
  • 网络nevada;Las Vegas;The State of Nevada;Nevada State
  1. 目前,巴塔哥尼亚每年在他们位于内华达州里诺市的服务中心修补约4万件服装。

    Currently , Patagonia repairs about 40,000 garments a year in their Reno , Nevada , service center .

  2. 因为地震之后会有余震,所以我决定开车到内华达州的拉斯韦加斯,到我朋友那住几天。#p#分页标题#e#

    Since aftershocks follow the larger earthquakes I decided8 to drive to Las Vegas , Nevada to visit a friend for a few days .

  3. 听题拉斯维加斯位于内华达州请再举出三个以字母N开头的美国的州名

    Listen , Las Vegas is in the Nevada , Name three other US states that start with letter N.

  4. 阿奇玛•普赖斯(AkiimaPrice)从马里兰大学东海岸分校(UniversityofMarylandEasternShore)休学,去内华达州的学生环境保护协会(StudentConservationAssociation)工作了一段时间。

    Akiima Price took a break from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to work with the Student Conservation Association in Nevada .

  5. 在即将在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的IBMInformationOnDemand全球大会上,该集团计划为杰出的信息治理案例颁发奖项。

    At the upcoming IBM Information On Demand Global Conference in Las Vegas , Nevada , the group plans to give awards for outstanding examples of information governance .

  6. 塞登的目标之一就是中国清洁能源有限公司(SinoCleanEnergy)董事长任宝文,任宝文从2014年开始在内华达州法院与投资者打官司。

    One of his current targets is the chairman at Sino Clean Energy , who has battled with investors in a Nevada state court since 2014 .

  7. 2004年乔治w布什(georgew.bush)曾在内华达州、科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州凯旋,但拉丁裔选民数量增加意味着这三州将倒向奥巴马。

    The increasing Hispanic vote means three States George W.Bush won in 2004 Nevada , Colorado and New Mexico are leaning towards Mr Obama .

  8. 奥迪是继谷歌公司(Google)之后的第二家公司,也是首家获准在内华达州公路上测试其自动驾驶系统的汽车公司。

    Audi is the second company , and first automaker after Google ( GOOG ) , to receive permission to test its systems on Nevada roads .

  9. 它们还要确保赌博过程中不存在欺诈,正如内华达州赌博委员会(nevadagamingcommission)所做的那样。

    They would also make sure that it was not crooked , the way the Nevada Gaming Commission does .

  10. FaradayFuture还在周一表示未来几周将开始在其内华达州工厂开工,延续其招聘热潮。

    Construction will start on its Nevada facility in the coming weeks , it said on Monday , as it continues a frantic hiring spree .

  11. 2010年8月27日,你在内华达州ClarkCounty做过什么,这件事能让你请求无罪吗?

    What did you do on August 27th , 2010 within Clark County , Nevada , that causes you to plead guilty to this offense ?

  12. 来自内华达州的参议院多数党领袖哈里里德(harryreid)是该枪支游说团体的坚定盟友。

    Harry Reid , the Senate majority leader from Nevada , is a strong ally of the gun lobby .

  13. 内华达州WesternLithium公司一度被视为特斯拉可能选择的一个潜在供应商,可惜股东最终也是空欢喜一场,该公司目前也处于停产中。

    Nevada-based Western Lithium , which has been repeatedly floated as a potentially convenient supplier for Tesla , has taken shareholders on a very bumpy ride , and is not yet online .

  14. 内华达州为Faraday在内华达建厂提供了数亿美元的税收优惠。

    Nevada has offered Faraday hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks to build its facility there .

  15. 坐落在塞拉内华达州(SierraNevada)、加利福利亚州(California),这条估计已有几百年历史的瀑布每年吸引了三百七十万的游客。

    Located in Sierra Nevada , California , the falls believed to be centuries old attract up to3.7 million visitors annually .

  16. 在内华达州测试外星飞行器时,ProjectRedlight红光计划蒙受了第一个空军飞行员死亡。

    Project Redlight sustains it first death of an Air Force pilot in Nevada during a test of an alien vehicle .

  17. 上市首日,澳门永利与总部位于美国内华达州的母公司Paradise的市账率之差约为10个百分点,如今已扩大到27个百分点。

    Its price / book spread with its Paradise , Nevada-based parent , about 10 percentage points on debut , is now pushing 27 .

