
  • Heineken;Helix;Heineken NV
  1. 参加欧洲杯的全部24个球队将会由可口可乐、喜力和其他10家顶级赞助商支付一部分奖金,而这些赞助商也是欧足联近20亿欧元(约合人民币154亿元)欧洲杯总收入的来源。

    All 24 teams will get some of the money paid by Coca-Cola , Heineken and 10 other top-tier sponsors that contribute to UEFA ’ s total tournament revenue of almost 2 billion euros .

  2. 这是一个外国品牌在中国胜诉的罕见案例;从苹果(Apple)到喜力(Heineken),很多公司都曾在中国输掉商标战。

    It is a rare victory for a foreign brand in China , where companies from Apple to Heineken have lost trademark battles .

  3. 再加上喜力(Heineken)和嘉士伯(Carlsberg),这些企业生产的啤酒占了全球一半。

    They , along with Heineken and Carlsberg , make half the world 's beer .

  4. 喜力董事长和首席执行官让-弗朗索瓦范博克斯米尔(JeanvanBoxmeer)表示:“第一季度业绩良好,受到越南和中国新年和复活节日期较早的有力支持。”

    Jean van Boxmeer , chairman and chief executive , said : " This has been a good first quarter supported by a strong Vietnamese and Chinese new year period and the earlier timing of Easter . "

  5. 喜力公司(Heineken)和迪阿吉奥公司(Diageo)虽然没有用高粱全面代替昂贵的大麦作为酿酒原料,但从2008年开始,这两家公司也同样在加纳、塞拉利昂和喀麦隆推出了高粱啤酒。

    Since 2008 , Heineken and Diageo ( deo ) have done the same in Ghana , Sierra Leone and Cameroon , albeit not replacing pricier barley with Sorghum at a 100 % rate .

  6. 世界上第三大啤酒酿造商喜力(Heineken)报告第一季度销售增长高于预期,得益于中国和越南在农历新年期间的强劲需求。

    Heineken , the world 's third-largest brewer , reported better than expected sales growth in the first quarter , thanks to strong demand in China and Vietnam over the lunar new year .

  7. 投资银行CanaccordGenuity的分析师以“强劲”描述喜力业绩,他们着重指出了巴西市场的稳健表现,随着巴西经济趋弱,许多消费品公司报告该市场放缓,但优质拉格啤酒的销量仍然保持良好。

    Describing the results as " strong , " analysts at Canaccord Genuity highlighted the robust performance of Brazil , where many consumer companies have reported a slowdown as the economy weakens but where sales of premium lagers are still holding up .

  8. 和“喜力”是意为“加大码”。

    And " Heineken " is the meaning of " XL " .

  9. 好的,拿给我一个喜力啤酒,谢谢。

    OK , then give me a Heineken . Thanks .

  10. 说明:再次订购喜力杯橄榄球世界锦标赛,带开瓶器的钥匙环。

    Description : Re-order Heineken Rugby World Cup , Key Ring Bottle opener .

  11. 在他任职期间,喜力开发技术,以保持一贯的啤酒质量在大规模生产。

    During his tenure , Heineken developed techniques to maintain consistent beer quality during large-scale production .

  12. 喜力公司最新报告显示,小瓶饮料使销售额急剧增加。

    A recent statement made by Heineken revealed a dramatic increase in sales of their small cans .

  13. 汽水制造商和酒精制造商,如可口可乐公司和喜力公司都提供了一种比常规包装要小的饮料酒水。

    Soda and alcohol manufacturers like Coca-Cola and Heineken are offering small versions of their regular drinks .

  14. 在英国女性富豪榜上排名的是喜力啤酒的继承人卡瓦略其个人财富为68亿美元。

    Ranking number two is Charlene de Carvalho , the Heinken beer heiress with $ 6.8 billion .

  15. 这还是他们第一次尝试入定中进行有目地的喜力调动。

    This is their first attempt in meditation to carry on the goal of enjoying strength reassignment .

  16. 在英国情况却是大不一样,几乎人人畅饮荷兰人酿造的“喜力”啤酒。

    In Britain , where it is ubiquitous , it is brewed by Heineken , a Dutch beermaker .

