
  • 网络ancient planation surface
  1. 四川红层地区多属丘陵地带,考虑到飞行障碍以及洪水威胁等因素,西部机场的选址往往位于古夷平面上,而且这些古夷平面保存不完全,成丘状次级地貌。

    Take into account the flight obstacles , the threat of the flooding , and other factors . The western airport on site located in the ancient planation surface which preserved incomplete and become into a dome shape sub-prime landscape .

  2. 锡林郭勒盟位于内蒙古自治区中部偏东,地处蒙古高原上,高原地表坦荡平整,起伏和缓,古剥蚀夷平面显著,风沙广布,古有瀚海之称。

    Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in central east of the alliance is located in the Mongolian Plateau , the plateau surface forthright integrity , gentle ups and downs , ancient planation surface erosion significant sand widespread , the ancient " desert ", said .