
  • 网络Starbucks;SBUX;Starbucks Corp;Starbucks Corporation
  1. 星巴克公司(Starbucks)上周早些时候宣布,该公司计划斥资1亿美元收购面包连锁店LaBoulangeBakery。

    Starbucks announced earlier this week that it plans to purchase La boulange bakery for $ 100 million .

  2. 据NPR新闻的奥蒂·康尼什报道,这是星巴克公司同公立大学的首次合作。

    NPR 's Audie Cornish reports on the first kind collaboration between Starbucks and public university .

  3. 星巴克公司(Starbucks)首席信息官史蒂夫•吉列如是说:“首席信息官的职责是不断挑战和整合员工的能力和才干。”

    Or , in the words of Starbucks CIO Stephen Gillett , " the role of the CIO is to really challenge and harness the talent and capabilities of the people you lead . "

  4. 9月份,巴拉克•奥巴马在向国会发表就业问题演讲的前两天给咖啡之王星巴克公司(Starbucks)董事长兼首席执行官霍华德•舒尔茨打了一通电话。

    Back in September , two days before Barack Obama delivered his speech to Congress on jobs , he put in a call to Howard Schultz , the chairman and CEO of Coffee King Starbucks .

  5. 另一个额外的风险是,星巴克公司在全美各地分店中迅速扩大LaBoulange品牌产品供应,这一举动有可能危及LaBoulange品牌迄今为止赖以安身立命、取得成功的完整性。

    There is also the additional risk that , in quickly scaling the La boulange offerings across the domestic store base , the company may compromise the integrity of what made La boulange successful to date .

  6. 星巴克公司则假称推出“新杯型”,包括容量仅有2盎司的“迷你杯”和容量高达128盎司的“超大杯”。

    Starbucks , meanwhile , jokingly introduced new sizes like including the2-ounce Micra and128-ounce Plenta .

  7. 对于拥有四十五年历史的星巴克公司以及星巴克首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨来说,这可谓是一个历史性的突破。

    It 's a symbolic move for the 45-year-old company and its CEO , Howard Schultz .

  8. 其背后有星巴克公司经营管理理念和系统的支持,即品质控制、重视顾客感受和对员工的倍加呵护。

    Its success depends on management concept and system , i.e.control product quality and treasure consumers'response and employees'love .

  9. 然而星巴克公司意识到挑战“咖啡馆之都”的风险了吗?

    But is the company aware of the risk it is taking by challenging the very birthplace of cafe society ?

  10. 能量饮料是一项高速发展的产业,星巴克公司在本周四宣布了其进军能量饮料产业的计划。同时还发布了一个新系列的碳酸提神饮料。

    Starbucks announced plans Thursday to expand into the fast-growing energy drink industry , unveiling a new line of Refreshers carbonated beverages .

  11. 星巴克公司表示,全美13.5万名星巴克员工中,超过70%的员工是“大学生或是有抱负的大学生”。

    The company says that out of 135000 of US employees , more than 70 % are current or inspiring college students .

  12. 将4美元拿铁带给大众的星巴克公司周四称其计划引入一速溶咖啡系列。

    Starbucks Corp. , the company that brought $ 4 lattes to the masses , said Thursday it plans to introduce a line of instant coffee .

  13. 星巴克公司是一个非常能获利的组织,在2004年收入超过六亿元。该公司所产生的收入超过五亿美元在同一年。

    Starbucks Corporation is a very profitable organization , earning in excess of $ 600 million in2004.The company generated revenue of more than $ 5000 million in the same year .

  14. 文章先对客户关系管理对企业的重要性进行了分析,指出其对企业的价值所在;接着以星巴克公司为例,分析说明了在企业客户关系管理过程中运用价值创新战略对企业价值创造的帮助。

    The essay firstly clarifies the substance of customer relation management and puts forward it is valuable to enterprise , then analyzes the application of value creation strategy is helpful to produce enterprise value exampled with Starbucks corporation .

