
  1. 内潮汐和内波沉积研究现状与展望

    Research status and perspective of internal tide and internal wave deposits

  2. 内波沉积中指向沉积构造的形成机理

    The Generational Mechanism of Orientating Sedimentary Structure by Internal-waves

  3. 明确指向沉积构造的形成机理对于内波沉积的识别具有重要意义。

    The generation mechanism of orientating sedimentary structure is very important to the recognition of the internal-waves sediments .

  4. 我国浙西和塔里木盆地奥陶系的内潮汐、内波沉积已成为该领域的典型研究实例。

    The Ordovician internal-tide and internal-wave deposits in West Zhejiang and Tarim Basin are typical cases in this field .

  5. 在现代海底上及古代地层记录中均发现了等深流-内波沉积组合的实例;

    The examples of deposits associations of contour current internal wave co effect origin are developed in the stratigraphic record as well as on modern sea floor .

  6. 深水异地沉积是指在深水环境中经重力流或牵引流搬运、改造、沉积而形成的相对粗粒的沉积物,是深水重力流、等深流、内潮汐和内波沉积的总称。

    Abyssal allochthonous deposits consisting of density current , contour current , and internal tide and wave deposits are relatively coarser sediments transported and accumulated by density and contour current in abyssal environments .

  7. 虽然内潮汐、内波沉积研究取得了较大进展,但仍存在着较多问题,如内潮汐、内波沉积的识别是该领域研究的最大难题。

    Although we have made great progress in the study of internal tide and wave deposits , there are many problems to be solved . For example , the discrimination of the internal tide and wave deposits is the most crucial problem in this research field .

  8. 水体内部的沉积作用&内波、内潮汐沉积研究综述

    A Review on Research of Internal-wave and Internal-tide Deposition in Waters

  9. 内波、内潮汐沉积研究现状与进展

    Current Situation and Advance of Internal Wave and Internal Tide Deposit Study

  10. 内波与内潮汐沉积作用的方式

    Forms of internal wave and internal tide sedimentation

  11. 内波、内潮汐沉积方面,最有矿产意义的当属由大型沉积物波构建的地质体。

    The geologic entity formed by large-scale sediment-waves is most valuable in mineral resources .

  12. 介绍了内波的概念、沉积实例、沉积特征、沉积模式等;

    The concept , instances , characters and models of internal-wave deposit are presented .

  13. 内波、内潮汐沉积在深海环境中的分布特点:一是具有普遍性;二是数量不够丰富;

    The distribution of internal-wave and internal-tide deposits in deep sea is characterized by generality , non-abundance and evident selection for layers .