  17. 如果油量低于最小刻度,则应选择正确级别的壳牌喜力发动机润滑油给予添加补充。

    If the level is below the maximum mark , top up with the right grade of Shell Helix .

  18. 从那天起,喜力一直是一个最成功的进口啤酒品牌在美国。

    From that day on , Heineken has remained one of the most successful imported beer brands in the United States .

  19. 乐喜力正以创新的精神、务实的态度,致力于推动中国印刷包装事业的发展。

    We are in an innovative spirit , pragmatic attitude , working to promote the development of Chinese printing and packaging industry .

  20. 喜力亚太酿酒私人有限公司是亚太酿酒集团的成员之一,是荷兰喜力集团和新加坡星狮集团合资成立的私人有限公司。

    HAPBC is member of Asia Pacific Breweries Group , a joint venture between Heineken of Holland and Fraser % 26 Neave of Singapore .

  21. 发展中国家(的市场)对酿酒商的吸引力是显而易见的:根据喜力的形势,每年啤酒销售增长3-4%。

    The attraction of the developing world for brewers is clear : beer sales are growing there by3-4 % a year , according to Heineken .

  22. 我们有幸光顾的几家商店里摆放的商品种类还比较多,包括日本小吃、荷兰啤酒(喜力)和中国方便面。

    The few shops we did glimpse stocked a reasonable range of goods , including Japanese snacks , Dutch beer ( Heineken ) and Chinese instant noodles .

  23. 喜力称,预计汇率对全年营业利润的的打击将从6000万欧元增加到8000万欧元,对净利润的打击从3500万欧元增加到5000万欧元。

    Heineken said it expected an 80m currency hit on full-year operating profits - up from 60m - and a 50m hit to net profits , previously 35m .

  24. 中国高端啤酒市场基本为百威、喜力、嘉士伯等国外啤酒品牌所控制。

    It has to be acknowledged that high-end beer market of China is almost controlled by foreign beer brands , such as Budweiser , Heineken , and Carlsberg .

  25. 8年前,她从已故的父亲那里继承了世界上最大的啤酒商之一喜力的25%的股份。

    Eight years ago she inherited a25 % stake in one of the world 's greatest brewers , Heineken NV , from her late father , Freddy Heineken .

  26. 亨利皮埃尔的儿子阿尔弗雷德亨利“弗雷迪”喜力啤酒,开始在该公司于1940年,和1971年被任命为执行局主席。

    Henry Pierre 's son , Alfred Henry " Freddy " Heineken , started working at the company in1940 , and1971 was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board .

  27. 总部位于荷兰的喜力周三称,在过去两年里,俄罗斯啤酒市场整体规模已经下降了25%。不过该公司认为罪魁祸首是赋税的飙升。

    Dutch-based Heineken on Wednesday estimated the overall beer market in Russia has dropped 25 % the past two years , though it said most of the woes were due to tax hikes .

  28. 在她们交谈时,摄像机镜头越过桌子,对准角落里的两位男士。在他们面前各有一杯喜力啤酒,他们在偷听这两位女孩子的谈话。

    While the young women talk , the camera tracks past their table to find two young men just around the corner , each with a Heineken , eavesdropping on the girl 's conversation .

  29. 作为非洲最大产油国和喜力第二大市场的尼日利亚,受到石油价格大幅下跌的重创,消费者面临更高昂的食品和燃油账单,可用于啤酒消费的支出减少了。

    Nigeria , Africa 's largest oil producer and Heineken 's second-largest market , has been hard hit by the sharp fall in oil prices and consumers face higher food and fuel bills , leaving less to spend on beer .

  30. 喜力高层对分析师表示,很难知晓地缘政治形势和之后出台的制裁措施会对我们的业务造成哪些影响,与之相比,更大的问题似乎是过去五年间啤酒赋税的攀升。

    Heineken executives told analysts that it was difficult to access what the geopolitical situation and all the rising sanctions will have on our business , but said the bigger issue appeared to be tax hikes levied against beer the past five years .