  15. 然而在金融危机影响到中国经济后,上海星巴克公司的业绩出现了下降的趋势。本文首先分析了金融危机影响下的需求变化,包括消费人群的变化和消费者行为的变化。

    But recently , under the financial crisis , its comp revenue trend down . Firstly , this thesis analyzed the demand changed by the financial crisis , including the customers distributing change and the consumers ' behavior change .

  16. (2010财年,星巴克公司的营收创下纪录,营业收入增长15%,每股收益猛增138%,2011年第一财季,这一纪录又再被打破。)

    ( the company reported record earnings for fiscal 2010 , with earnings per share up 138 % on a 15 % gain in revenues , and then broke its own record in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 . )

  17. 文章通过对星巴克国际公司发展战略的分析,验证企业价值战略模型V(NBM,T,S,P)的有效性。

    Then , through study on thedevelopment strategy of Starbucks International Corporation , the thesis demonstrates the validity of business value strategy model V ( NBM , T , S , P ) .

  18. 麦当劳与星巴克咖啡公司的竞争愈演愈烈。

    McDonald is heating up competition with the Starbucks Coffee Company .

  19. 舒尔茨将公司重命名为“星巴克股份公司”。

    Schultz renamed his company the Starbucks Corporation .

  20. 快餐巨头麦当劳与星巴克咖啡公司的竞争正日趋白热化。

    McDonald 's , the fast-food company , is heating up competition with the Starbucks Coffee Company .

  21. 感谢你的来信以及你对星巴克咖啡公司在故宫开店一事的关注。

    Thank you for your note and for your concern regarding Starbucks Coffee Company 's presence in the Forbidden City .

  22. 1987年,34岁的霍华德·舒尔茨召集了一批投资者,将他的老东家“星巴克咖啡公司”买下。

    In 1987 , at the age of 34 , Howard Schultz organized a group of investors and purchased his former employer , Starbucks Coffee Company .

  23. 谨代表星巴克咖啡有限公司,我们祝愿您在未来的求职旅程中获得成功!

    On behalf of Starbucks Coffee Company , we wish you every success in your career search .

  24. 官方新闻媒体曾斥责过诸如麦当劳、肯德基、苹果和星巴克等外国公司,认为它们对中国客户有不平等的待遇。

    The state news media has vilified foreign brands such as McDonald 's , KFC , Apple and Starbucks for what they perceive as unequal treatment of Chinese customers .

  25. 消费品公司以及星巴克等餐饮公司已有过类似的经历。由于美国消费者信心下降,星巴克今年的排名下滑了21位。

    That has already been the experience of consumer goods companies – and restaurants such as Starbucks , which dropped 21 places this year as American consumers became jaded .

  26. 譬如说,今年早些时候《纽约时报》曾重点报道了星巴克以及其他公司使用的员工排班系统软件。这些软件设计的时候把员工当做商品一样,进而实现利润的最大化。

    For instance , earlier this year the New York Times highlighted scheduling software used by Starbucks and others that were designed to maximize profit by treating employees like commodities .

  27. 然而,Warmuth要感谢星巴克那样较大的公司传播了咖啡是可以支付得起的奢侈品的观念。

    Yet Mr. Warmuth can thank those bigger companies like Starbucks for spreading the idea of coffee as an luxury .

  28. 星巴克称,该公司在不同市场的定价差异是由许多因素决定的,包括物业、原料和人力成本。

    Starbucks says its prices vary according to a number of factors , including the cost of real estate , ingredients and labor .

  29. 星巴克宣布,该公司将在美国为那些耳聋或有听力障碍的人开设第一家“手语门店”。

    Starbucks has announced that it 's going to be opening its very first " Signing Store " in the US for customers that are deaf or have hearing impairments .

  30. 因此,如果一家像星巴克那么大规模的公司开始采购罕有品种的咖啡豆,会发生什么?那些咖啡豆中,有一些每年出产的时间可能都不到一个月。

    So what happens when a company the size of Starbucks begins shopping for those precious beans , some of which may only be available for less than a month a year ?