
tóu piào fǎ
  • laws and regulations governing balloting
  1. 目前已经提出许多分布式数据库提交协议,尽管这些协议都能保证分布式事务ACID特性,但基本采用的是投票法的一票一次性否决规则。

    ( b ) Now , many DDBS protocol have been researched , but these protocol adopted basically " one vote one-off veto " of voting means .

  2. Fisher理论和多数投票法相结合的数据融合算法

    Combination Method of Fisher Theory and the Majority of Voting for Data Fusion

  3. 实验以SVM为基分类器,以简单投票法和加权投票法为综合分类器来实现五官各子区域的组合识别。

    The experiment uses the SVM as base-classifier , simple voting and weighted-voting methods as integrated classifier to realize the combination recognition of five sub-regions .

  4. 考虑Katz平滑的插值算法根据trigram单元的可信度来分配权值。基于可信度的投票法

    An interpolation method considering Katz smoothing computes weights according to the confidence score of a trigram . Voting by Confidence

  5. 通过实验验证了投票法和改进的投票法的各项优点;引入QUEST算法,并对该方法进行了实验验证。

    Finally , The result of final experiments validated many advantages of the voting method and the improved voting method ; also introduced the basic idea of QUEST algorithm which is most popular , and validated the method by experiments . 4 .

  6. 同时,对Bogdanov的三元投票法进行了改进,使碰撞检测的效率大大提高。

    Then , we improve the trinary voting test of Bogdanov , which can increase the efficiency of collision detection . 6 .

  7. 他倡议的新办法,是两次投票法。

    The procedure he created was a two-tier ballot .

  8. 当孩子对你失去了信任基于可信度的投票法

    Children lose confidence in you at the time

  9. 基于可信度的投票法串联系统精确置信下限计算和奇点消除

    Voting by Confidence Exact Lower Confidence Limits of Series Systems and Erasing Unreasonable Results

  10. 最后通过投票法对这些基分类器进行集成,从而得到一个好的集成分类器。

    Then , majority voting is used to obtain the a good ensemble classifier .

  11. 最后,通过多数投票法实现神经网络集成分类。

    Finally , classification based on neural network ensemble can be implemented by combination with vote rule .

  12. 奥巴马呼吁参议员,如果需要的话,以简单多数投票法通过医保改革法案。

    Barack Obama called on senators to pass health-care reform by a simple majority vote if need be .

  13. 集成学习方法通过同时构造多个学习器,然后对各学习器的分类结果使用投票法得到分类结果。

    Integrated learning method can get classification results by constructing many learners to make a vote on classification results .

  14. 可信度投票法不仅使用了基分类器输出的类别,还使用了输出的可信度。

    The method of voting by confidence exploits not only the label but also the confidence outputted by base classifiers .

  15. 依照传统的决策融合算法如多数投票法,各子模块的识别结果被同等看待,忽视了识别结果信心的差异。

    The traditional decision fusion algorithms such as majority voting treats the recognition result of each partition equally and the confidence differences in the partition recognition results are ignored .

  16. 训练好各个分类模型以后,将待识别数据分别输入,最后根据绝对多数投票法决定最终分类结果。

    The class label of the identifying data can first be evaluated by each neural network , and the final classification result is obtained according to the absolute-majority-voting rule .

  17. 选举权必须普及而平等,并应以无记名投票法行之,以保证选民意志之自由表现。

    Such elections shall be run by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot , guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors .

  18. 今天,最高法院以5票赞成、4票反对的结果推翻了相关内容,法官表示,国会需要更新条款,以决定哪些州和地区在更改投票法之前要得到事先批准。

    In a 5-4 ruling today , the justices said Congress needed to update its formula for deciding which states and localities still require pre-approval before changing voting laws .

  19. 结果表明,该方法优于多数投票法和单个分类算法,其对弱分类器组成的分类器集合尤其有效。

    Experiments on five datasets from the UCI repository show that , OLA outperforms the individual base learner and majority voting when base learners are not capable enough for the given task .

