
  • 网络shortage cost;Stock-out cost;stockout costs
  1. 生产-分销物流系统中考虑缺货成本时的存贮路径问题研究

    Research on the inventory routing problem of manufacturing-distribution systems with shortage cost

  2. 其次将车辆路径问题结合了的车辆招募成本和缺货成本进行研究,并用算例进行了模型验证。

    Next , combined the Vehicle Scheduling Problem with vehicle recruiting cost and the shortage cost are studied , and also justified it by a numerical example .

  3. 奖励与缺货成本、赶工成本的应对策略;

    The relationship between the reward and the stock cost ;

  4. 评估准则为最小化维持及缺货成本。

    The criteria are to minimize maintenance and shortage costs .

  5. 最后,分析了最优期权执行量与四个相关因素的关系。这四个因素为:分销商单位缺货成本,分销商出售产品的单价,期权的执行价格,以及期末分销商手中过剩成品的单位残值。

    Finally , we discuss the relationship between the optimal exercise options units and four related facts .

  6. 供应链分销网络的成本主要由固定成本、运输成本、存货成本和缺货成本组成。

    The distribution costs comprise four items : fixed costs , transportation costs , inventory holding costs and backordering costs in the supply chain .

  7. 因此维修服务系统又有自身的两个特点:备件需求波动量大和缺货成本很高。

    So , maintenance service systems have two own peculiarities : a wide range of fluctuating of demands of spare part and high cost of outing of stock .

  8. 流程式生产企业备件供应的一个重要特点是单位时间缺货成本较高,这个特点决定了缺货备件的供应必须在较短的时间内完成。

    The spare parts of process-oriented manufacturing enterprises have the important character of high shortage costs , which determines that spare parts must be supplied as soon as possible .

  9. 数值研究表明,在多数情况下,尤其是在缺货成本相对于持有成本不是很高的情况,三种启发式算法都可以得到良好地近似值。

    Numerical studies have shown that in most cases , especially in the shortage cost is not very high , all three heuristics can obtain the good approximate value .

  10. 在模型的建立过程中用服务水平限制条件代替了缺货成本,避免了由于估算缺货成本导致的误差,从而建立了有约束条件的总成本优化模型。

    We use the service level to replace the shortage cost , which avoid the deviation caused by rough calculation , and then we build an optimal model with constraint .

  11. S公司是一家跨国集团的中国公司总部,存在库存持有成本高、周转率低、缺货成本高和呆滞品库存高等问题。

    S company is China headquarters of a multinational company and has problems including high Inventory Carrying Cost , low turnover rate , high stock out cost and high excess stock .

  12. 基于分类的库存决策模型适用于在缺少单位备件缺货成本参数条件下的订购点与订购批量决策。

    Classification based inventory decision on reorder point and order quantity can be properly made even when the enterprise can not measure unit backorder cost , which is usual in spare-part inventory management .

  13. 并且在需求、库存持有成本、缺货成本、利息率、缺陷率均为模糊数的情况下,建立了实现企业成本最小化的经济订货批量模型。

    And with the demand , inventory holding costs , defect costs , interest rate , and defect rate are fuzzy numbers , a fuzzy EOQ model was established to achieve the minimum cost .

  14. 以单位库存持有成本和单位缺货成本的比值M为拉格朗日系数,应用拉格朗日乘数法求解该模型,并应用边际理论说明了M的实际意义。

    Using the ratio of unit holding cost and cost per shortage occasion M as multiplier , Lagrange multiplier method is applied to solve the problem . The specific meaning of M is also given .

  15. 接下来以经典报童模型为基础,加入残值、缺货成本因素,滞销成本等因素。根据易逝品的特点,建立了单个供应商和单个零售商之间的供应链回购契约模型。

    Based on classic newsboy model , by including such factors as shortage cost , residual and stock out loss , the paper builds up the single-product supply chain consisting of one supplier and one retailer .

  16. 在研究库存模型时,将缺货成本按缺货原因分成一级缺货成本和二级缺货成本,这是对库存理论中缺货成本形式的扩充。

    When researching the inventory models , we make the lacking cost divided into the one-level-lack-cost and the two-levels-lack-cost according to the lacking reasons , this will be an expansion to the lacking cost in inventory theory .

  17. 电信物资具有类别多、规格杂、需求变化快、随机性大、价格变动频繁、保值能力低、缺货成本极高等特点。

    Telecommunication goods and mate-rials are characterized by the various categories , different specifications , quick changes in demands , wide randomness , frequent changes in prices , low hedging capacity and high cost of out-of-stock goods .

  18. 根据成品油经销企业在油价跌势时期的经营情况,把总存货成本划分为存储费用、风险成本、资金成本、缺货成本和订货费用5项。

    Based on the operation of refined oil companies during the oil price declining period , the total stock cost is divided into storage cost , risk cost , capital cost , OOS cost and ordering cost .

  19. 结果表明:风险较大(小)的市场、较高(低)的能力投资成本和较低(高)的缺货成本将使得供应链管理者推迟(提前)其扩大能力决策的实施。

    The results show that a more ( less ) risky market , a higher ( lower ) capacity investment cost , or a lower ( higher ) out of stock cost is likely to postpone ( advance ) the implementing of capacity expansion .

  20. 建立了具有缺货成本的供应链收入共享契约协调的随机期望值模型,推导了实现分散供应链协调的收入共享契约参数之间的关系,分析了收入共享机制在改进供应链整体运作绩效方面的作用。

    The random expected value model of revenue-sharing contract coordination in supply chain with underage cost is developed and the relation between revenue-sharing contract parameters for coordinating decentralized supply chain is educed , and the effect of revenue-sharing mechanism for improving the operational performance of entire supply chain is analyzed .

  21. 通过对我国高新技术产业和高新技术企业产品的研究,我们发现高新技术企业产品的生命周期短、需求难以预测、产生缺货时缺货成本很高。

    After study the high-tech enterprise and the product , we find that the product life cycle of the high-tech enterprise is short ; it is difficult to forecast demand ; the product shortage cost is high .

  22. 缺货损失高于补货成本的易逝品供应链协调

    Supply Coordination for Perishable Commodities with Goodwill Cost More than Replenishing Cost

  23. 供应链库存控制策略制定时,下游厂商考虑到正常订货与紧急订货,可以减少缺货损失,降低成本。

    If down-stream enterprises consider common procurement and urgent purchase , shortage cost will be decreased .

  24. 本文研究了缺货损失高于补货成本易逝品的供应链契约。

    This paper studied supply contracts for perishable commodities with goodwill cost more than replenishing cost .

  25. 有效的计划使原材料和包装材料的库存保持在低库存水平但不会因此而缺货从而节约生产成本。

    Effective planning to keep RM and PM inventories low with avoiding any stock outs to save on working capital .

  26. 通过数据分析讨论提前期的压缩对于通用件安全库存、缺货率和总成本的影响。

    The effects of controllable lead time on component commonality safety stock , shortage rate and total cost are discussed through the data analysis .

  27. 论文运用系统的方法和量本利分析方法,综合考虑生产成本、运输成本、订货成本、缺货损失等费用成本,提出了供应链弹性数量契约优化模型和供应链弹性数量契约求解模型。

    Afterwards , the thesis has proposed and proved the optimizing quantity flexibility models of supply chain , with the systematic method and favorable analytical quantity method , after considering the expenses cost , such as production cost , transportation cost , order cost , loss in short supply , etc.