
  1. 缺货损失高于补货成本的易逝品供应链协调

    Supply Coordination for Perishable Commodities with Goodwill Cost More than Replenishing Cost

  2. 供应链库存控制策略制定时,下游厂商考虑到正常订货与紧急订货,可以减少缺货损失,降低成本。

    If down-stream enterprises consider common procurement and urgent purchase , shortage cost will be decreased .

  3. 本文研究了缺货损失高于补货成本易逝品的供应链契约。

    This paper studied supply contracts for perishable commodities with goodwill cost more than replenishing cost .

  4. 而要降低库存,减少缺货损失,就需要采用合理的采购计划模式。

    And to reduce inventory , reducing the loss of out of stock , needs to adopt the reasonable purchasing plan mode .

  5. 二是平均库存;三是期望费用(包括库存持有费用和缺货损失费用)。

    We analyze the value from three aspects : ordering strategy , average inventory and expected cost ( including inventory holding and shortage cost ).

  6. 在仓库容量有限条件下存贮管理中,总损失费用主要包括订货费、存贮费和缺货损失费。

    The total cost includes the ordering cost , storage cost and back-order loss in the storage management which under the condition of limited warehouse capacity .

  7. 研究结果表明期权订货量与损失规避系数、缺货损失等参数密切相关,订货量的多少取决于期望缺货损失和期望剩余损失之间的权衡。

    The study shows that the order quantity under loss aversion is affected by the loss aversion coefficient , and the shortage cost . and depends on trade-off between expected stock-out loss and expected overstocking loss .

  8. 该模型是建立在模拟出机器零件磨损情况的基础上,利用概率统计的知识,通过对备件预期储备费用和缺货损失进行分析确定出备件采购日期和采购数量。

    Based on the simulating model of machine component wear and probability theory , the TPIM optimizes both anticipated holding cost and shortage cost , while making the right decision of purchasing date and quantity of spare parts .

  9. 仓单质押模式与保兑仓模式下风险中性型决策者的最优订货量随商品缺货损失、商品处理价、商品回购价、商品零售价的增加而增加,随商品批发价的增加而减少。

    The optimal order quantities of risk neutral decision-makers increases with the increase of commodity stock loss 、 Reduced Price 、 Repurchase Price 、 Retail Price . decrease with the increase of commodity Whole Price under Warehouse Receipts Pledge and Confirmed warehouse .

  10. 该模型反映了缺货损失与余货损失的不对称特征,它与传统模型相比,省略了方差的计算,避开了传统模型中双目标综合上的困难。

    This model reflects the asymmetric characteristic between the loss of being out of stock and the loss of surplus stock . As compared with the traditional model , this model leaves out compute on variance and avoids the difficulty on unifying the dual objective of traditional model .

  11. 分析了储备费用,缺货损失与服务水平之间的关系,研究了在管理财务决策中,增加储备而带来的费用增加和提高服务水平相比较,是否合算。

    This paper analyses the relationship between the cost of carrying inventory , the loss in out of stock and the service level , The increasing of inventory will bring about a higher service level , but it will increase the cost . Is it worthwhile to do it ?

  12. 论文运用系统的方法和量本利分析方法,综合考虑生产成本、运输成本、订货成本、缺货损失等费用成本,提出了供应链弹性数量契约优化模型和供应链弹性数量契约求解模型。

    Afterwards , the thesis has proposed and proved the optimizing quantity flexibility models of supply chain , with the systematic method and favorable analytical quantity method , after considering the expenses cost , such as production cost , transportation cost , order cost , loss in short supply , etc.

  13. 为使潜在的仓库积压和产品缺货的损失最小,首先确定了最优的产品供货量,然后建立了一个确定性的混合整数规划模型。

    In order to minimize the expected loss of overstock and shortage , first of all the optimal supply is determined , and then a mixed integer linear programming model under certainty is built .