
gǔ hǎi yáng xué
  • Paleoceanography;paleooceanography
古海洋学[gǔ hǎi yáng xué]
  1. 本文对20世纪90年代后期逐渐在古气候学、古海洋学、地质学和古生物学等跨学科交叉领域中崭露头角的热点问题&古ENSO研究的前沿进展做了系统的总结和回顾。

    Studies on paleo-ENSO in fields of paleoclimate , paleoceanography , geology and paleobiology in recent decades were reviewed in this paper .

  2. 随着深海钻探计划(DSDP)和大洋钻探计划(ODP)的开展,在古海洋学领域取得了许多重大发现。

    With the development of DSDP and ODP , several important results have been achieved in palaeoceanography .

  3. 论文以大洋钻探计划(ODP)184航次南沙1143站有孔虫的稳定氧、碳同位素(δ18O与δ13C)分析为基础,研究了过去5百万年以来南海南部的古海洋学。

    This thesis discusses paleoceanography of the southern South China Sea ( SCS ) over the last 5 million years ( myr ) on the basis of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes on foraminifers (δ 18O and δ 13C ) from Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) Leg 184 .

  4. 南海晚第四纪浮游有孔虫类群变化所表征的古海洋学特征

    Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and paleoceanography of South China Sea in Late Quaternary

  5. 南海第四纪古海洋学研究进展

    Progress in Quaternary paleoceanography of the South China sea : a review

  6. 崖19-1-1井晚第三纪浮游有孔虫深度分层及其古海洋学意义

    Depth stratification of late Tertiary planktonic foraminifera and their implications of well ya 19-1-1

  7. 东太平洋下中新统氧同位素地层与古海洋学意义

    Oxygen isotopic stratigraphy and the paleo oceanographic significance in lower Miocene . East Pacific

  8. 大洋钻探计划与古海洋学的发展

    Ocean drilling program and the development of Paleoceanography

  9. 东太平洋中新世钙质超微化石及其地层学、古海洋学意义

    Miocene calcareous nannofossils from the East Pacific Ocean and their stratigraphic and palaeo-oceanographical significances

  10. 西太平洋边缘海区元素地层学研究及其古海洋学意义

    Characteristics of elements in marginal-sea strata of the West Pacific Ocean and their palaeo-oceanological significance

  11. 南沙海区更新世以来的放射虫丰度低值事件及其古海洋学意义南海南部上层水体中多孔放射虫的组成与分布特征

    Low radiolarian abundance events and their paleo-oceanographic implications during the Pleistocene in the South China Sea

  12. 这是全球网虚拟图书馆:古气候学与古海洋学的网站。

    This is the website of the World Wide Web Virtual Library : Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography .

  13. 陕西南岭碳酸盐岩的稀土元素特征及其古海洋学意义

    REE geochemical characteristics of carbonate rocks in southern qinling , Shaanxi Province and their paleo-oceanologic significance

  14. 菲律宾海盆东北部晚始新世以来放射虫及其古海洋学意义

    Late Eocene quaternary Radiolaria from the northeast of the Philippine Sea and their significance for Paleoceanography

  15. 寻求反映古海洋生产力变化的指标是古海洋学研究的重要内容。

    It is of importance to obtain proxies reflecting the fluctuations of primary productivity in paleoceanographic studies .

  16. 这一研究结果对白令海第四纪的古代候与古海洋学研究具有十分重要的意义。

    This investigation is very significant for the further studies on paleoclimate and paleoceanography in the Bering Sea .

  17. 全新世/冰期西赤道太平洋边缘海碳酸钙沉积旋回及其古海洋学意义

    Calcium carbonate cycles in the marginal sea of western equatorial Pacific and their paleo-oceanographic implication during holocene / glaciation

  18. 本文是我们近年来对西太平洋特定海域进行古海洋学研究的成果概述和讨论。

    This paper is a summary and discussion on paleo-oceanographic researches for a certain sea area of the West Pacific Ocean conducted in recent years .

  19. 海相碳酸盐和有机质的碳同位素记录,海相有机物的氮同位素比值也用以再造古生产率等古海洋学参数;

    Paleoproduction could be obtained from the carbon stable isotopic records of marine carbonates and organic matter , and nitrogen isotopic ratios in the marine organic matter .

  20. 回顾了深海底栖有孔虫生态研究的历史和其在古海洋学中的应用,并强调研究、应用中的新方法、新技术。

    This paper reviews the historical development of ecological studies on deep-sea benthic foraminifera and their use in paleoceanography , with emphasis on new approaches and new technology .

  21. 海洋风尘沉积是一门海洋沉积学、古气候学、古海洋学的交叉学科,它在古气候、古环境和现代环境研究方面均具有重要意义。

    Marine eolian deposition is a cross subject among marine sedimentation , paleoclimate and paleoceanography , and it 's important in the research of paleoclimate , paleoenvironment and modern environment .

  22. 海底高有机碳含量沉积的发现、白垩纪中期缺氧事件的认识及深海沉积中大量缺失面的查知无疑是古海洋学研究中的重大进展。

    It is obviously a great success for paleoceanography to find out widespread deposition of high organic carbon content in the Middle Cretaceous ocean ( the understanding of anoxic event ), and to recognize numerous hiatuses in the deep-sea sediments .

  23. 借用古海洋学推导古生产力计算公式的方法,利用云南滇池、洱海和抚仙湖的沉积学和生物学资料,用18个采样点的数据推导了用有机碳法计算湖泊古生产力的公式。

    By using the method of calculating palaeo productivity derived from paleo oceanography , the sedimentary and biological data from Dianchi , Erhai and Fuxian Lakes in Yunnan , the formula that palaeo productivity in a lake can be calculated is obtained from the data of 18 sampling positions .