
tóu zī zǒnɡ é
  • Total investment;total amount of investment;aggregate investment
  1. 如果其他所有人都这样做,投资总额将下降,且随着利润和收入的下降,他们的悲观预期将最终自我实现(self-fulfilling)。

    If all others do the same , aggregate investment declines and their pessimism is self-fulfilling as profits and incomes fall .

  2. 投资总额将达到多少?

    How much would the total amount of investment come to ?

  3. RBF神经网络在安徽省固定资产投资总额预测中的应用

    Simulation and prediction of Anhui 's fixed assets investment total based on RBF neural networks

  4. 政府投资总额(包括联邦政府、州政府和地方政府)占GDP的比重并没有上升。

    There was no rise in overall government investment ( i.e. federal , state , and local ) spending as a share of GDP .

  5. 日本央行(BankofJapan)的数据显示,2009年,日本对外直接投资总额下滑了47%,但对华直接投资仅减少3%。

    Total foreign direct investment from Japan fell by 47 per cent in 2009 , according to Bank of Japan data , but the amount going to China only dropped by 3 per cent .

  6. 由于FDI在撒哈拉以南非洲、欧洲中亚和拉丁美洲的投资总额中所占比例高达20%,影响会很严重。

    This has serious implications , as FDI represents as much as20 percent of total investment in Sub-Saharan Africa , Europe and Central Asia , and Latin America .

  7. 十一五期间环保投资总额预计将达到13750亿元,约占同期GDP(国内生产总值)的1.6%左右。

    During the years of " 11th five-year plan ", the total amount of environmental protection investment is expected to reach 1,375 billion yuan , accounting for approximate 1.6 percent of GDP at that time .

  8. 运用协整理论对辽宁省鞍山市固定资产投资总额、建筑安装投资总额和GDP之间关系进行研究。

    The relation between the total investment in fixed assets , the total investment in construction and installation and GDP of Liaoning province Anshan is studied by using co-integration , and establishes a dynamic equilibrium model .

  9. 作为一个颇为开放的经济体,去年固定投资总额在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占的比例为43%,从中期看,很难找出对中国经济增长构成明显制约的因素。

    With a remarkably open economy and gross fixed investment at 43 per cent of gross domestic product last year , it is hard to identify significant constraints on China 's growth in the medium term .

  10. 国内投资总额(简写为GDI):一个国家增加的固定资产开支,加上存货变动的净值。

    Gross domestic investment - GDI : Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes .

  11. 文章的研究发现,GDP水平、社会固定资产投资总额、上市首日超额回报率以及股票月份日均交易量与IPO数量波动正相关;

    The empirical research finds that IPOs positively relate with GDP , total society fixed asset investment , stock exchange volumes and first day abnormal return rate , and negatively relate with stock exchange amount without significance in statistics .

  12. 对于一些长期封闭、如今对外资开放程度前所未有的经济体而言,出现此类反应或许可以理解,尤其是中国,其外商直接投资总额相当于国内生产总值(gdp)的28%。

    Such reactions are perhaps understandable in long - closed economies that have opened up to foreign capital as never before : most dramatically so in China , whose foreign direct investment stock now equals 28 per cent of gross domestic product .

  13. 根据普华永道(PwC)的数据,去年中国对外投资总额约为380亿美元&大约占整个地区的四分之一。

    Last year , about $ 38bn in outward bound investment came from China , according to data from PwC – about a quarter of the total for the region .

  14. 以1987~2002年期间作为分析研究的主要时段,选用了GDP、人口、固定资产投资总额等反映经济发展的主要因素指标,对江苏省耕地面积变化与经济增长的关系进行分析研究。

    Based on the major economical indexes such as GDP , population , total investment of fixed assets of Jiangsu Province during the period of 1987 ~ 2002 , this paper makes an analytical study on the relationship between land area variation and economic growth .

  15. 根据灰色关联分析发现,约束民族地区产业结构演进的主要因素是城镇人均可支配收入,其次是人均社会固定资产投资总额、人均社会消费品零售总额与人均GDP。

    According to the gray relational analysis , the main factors constraint the industrial structure development is the evolution of urban per capita disposable income , followed by the total social fixed assets investment per capita , per capita retail sales and per capita GDP .

  16. 文章选取固定资产投资总额、劳动力作为投入变量,地区生产总值、地方财政预算内收入、职工工资总额作为产出变量,运用DEA分析法对中国城市经济效率进行了研究。

    In this paper DEA method is applied to estimate economic efficiencies of Chinese cities , taking fixed asset investment and labor force as input factors , and GDP , local government budgetary income and total wages of workers and staff as output variables .

  17. 利用该模型调节全社会投资总额和居民人均消费水平,其结果表明提高消费是增强经济发展的内在动力。4、提出了一种基于改进型的混沌遗传优化SVM经济预测算法。

    The model is applied to adjust the total social investment and per capita consumption level . The simulation results show that the consumption increasing is the intrinsic motivation of the economic development . ( 4 ) We propose an improved optimization algorithm for the SVM economic forecasting .

  18. 采用Holter-Winter非季节指数平滑模型、GM(1,1)模型和分段线性回归模型,对江苏省1978~2005年的全社会固定资产投资总额进行研究。

    Investment in fixed assets of the whole society in Jiangsu province from 1978 to 2005 were studied by adopting Holter-Winter no seasonal exponential smoothing model , GM ( 1,1 ) model and linear regression model in section .

  19. 合营公司的投资总额为____美元。

    The registered capital for the joint venture company is v.s.dollars .

  20. 去年双向投资总额超过220亿美元。

    Total two-way investment exceeded 22 billion dollars last year .

  21. 全社会固定资产投资总额(亿元)

    Total Investment in Fixed Assets ( 100 million yuan )

  22. 此举使壳牌在中国的投资总额翻了一翻。

    At a stroke doubling our investment commitment in china .

  23. 第三章投资总额和注册资本

    The Total Amount of Investment and The Registered Capital

  24. 此外,与需要再融资的债务相比,本轮投资总额也相当小。

    Also , sums are tiny compared with the debts that need refinancing .

  25. 至少占投资总额的50%。

    It should at least account for 50 % of the total investment .

  26. 银行放款总额:一个银行的投资总额。

    Bank exposure : The total of all investments made by a Bank .

  27. 他们将会投资总额达五亿美元给这家公司。

    They are investing a total of five hundred million dollars in the company .

  28. 其投资总额为4000万欧元,西门子是主要股东。

    Its total investment is 40 million Euro , Siemens is the major shareholder .

  29. 据巴西官员估计,去年中国对巴西的投资总额可能高达100亿美元。

    Brazilian officials have estimated that Chinese investment could have reached $ 10bn last year .

  30. 但是殷皓并没有给出投资总额的相关细节,也没提到增加的科普人才的培训渠道。

    But Yin gave no details about the overall funding and training channels for the increase .