
  • 网络Little sheep
  1. 当英国私人股本公司3i主动联系小肥羊(littlesheep)时,它发现,自己并不是第一个与这家中国连锁餐厅接洽的潜在投资者。

    When 3I , the UK private equity firm , cold-called little sheep , it discovered it was not the first potential investor to contact the Chinese restaurant chain .

  2. 位于肯塔基州的百盛餐饮集团(Yum)才是中国快餐业的老大,旗下品牌包括肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut),甚至连小肥羊(LittleSheep)火锅连锁店也被它收入了帐下。

    Kentucky-based Yum brands is the big kahuna of fast food in China , with the KFC , Pizza Hut , and Little Sheep hotpot chain under its umbrella .

  3. 3i最终在小肥羊投资了2500万美元,获得了少数股权和11人董事会中的两个席位,股权数目未予披露。

    3i eventually invested $ 25m in Little Sheep in return for an undisclosed minority holding and two seats on the 11-member board .

  4. 百胜在2009年收购了它的流通股,当年小肥羊得到了3i的投资,从而推动了(小肥羊)中国连锁特许经营模式而且重塑了小肥羊品牌。

    Yum took its current stake in Little Sheep in2009 when it acquired shares from3i , a UK private equity firm that developed the Chinese chain 's franchise model and re-branded the restaurants .

  5. 在其尽职调查评估开始时,3i曾让原汉堡王(burgerking)总裁尼什坎基瓦拉(nishkankiwala)与小肥羊董事长兼所有者张钢会面。

    At the start of its due diligence review , 3I brought nish kankiwala , former president of Burger King , to meet Zhang Gang , the chairman and owner of little sheep .

  6. 或许小肥羊也会变得更加国际化。

    And perhaps Little Sheep might become more international too .

  7. 收购小肥羊的理由非常充分。

    Buying Little Sheep makes plenty of sense .

  8. 为小肥羊公司战略人力资源管理实践提供一些依据。

    Provide some basis for growing food and beverage companies strategic human resource management practices .

  9. 小肥羊已经节制了在海外的攻势,限制在6个市场中的17家饭店。

    Little sheep has limited its foray abroad to about 17 restaurants in six markets .

  10. 去年小肥羊的总收入为193000万人民币,比前一年增长了22.7%。

    Little Sheep 's revenue last year was Rmb1.93bn , up22.7 per cent from the previous year .

  11. 百胜拥有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟等众多餐饮品牌。上个月百胜透露了收购小肥羊已发行股票计划的初步意向。

    Yum , which owns KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , signalled its intentions last month with a preliminary proposal to acquire Little Sheep 's outstanding shares .

  12. 海底捞、小肥羊等品牌的成功使得形成具有不易复制模仿的竞争优势和独特的经营理念及模式在餐饮业中得到重视。

    The success of the Hai Di Lao Hot Pot , Little sheep and so on make the uneasy duplicate competitive advantage and the unique business philosophy important in the catering industry .

  13. 百胜餐饮已经持有小肥羊近30%的股份&后者在中国各地经营着内蒙古风味的火锅连锁店,在北美也有若干分店。

    Yum already owns almost 30 per cent of Little Sheep – which runs a chain of Mongolian-style hotpot restaurants around China , and has a handful of branches in North America .

  14. 本文引述的案例当中,小肥羊作为商标使用由于各种原因一直未予注册。

    In the case cited in this paper , the sign of " little sheep " which is used as a trademark has not been registered for a long time for various reasons .

  15. 小肥羊还是一家肉类供应商,中国各地都能看到其肉品包装上那个笑眯眯的羔羊标识。

    Little Sheep is also a meat supplier – its smiling lamb logo can be seen on packaged meat across China – and it was the first organically certified mutton producer in China .