
shān yuè bīnɡ chuān
  • Mountain glacier;mountain/alpine glacier
  1. 位于苍山北部,比苍山主峰低800m的罗坪山发育了倒数第二次冰期(即丽江冰期),其以复合型山岳冰川的出现为表征。

    The Penultimate Glaciation , i.e. the Lijiang ice period , characterized by a couple of compound mountainous glaciers , is found in the Luoping Mountain , which is located on the north part of the Diancang Mountain , 800 m lower than the highest peak of the Cangshan Mountains .

  2. 一种新型冰川地貌&山岳冰川型蛇形丘

    A New Kind of Glacial Landform : Mountain Glacier Esker

  3. 山岳冰川的长度和厚度各不相同。

    Mountain glaciers may vary in length and thickness .

  4. 山岳冰川的能量分类

    Classification of Mountain Glaciers Based on Energy

  5. 世界各地凡山脉高耸的地方都有山岳冰川。

    Mountain glaciers are found in all parts of the world where mountain ranges are high .

  6. 这包括山岳冰川、覆盖南极洲西部和格陵兰的冰原以及北冰洋的海冰。

    This includes mountain glaciers , ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland , and Arctic sea ice .

  7. 新疆是世界上唯一环绕沙漠,戈壁荒漠分布着大量山岳冰川的特别地区。

    Xinjiang is a unique region with sand deserts and Gobi deserts and surrounded by high mountains where many modern glaciers are distributed .

  8. 山地冰川是气候变化的灵敏指示器,在全球变暖大背景下山岳冰川变化已成为当前研究的热门课题。

    Mountain glacier is sensitive indicator to climate change , which makes the research of mountain glacier change become a hot topic in the background of global warming .

  9. 新疆山岳冰川具有拦截和凝结外来水汽与内循环系统中的水汽,增加山地降水的作用。

    The mountain glaciers in Xinjiang play an important role in catching and condensing vapor from other regions and within the local water circle system and in increasing the mountainous precipitation .

  10. 冰盖全部集中在南极和格陵兰,山岳冰川的84%集中于亚洲高地和北美寒区。

    All ice sheets concentrate in the Antarctica and Greenland , and the maximal part of mountain glaciers ( 84 % ) concentrates in Asian highlands and the frigid one in North America .

  11. 各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。北冰洋的冰雪消融将会使最大的油轮驶抵那里。

    The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers , ice caps , piedmont glaciers and medium - to small-scale valley glaciers . Disappearance of the Arctic pack would enable the largest tanker to reach there .

  12. 冰川覆盖北欧大部分和北美;人类进化时期。各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。

    From 11 thousand to 2 millions years ago ; extensive glaciation of N hemisphere ; time of human evolution . The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers , ice caps , piedmont glaciers and medium - to small-scale valley glaciers .