
  • 网络Interior orientation;Inner orientation
  1. 从自动内定向、自动相对定向、全数字影像匹配等3个子过程论述了实现航空影像DEM全自动提取技术的全过程,并且给出了试验的结果和分析。

    All the courses of total automatically DEM extracting of aerial photography are discussed from automatic interior orientation , automatic relative orientation to total digital image matching . Experimental result and analysis are present in the end .

  2. 基于仿射变换的数字影像内定向的误差控制分析

    Error Control Analysis of Interior Orientation for Digital Image Based on Affine Transformation

  3. 目的探讨脑内定向移植神经干细胞(NSCs)治疗脑出血的可行性和机制。

    Objective To explore the feasibility and the mechanism of the intrastriatal administration of neural stem cells ( NSCs ) for treating intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) .

  4. 套管内定向侧钻技术在胜利油区的应用

    Application of directional sidetracking technology inside casing in Shengli petroliferous province

  5. φ139.7mm套管内定向开窗侧钻技术

    The Directional Sidetracking Inside the φ 139.7 mm Casing

  6. 考虑内定向误差的外方位元素精度分析

    The accuracy analysis of elements of exterior orientation considering the error interior orientation

  7. 内定向技术中基于微机的框标自动识别

    Method of Reference Mark Automatic Recognition Based on PC

  8. Aβ25~35海马内定向注射,褪黑素腹腔内注射。

    A β 25-35 was microinjected into hippocampus and melatonin intraperitoneally injected into rats .

  9. 结合多种匹配算法实现了画幅式卫星影像的全自动内定向;

    Automatic inner orientation of frame camera imagery is realized by combining several matching algorithms .

  10. 关于数字摄影测量内定向的几个问题

    Some Problems in Inner Orientation of Photogrammetry

  11. 多种匹配算法的结合在影像全自动内定向中的应用

    The Application of the Combination of Several Matching Algorithms in the Automatic Interior Orientation of Images

  12. 在所选的合金成分范围内定向实验所得的凝固组织与计算预测的组织选择图有较好的一致性。

    The microstructures from directionally solidified TiAl alloys with given compositions were in good agreement with the predicted selection map .

  13. 包括影像内定向、独立像对相对定向和基于数字影像几何纠正的核线解析。

    The progresses include inner orientation , relative orientation and geometric correction for digital images to generate the stereo epiporlarline images .

  14. 而斜平面内定向钻孔设计又可借助于垂直平面内定向钻孔的设计方法。因此,使用该法不仅解决了空间定向钻孔轨迹设计问题,而且方法简单,设计灵活。

    Therefore , this method not only solves the trace design of spatial directional well , but also is simple and flexible in design .

  15. 认为自动内定向可以看做一个全局影像匹配问题,分两步进行。

    In this paper , automatic interior orientation is regarded as a global image matching problem , which can be processed in two steps .

  16. 试验的特点是:1、计算机自动搜索框标进行内定向;

    The main characteristics of this experiment are : 1 , the fiducial marks are searched automatically by the computer for the inner orientation ;

  17. 从理论上论证了根据直接线性变换系数采用影像内定向方法进行普通数码相机方位元素解算的不可行性。

    It is confirmed that it is not feasible to calculate the orientation elements of common digital camera according to the DLT indexes using image inner direction method .

  18. 本文首先将两种匹配算法即金字塔分层匹配和基于遗传算法的影像匹配运用于全自动内定向中框标点的预匹配,再利用最小二乘匹配进行框标点的精匹配。

    This paper applies two matching algorithms in the initial matching of the frame point of automatic interior orientation and LSM is used for the precise matching of frame points .

  19. 航摄像片框标的识别与定位是进行数字影像内定向的重要环节,框标定位的速度及精度直接影响着航测数字化生产的效率和质量。

    The recognition and position of aerial photo fiducial marks are of great importance in interior orientation , and the speed and accuracy of calculation affect the efficiency and qualification of digital photogrammetry production directly .

  20. 本文介绍了在沉井上部搭台架设钻机,进行水下钻孔,孔内分层定向爆破技术。

    This paper introduces a technique of erecting framework and rig at the upper part of the caisson , making underwater boring and oriented explosion by layers within the bore hole .

  21. 相同实验条件下,相对纳米样本,纯聚酰亚胺体内电荷被注入的深度较深,陷阱中的电子被热激发后进一步向试样内做定向迁移;纳米样本则不然,陷阱阻止了电子的定向迁移。

    For pure PI the depth of charges injected into the sample are deeper in the same condition relative to nano sample , the electrons in traps transfer directionally after simulated , while for nano-sample , electrons are restrained by traps .

  22. 定向石墨在空气中的氧化实验结果表明,在1700~2200℃温度范围内沉积的定向石墨,其抗氧化性随沉积温度的升高而增强。

    Abstract : The oxidizing result of oriented graphite in the air shows the oxidation resistance of oriented graphite deposited at 1700 - 2200 ℃ increases with the increase in deposited temperature .

  23. 根据超导电流密度、穿透深度和超导临界磁场的关系,研究了超导电子对质心定向运动速度(远大于正常导体内的载流子定向运动速度);

    From the relations between the superconducting current density and the depth of penetration and critical magnet field , we get a conclusion that the velocity of the electron pars in the superconductor is more larger than that in the normal conductor .

  24. 方法将CT与脑立体定向技术相结合,在CT引导下对12例脑内病灶进行立体定向活检术。

    Methods CT-guided stereotactic biopsy were performed in 12 patients with brain lesions .

  25. BSL-3实验室内不同负压对定向气流影响的数值研究

    Numerical Simulation Study on Influence Different Negative Pressure on Directional Airflow in BSL-3 Laboratory

  26. 实验中通过交流电沉积法在AAO模板纳米孔底沉积了钴催化剂,采用化学气相沉积(CVD)法数分钟内就能快速生长定向纳米碳管。

    A faster growth method was used in this experiment , which deposited cobalt catalyst in the bottom of template by the method of AC electrolytic deposition . We grew aligned CNTs in a few minutes by chemical vapour deposition ( CVD ) method .

  27. 股骨颈骨折内固定导针定向器

    Thighbone and cervical bone fraction internal fixing guide pin director

  28. 脑内窥镜立体定向手术40例

    Stereotactic Endoscopic Operation on 40 Brain Lesions

  29. 开发了一种新的高炉含钛护炉料送入方法,即将含钛护炉料包芯线通过喷煤通道由风口送入炉内,用以定向修补炉缸、炉底。

    A new Technology of feeding wire-like material containing titanium concentrates through tuyere for protection BF hearth has been developed and applied .

  30. 为此,本研究在教育领域内探讨成就目标定向与绩效之间的关系。

    For this reason , the author probes into relations between achievement goal orientation and performance in the educational field in this research .