  18. 新墨西哥州人口中拉美裔的比例全国最高,接近总人口的一半。它和科罗拉多以及内华达州一样,都是2012年大选中重要的“摇摆州”(swingstate,竞选双方势均力敌,都没有明显优势的州)。

    New Mexico , which has the highest share ( almost half ) of Latinos of any state in the country , is , along with Colorado and Nevada , an important swing state for 2012 .

  19. 例证A:为了更好地建设拉斯维加斯而在内华达州克拉克县(ClarkCounty,Nevada)开设的赌城,光2011年的收入就超过了92亿。

    Exhibit A : gambling revenue in Clark County , Nevada -- home to greater Las Vegas -- was more than $ 9.2 billion in 2011 .

  20. 内华达州沙漠研究所(DesertResearchInstitute)的副教授AntonyChen指出,北京的空气质量主要受到昼夜温差的影响。

    Antony Chen , an associate research professor at the Desert Research Institute in Nevada , notes that Beijing 's air quality is mainly influenced by the difference in temperature between night and day .

  21. 奥多姆——NBA著名球星,同时也是电视真人秀演员科勒·卡戴珊的前夫,昨天在内华达州一家妓院失去意识后被送往医院。

    Lamar Odom , NBA star and ex-husband of reality TV fixture Khloe Kardashian , was rushed to the hospital yesterday after losing consciousness at a Nevada brothel .

  22. 内华达州房地产经纪人安娜•克林格(AnnaKlinger)表示:房地产开发商现在后悔莫及。

    Anna Klinger , a Nevada real estate agent , says : The developers are repenting for what they did .

  23. RealtyTrac指出,美国的十个被取消赎回权情况最严重的城市都在亚利桑那州,加州或内华达州。

    The ten most foreclosure-afflicted cities in the country are all in Arizona , California or Nevada , notes RealtyTrac .

  24. 内华达州州长布赖恩·桑多瓦尔(BrianSandoval)周四表示,该州给法拉第提供了价值高达2.15亿美元的优惠。

    Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada said on Thursday that Nevada had offered Faraday up to $ 215 million in incentives .

  25. 希拉・巴杰(ShiraBadger)和查克・巴杰(ChuckBadger)来自内华达州亨德森(Henderson),两人都是35岁,都是按摩师,他们说,他们几乎没有两人同时出现的假日照。

    Shira and Chuck Badger , 35-year-old chiropractors from Henderson , Nev. , say they have few vacation pictures that show both of them .

  26. Gans退出拳击圈时还是个炙手可热的拳击好手,当时他在内华达州戈德菲尔德市击败了丹麦籍美国选手BattlingNelson,成功卫冕。

    He actually left the ring a popular winner in successfully defending his title against Battling Nelson , a Danish-American , in Goldfield , Nevada .

  27. 美国土地管理局(BLM)表示,周日,俄勒冈州开始紧急围捕行动,周一内华达州也开始了相关行动。

    The Bureau of Land Management , or BLM , said the emergency roundups , or mass capture , began Sunday in Oregon and Monday in Nevada .

  28. 内华达州官员表示,Sparks中学的老师迈克尔·蓝斯贝瑞昨天被一名学生枪杀,这位老师过去是一名海军陆战士兵,曾两次到阿富汗服役。

    Officials in Nevada say Michael Landsberry , the Sparks Middle school teacher shot and killed by a student yesterday , was a former Marine who survived two tours in Afghanistan .

  29. 这座位于亚利桑那州(Arizona)-内华达州(Nevada)边界黑峡谷的混凝土拱形重力大坝,以令人瞠目结舌的726英尺高度站立着,每年吸引了大约一百万的游客。

    Located in the Black Canyon on the Arizona-Nevada border , this concrete arch-gravity dam - which stands at a jaw-dropping 726 feet tall - attracts approximately 1 million visitors each year .

  30. 两周前,我去了Zappos位于内华达州Henderson的总部,就在拉斯维加斯附近。我访问了公司的CEO谢家华(TonyHsieh)和他的同事们。

    Two weeks ago , I paid a visit to Zappos headquarters in Henderson , Nevada , just outside Las Vegas , and spent time with CEO Tony Hsieh and his colleagues .