
xīnɡ jì wù zhì
  • Interstellar matter;interstellar medium
  1. 一个气体云自星际物质中坍缩,密度达到很高时,即形成了一个恒星。质量超过临界值时,增加着的引力将造成恒星的无限坍缩。

    A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density . The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces .

  2. 行星际物质中极小的颗粒。

    Microscopic particles in the interplanetary medium .

  3. 纤维揭示的是激波与更均匀的低密度星际物质相遇的地方。

    These filaments reveal where the shock wave is encountering lower-density , more uniform interstellar material .

  4. 这同样也表示彗星不是由少量、原始星际物质构成的。

    It also means that the comet is not made of small , pristine interstellar materials either .

  5. 在银河系中还观测到大小,密度和质量都要大得多的冷星际物质团。

    We observe in the galaxy much larger , denser , and more massive aggregates of cold interstellar matter .

  6. 利用最近的实验结果,计算了宇宙线与星际物质碰撞产生的反质子流强。

    Using recent experimental results , we calculate the antiproton flux which is produced by the collisions of cosmic rays with the interstellar matter .

  7. 在行星之间,还有众多小行星,跟着行星一起环绕太阳运行的卫星,众多的彗星和流星体,以及其他星际物质。

    Between planet , but also has the numerous planetoids , is surrounding the satellite which together with the planet the sun moves , numerous comets and meteor body , as well as other interstellar matter .

  8. 稳态的动态球对称荷电荷磁黑洞的非热辐射受到星际物质的影响,其非热辐射粒子的平均射程与非热辐射的最大能量和能量范围有关。

    Non thermal radiation of stationary and non stationary spherical symmetry Black Hole with electric charge and magnetic charge are affected by interstellar materials . The average range of particles of non-thermal radiation depends on the maximum energy of the radiation and the energy extent of the radiation .

  9. 行星际日冕物质抛射在行星际空间的传播和演化规律国际星际航行研究协会

    International Interplanetary Space Travel Research Association

  10. 恒星是疏散在星际空间的物质凝聚而成的。

    Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space .