  20. 采用0-1型投票法对禾本科和阔叶类杂草发生年型作判别分析,预报总体准确率分别为81.8%和100%。

    Using a ballot 0-1 type ways to occurrence year-type of grass weeds and broad leaved weeds were discriminate analysis , overall , rates of predictive accurate were 81.8 % and 100 % respectively .

  21. 本文用线性规划来确定模糊测度,并且用例子说明模糊积分融合方法要优于乘积法、最大值法、多数投票法、加权平均法等简单的融合方法。

    This paper presents a linear optimization problem and to determine fuzzy measures , there is a example to demonstrate the fact that the fuzzy integral method is better than the product method , maximum method , majority vote method and weighted mean method .

  22. 考虑到多标签分类的特殊性,本文采用了一对一分解策略,将原始数据分解为多个两类双标签子集分别训练,然后将其结果使用投票法进行组合,最终完成多标签分类。

    Considering the specificity of multi-label classification , one versus one decomposition policy is used to decompose the multi-label problem into several binary class double label classification sub-problems . The voting technique is used to combine the results to solve the multi-label classification problems .

  23. 该算法采用投票表决法来联合小波系数选取中的多个判据,并综合考虑小波系数的选取。

    This new method adopts the majority voting to synthesis plural decision criteria to select the wavelet coefficients for fusion .

  24. 拉法迪是聚集在一起对政府施压通过1965年投票权法的成千上万男女其中的一人。

    Lafayette was one of the thousands of men and women who rallied together to help pressure the government to pass the 1965 voting rights act .

  25. 对图像进行二维连续小波变换后,直接对各个分解层的正的小波系数或负的小波系数利用阈值法初步确定图像的边缘点,然后利用投票选举法综合各个尺度的边缘信息。

    Two-dimension continuous wavelet transform was done to original image . Threshold method was done directly to positive or negative wavelet coefficients in every level so as to determine primary edge points .

  26. 由调度专家经验知识获取调度规则知识,并采用投票表决法解决规则知识的冲突,在实现知识融合的同时获得规则知识的可信度;

    The system acquires standardized attributes knowledge from bidding documents and knowledge of scheduling rules from experience of scheduling experts . By means of balloting , it solves the conflict among scheduling rules to achieve fusion of knowledge .

  27. 俄罗斯对此表示支持并称投票受到国际法保护,允许一个地区自身管理,因为俄罗斯还支持在上个月乌克兰推翻前总统以来已经在克里米亚的团体,但美国和其他国家希望惩罚俄罗斯。又到了大喊答题的节目环节。

    Russia supports the vote and says it 's protected by international law , allowing a region to govern itself , because Russia also supports troupes who 've been in Crimea since Ukraine ousted its former president last month , the U.S. and other nations want to penalize Russia . Time for the " Shoutout . "

  28. 在伊利诺伊州,一部新法律实施,允许公民在选举日当天在投票站注册投票,该法延长了提前投票时间,这为工薪人士和忙着带孩子的父母们提供了方便。

    Here in Illinois , a new law allows citizens to register and vote at the polls on Election Day . It also expands early voting , which makes it much easier for working folks and busy parents .

  29. 为了便于广大选民行使自己当家作主的权利,边区还在投票方法上创造了适合农村居住特点、不同选民文化程度、不同时间参与投票的票选法,保证大多数人能够参加到选举中来。

    To facilitate the masters of voters to exercise their voting rights , the Border created various voting ways and ensured the majority of people taking part in the elections .

  30. 麦克唐纳说,如果那些不允许提前投票的州的选举官员难以应对大批的选民,可能会推动一项全国范围的提前投票法出台。

    Michael McDonald says that if election officials in states that do not offer early voting are overwhelmed by high turnout , it could increase the momentum for a national early voting law .