
  • 网络constellation;Constellation Brands
  1. 星座公司公布,夏季销售额有一定提高,而近几个月的销售额则有所下降。这家公司是美国最大的葡萄酒生产商,旗下拥有Hardys和ArborMist品牌。

    Constellation Brands , the US 's biggest wine producer and owner of the Hardys and Arbor Mist brands , reported a modest increase in sales over the summer and a decline in sales in recent months .

  2. 快来与美国星座葡萄酒国际公司中国地区经理夏仲邦一起学习和探讨加利福利亚的美酒吧!

    Come and learn more with Bong Ha , regional Director of Constellation wines International about California wines .