过数据和模型变量优化,就我国对外直接投资与经济发展阶段之间的关系进行了实证检验。

    Choosing outward direct investment and other related data during 1985 and 2004 as a study sample and optimizing correlative data and model variables within the IDP hypothesis , this paper makes an empirical verification on the relationship between Chinese overseas direct investment and economic development .

  15. 高度洄游的大洋性金枪鱼类(Scombridae)是世界远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象,中国金枪鱼生产仍处于初期发展阶段,因此研究和预测金枪鱼渔场具有重要的现实意义。

    Highly migration tuna is one of the most important fishing objects of high sea fisheries of the world . At present , the tuna fishery of China is at the primary development period , and it is practically significant to engage in forecasting and studying on tuna fishing grounds .

  16. 第三是发展阶段(1977&)。

    Third , development of adult education ( 1977 - ) .

  17. 矿区经历了地槽-地台-地洼三个构造发展阶段;

    Baoshan area has passed three geotectonic stages which are geosyncline-platform-geodepression .

  18. 种种迹象表明,欧元届时将进入一个新的发展阶段

    All these show that Euro will go into a new stage

  19. 经济发展阶段划分理论研究述评

    Commentary on the studies in the division theory of economic development phases

  20. 我国教师发展阶段论及其启示

    A Review on the Stages of Teachers ' Specialty Development in China

  21. 农业发展阶段性变化对农垦经济的影响

    Impacts on the statue-owned farm of phasic agriculture Changes Development and Changes

  22. 对中国工业化发展阶段的基本判断

    Developmental stages of China 's industrialization : A basic judgment

  23. 第二,稳步发展阶段(2002年至今)。

    Secondly , stable progressing stage ( 2002-now ) .

  24. 略论汇丰银行在近代中国的几个发展阶段及其启示

    Study on Developing Phases of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Modern China

  25. 我国海洋主题公园的发展阶段及其特征

    The Stages and Characteristics of the Ocean Theme Parks ' Development in China

  26. 我国核电建设进入新的发展阶段

    A New Era in China 's Nuclear Power Construction

  27. 核心竞争力发展阶段的更替直接影响着企业的资金流量状况和趋势。

    The dynamic level of core competence will affect fund stream and trend .

  28. 混凝土结构发展阶段和我国巨大的建设成就

    New developing stage of concrete structures and achievements of construction in our country

  29. 工业化是现代化不可逾越的发展阶段。

    Industrialization is an insurmountable phase of development in the modernization drive of China .

  30. 指出了军用地面无人车辆的3个发展阶段,介绍了遥控车辆和自主车辆的组成及研制关键技术。

    The summary of three development stages of Military Unmanned Ground Vehicle is presented .