
quē huán
  • missing link;penellipse
缺环[quē huán]
  1. 相比之下,中国动画产业还处在初级阶段并且有着缺环断链的问题,这严重影响了动画片的收益和动画产业的发展。

    In contrast , the Chinese animation industry is still in the initial stage and has a missing link chain scission of the problem , which seriously affected the animation revenue and the development of animation industry .

  2. 人类物质生产和社会存在的本质&试论历史唯物主义的理论缺环

    The Essence of Man ′ s Social Being and Material Production

  3. 现代汉语言语交际中称谓语缺环现象研究

    The Survey of the Phenomenon of Addressing Loss in Chinese Oral Speech

  4. 现代汉语社会称呼语缺环难点的补偿策略

    The Compensation Strategies for the Loss Nodi of Social Address Terms in Modern Chinese

  5. 海岱龙山文化与岳石文化是一脉相承的,中间除有一段时间上的缺环之外,不存在所谓的“断层”。

    Haidai Longshan Culture and Yueshi Culture came down in one continuous line , without the so-called " fault " .

  6. 二,称谓语的缺环:选择称谓时的困境及如今社会上需要使用通用称谓的历史上文化上的原因。

    Second , the missing links : the dilemma on choosing address terms , and the historical and cultural reasons of using them nowadays .

  7. 通过本课题的深入,可望为中国近代建筑史研究增添一些新的资料,希望能填补这一缺环,并且深化对中国近代建筑转型复杂性的认识。

    The dissertation will add some new materials to Chinese modern architectural history and deepen the cognition on the complexity of Chinese modern architectural transformation .

  8. 汉水上游地区文化序列是白马石类型遗存&宝山文化,中间还有缺环。

    The sequence in the Han River upstream region culture is Bai Ma Shi remaining type to Baoshan culture , there are still any vacancies middle .

  9. 出土一大批相对完整的青铜器、原始瓷器和印纹陶器组合,年代约在西周至春秋阶段,填补了福建地区此阶段考古学研究的许多缺环。

    Western Zhou to Spring-Autumn period assemblage of relatively complete bronze implements , proto-porcelain and stamped hard pottery has filled in many gaps of archaeology in this region .

  10. 湖北郧西黄龙洞遗址是一处珍贵的更新世晚期古人类遗址,其首次出土了中国境内距今100~50ka的人类化石,弥补了我国人类化石在这一阶段的缺环。

    Huanglong cave site is a valuable late Pleistocene ancient human site . It is the first time that 100 - 50 ka human fossils were unearthed in China .

  11. 在此基础上,指出汉语言言语交际中独特的礼貌规范和社交称呼缺环是拟亲属称谓盛行的主要原因。

    The main reasons for the popularity of fictive use of KT in Chinese lie in the particular polite norms required in social address behavior and the fact of lack of social address forms in verbal communication .

  12. 在言语交际中交际双方或一方不知道如何称呼另一方的现象就是缺环,在现实生活中主要是生人交际会出现这样的情况。

    In oral communication , the phenomenon that two sides or one side don 't know how to address the other is the calling loss , which usually takes place in the communications between the two strangers .

  13. 针对目前女性社会称谓语缺环的情况,我们提倡使用一些肢体语言如微笑、点头示意等,以及一些礼貌性的问候语如:你好、您好、请问

    In view of this situation , we propose to use some body language , such as a smile , a nod , as well as some made polite words such as : " Hello ", " I would like to ask * "