
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
  • developing country;south
发展中国家 [fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā]
  • [developing country]指经济上较落后的第三世界国家

发展中国家[fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā]
  1. 中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。

    China is the most populous developing country in the world .

  2. 中国是实实在在的发展中国家。

    China is still a developing country in every sense of this term .

  3. 发展中国家背负着巨额外债。

    The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt

  4. 发展中国家将会受到真正的影响。

    The real impact will be felt in the developing world .

  5. 应该不带任何附加条件地向发展中国家提供援助。

    Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached .

  6. 总的来说,生物技术对发展中国家应该是有利的。

    On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries

  7. 在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。

    In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing .

  8. 在那时,许多发展中国家都通过出口赚到了大量美元。

    At that time , many developing countries were flush with dollars earned from exports

  9. 这次辩论会将形成北方工业国家与南方发展中国家针锋相对的局面。

    The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South .

  10. 在目前的世界贸易洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。

    Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks .

  11. 过去,许多对发展中国家的援助计划没有得到合理实施。

    Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past .

  12. 在发展中国家女孩接受到的医疗保健服务和教育比男孩要少。

    Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys .

  13. 发展中国家的可避免死亡中超过1/4是由肺结核引起的。

    More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB

  14. 在发展中国家,5岁以下的孩子中有40%因为营养不良而身高偏低。

    Forty per cent of children under five in developing countries are short for their age because of undernourishment .

  15. 新的产品和生产工序要经过一段相当长的时间后才能向发展中国家转移。

    New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed .

  16. 劳务输出在发展中国家非常普遍。

    Labour export is very common in developing countries .

  17. 发展中国家的根本利益是一致的。

    The developing countries share the same fundamental interests .

  18. 有的发展中国家被发达国家妖魔化、边缘化了。

    Some developing countries have been demonised and marginalised by developed countries .

  19. 从经济,社会和文化方面看,大多数发展中国家都是农业国。

    The vast majority of developing countries are agrarian in economic , social , and cultural outlook .

  20. 在发展中国家,灌溉是人类废水在农业上的主要用途。

    Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world .

  21. 1000多亿美元资金摆在桌面上,来攴持发展中国家减少排放。

    More than $ 100 billion in funding has been put on the table for supporting developing nations to reduce emissions .

  22. 报告称,“在发展中国家,大多数环境问题都是由欠发展导致的。”

    " In the developing countries , " it says , " most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development . "

  23. 然而,该协议详细说明发达国家与发展中国家在其减排责任上没有正式的区别,这实际上忽视了既往的排放情况。

    However , the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions , effectively ignoring historical emissions .

  24. 他说,这些风险可以通过教育农民和消费者解决,而人类排泄的免费水资源和营养物可以帮助发展中国家的城市农民摆脱贫困。

    Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education , he said , while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty .

  25. 根据2007年的一项研究,美国在家庭福利政策方面,例如带薪育儿假,带薪病假和支持母乳喂养,远远落后于每一个发达国家,以及许多发展中国家。

    The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave , paid sick days and breast-feeding support , according to a 2007 study .

  26. 发展中国家受空气污染影响最为严重,在一些地区,劳动力收入损失几乎相当于国内生产总值的1%。

    The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world , where in some places lost-labor income equals nearly 1 % of GDP .

  27. 在福利支出方面,空气污染每年给全球经济带来的损失高于5万亿美元,而对发展中国家的损害最为严重。

    Air pollution costs the global economy more than $ 5 trillion annually in welfare costs , with the most serious damage occurring in the developing world .

  28. 对于许多发展中国家或地区而言,只要成本不会太高,这四个目标都被视为促进发展的积极因素。

    For many in the development community , the four objectives were seen as positive , promoting development as long as they did not cost too much .

  29. 但将威尼斯列入联合国教科文组织濒危名单——这一名单主要被发展中国家和冲突缠身的国家所占据将会是一个国际尴尬局面,甚至可能会伤害意大利有利可图的旅游业。

    But adding Venice to the UNESCO endangered list — which is dominated by sites in developing and conflict-ridden countries — would be an international embarrassment , and could even hurt Italy 's profitable tourism industry .

  30. 可问题在于,这是否是发展中国家最需要的。

    The question , however , is whether this is what the developing countries need the most .