
ɡǔ rén lèi
  • man from late Paleolithic age
  1. 人类学家在这个遗址挖掘出那块古人类的颅骨。

    The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site .

  2. 古人类骨骼DNA降解影响因素分析

    Degradative factor analysis of ancient DNA preserved in human bones

  3. 但鉴于这根股骨上有被烧灼的痕迹,古人类DNA可能没能保留下来。

    But because the thigh bone shows signs of having been burned , ancient human DNA may not have survived .

  4. 在长期的埋藏和暴露过程中,受外界物理因素、化学因素、酶解及微生物侵染等作用,古人类骨骼DNA分子将发生一定程度的降解。

    Effected by the outside physical and chemical factors , enzymes and microorganism , the aDNA preserved in human bones will get degraded into small fragments during a long buried or exposed time .

  5. 二级过程的存在对ESR法测早期古人类遗址动物牙化石年龄的影响需进一步研究。

    The effect of the 2nd-order annealing kinetics on ESR dating of ancient ( early Pleistocene ) fossil tooth enamel samples should be further studied .

  6. 在古人类学家中人类具有艺术审美观的确切时间存在很大的争论。

    EXACTLY when humanity became artistic is much debated by palaeo-anthropologists .

  7. 湖南省西北地区古人类遗址及其生态考察

    Human Sites and Ecological Survey in Northwest Area of Hunan Province

  8. 古人类骨骼中锶同位素分析预处理方法

    Pretreatment Method of Strontium Isotopic Samples in Ancient Human Bone

  9. 北京王府井东方广场古人类遗迹热释光断代

    TL Dating : Traces of Ancient Culture in Dongfang Square

  10. 鄂西-三峡地区的古人类资源及相关研究进展

    Research progress of Paleoanthropology in West Hubei and the Three Gorges Region

  11. 上新世以采的中国自然地理环境和中国古人类的进化

    Physical environment since Pliocene and the evolution of fossil man in China

  12. 中国古人类石器技术与生存模式的考古学阐释

    An archaeological interpretation of ancient human lithic technology and adaptive strategies in China

  13. 这些壁画表现了古人类的生活场面。

    The frescoes portrayed scenes of ancient human life .

  14. 这方面的分析给现在流行的关于古人类历史的说法添加了新的花样。

    The analysis adds new twists to prevailing notions about archaic human history .

  15. 从化石记录看古人类起源和演化

    The Fossil Records on Origin and Evolution of Human

  16. 中国古人类进化连续性新辩

    New Arguments on Continuity of Human Evolution in China

  17. 内蒙古苏尼特左旗古人类遗存点的发现及意义

    Discovery of ancient human relic sites in CENTRAL-NORTHERN Inner Mongolia and its significance

  18. 长江流域发现的古人类化石

    The ancient fossil human from the Yangtze valleys

  19. 成都金沙古人类遗址亚粘土层的元素特征及其环境意义

    The element characteristics in the soil layer of Chengdu Jinsha site and environment meaning

  20. 古人类学家谈劳动、性与安全

    Paleoanthropologist Talks on Labor , Sex and Safety

  21. 浅析青海地区古人类活动遗迹和古温度变化的关系

    Preliminary analysis for the relation between palaeo-human activity vestiges and varied palaeo-temperatures in Qinghai Area

  22. 上海地区全新世植被、环境演替与古人类活动关系探讨

    Researches on relationship among Holocene vegetation , environment evolution and human activities in Shanghai region

  23. 浅析中国古人类的审美意识特征

    The Aesthetic Consciousness of Ancient Chinese

  24. 试论第四纪晚期中国古人类三次迁移与气候变化

    On the three ancients remove of late the stone age of China and the climate change

  25. 而几乎所有的古人类文化遗迹中所发现的文字都是从最直接的视觉传达方式开始的。

    In most traces of ancient civilization , the writing had their beginnings in direct visual transmission .

  26. 动物群的分布和古人类的发展受古地理环境影响:早更新世早期以大型哺乳动物为主;

    The distribution of animals and the development of the ancients were affected by the paleogeographic environment .

  27. 可以说原始森林始终是古人类的首选生存环境。

    It could be said that the primitive forest had always been the first survival environmental preference .

  28. 中国古人类牙齿尺寸演化特点及东亚直立人的系统地位

    The changes of tooth size of Chinese and the systematic status of Homo erectus in East Asia

  29. 东北旧石器时代的古人类、古文化与古环境

    Ancient human , ancient culture and ancient environment of the Old Stone Age in the Northeast of China

  30. 古人类在奋力生存中发现天然产物可以用在医疗保健方面。

    Natural Products have found their application in the healthcare since the ancient man has struggled for its survival .