
  • 网络group evaluation;Group assessment;Small-Group Evaluation;Group Appraisal
  1. 评价过程中,师范生自我效能感的高低很大程度上影响自我评价和小组评价。

    In the evaluation process , the students ' self-efficacy significantly affect the level of self-evaluation and group evaluation .

  2. 研究小组评价说,1918年流感病毒的“R0”值为2~4。

    The team evaluated that the 1918 virus had an ' R0 ' value of 2 to 4 .

  3. 最后在教学评价方面摒弃从前单一的笔试的评价方式,通过自评、师评和小组评价来完成教学内容的考核,从而大大提高了学生学习的积极性,也有助于学生综合能力的提高。

    Finally , we abandoned a single written test evaluation , through self-assessment , teacher assessment and evaluation team to complete the assessment of teaching content .

  4. 以农民经验小组方法评价奶牛饲料的应用价值

    Evaluation of the Value of Feeds for Dairy Cows with Farmers ' Experiences

  5. 然后,一个多学科小组会评价这些的重要性和适合性。

    These would then be judged by a multi-disciplinary panel for importance and appropriateness .

  6. 在调查中,女性的反应被拍摄下来,有13位女性组成的评判小组进行评价。

    The women 's reactions were filmed and then judged by a panel of13 other women .

  7. 为了保证互评的可靠性,要保持学习小组与评价小组的一致;

    In order to assure the reliability of assessing each other , we should keep the learning teams consistent with the assessing teams ;

  8. 方法:由临床医师、药师、护理人员发现并填写报告,经医院ADR监察小组专家分析评价。

    Methods : The cases of ADR were reported by physicians , pharmacists , and nurses , and then evaluated by the hospital ADR group .

  9. 第二,使用开放式问卷确定自我提升小组内循环评价目标词20个,包括人际特质词(10个)和能力特质词(10个)两种;

    Secondly , based on the open questionnaire , we got20 target words for the Group Circulative Rating.10 of the words were about relationship , the others were about ability .

  10. 无领导小组讨论是评价中心的重要组成部分,其有效性直接影响评价中心整体的信度和效度。

    No - leader panel discussion is an important part of an appraisal center . Its effectiveness has a direct influence on the reliability and validity of the entire appraisal center .

  11. 治疗前后采用症状自评量表评估心理健康水平,采用焦虑自评量表评估患者的焦虑状态,采用抑郁自评量表评估患者抑郁程度,采用小组成员自我评价表进行成员的自我评定。

    Before and after treatment , their mental health level was evaluated with symptom checklist-90 , the anxiety status was assessed self-rating anxiety scale , depressive severity was evaluated with self-rating depression scale , the self-assessment scale was used for the self-assessment of the members .

  12. 经SPSS统计,用费用效益分析对卒中小组进行卫生经济学评价。

    All these data , incorporated with cost effectiveness , were analyzed with SPSS software .

  13. 确定标准分与奖励分,不求人人成功,但求人人进步的评价理念对学生的小组活动结果进行评价。

    Determining standard mark and encouragement mark to value student 's cooperative activity .

  14. 结果表明,一般自我效能感高的被试对小组活动的价值评价比一般自我效能感低的被试更积极;

    It was found that those with higher general self efficacy considered cooperative learning an approach much more valuable than those with lower general self efficacy did .

  15. 择业心理指导活动后,小组成员对小组活动的评价良好,收到了预期效果。

    The group member 's evaluation to the group activity is very good and the researcher has received the expectant results .

  16. 在阐述合作学习活动评价的多元性的基础上,设计了个人自评、小组互评和小组成果的评价量规。

    Thirdly , through analyzing of cooperative learning assessment , the author explains the meaning of multiple assessment of cooperative learning , then designs the rubric of self-assessment , peer-assessment and group works .

  17. 合作学习需要小组研究的基本组织形式,小组成果的评价反馈,合作学习是通过在教学互动中的动态因素的应用来促进成绩的提高。

    Cooperative learning group need basic organizational form for study , the evaluation feedback of group results , and cooperative learning is through interaction in teaching the application of the dynamic factors to promote performance improvement .

  18. 论述了学习型HACCP小组构建所需要的环境支持体系。最后,运用层次分析法和模糊数学评价法建立了学习型HACCP小组的评价体系。

    Then the environmental support system is discussed . Finally , the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process is applied to establish the performance appraisal index system of learning HACCP team .

  19. 主要从澄清小组合作学习认识上的存在的误区和问题、学习有效性的反思和小组评价的反思等方面进行分析。

    Mainly analyze the reflection on the effectiveness and the evaluation of group cooperative learning , and at the same time , clarify the misunderstanding and problems about group cooperative learning .