
  • Sheraton;Sheraton Hotel;Sheridan
  1. 地点是在纽约喜来登酒店(SheratonNewYorkHotel)一间毫无特色的会议室,在由两排会议室组成的一个长走廊的尽头。

    The setting was a nondescript meeting room , down a long , bland hallway of meeting rooms , at the Sheraton New York Hotel , where Alexey mordashov was attending a steel industry conference .

  2. EricStonestreet,JulieBowen和杰西泰勒弗格森JesseTylerFerguson以及十余位行人被困在堪萨斯喜来登酒店电梯里约1个小时。

    Eric Stonestreet , Julie Bowen , and Jesse Tyler Ferguson were stuck in an elevator at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel for an hour with about a dozen other passengers .

  3. 其中一个度假村是五星级的蜃景喜来登度假酒店(SheratonMirage)。这家酒店曾以其巨大的游泳池、高尔夫球场、船坞和迷你购物中心帮助道格拉斯港在1987年荣登上旅游地图。

    One property the five-star Sheraton Mirage helped put Port Douglas on the tourist map in 1987 with its giant swimming pool , golf course , marina and mini shopping mall .

  4. 最后,那间房子里没有大床,我们只好住进了波莫纳的喜来登酒店(SheratoninPomona),因为克莱蒙特的旅店当时都已经订满了。

    In the end , no king-sized bed , so we stayed at the Sheraton in Pomona as hotels in Claremont were fully booked by that time .

  5. 在此基础上运用SWOT模型结合杭州西溪天堂喜来登五星级酒店AV系统工程现实情况对其风险因素进行了分析,对当前酒店AV系统工程建设中所面临的风险因素进行了更深层次的实证探究。

    On this basis , SWOT model in combination with the reality of Sheraton Hangzhou Wetland Park Resort AV System is used to analyze risk factors , and an empirical study is conducted on risk factors confronting current hotel AV system engineering constructions .

  6. 亚龙湾一道亮丽的风景:三亚喜来登酒店设计

    Brilliant landscape at Yalong Bay : Design of Sheraton Hotel Sanya

  7. 图为阿尔及利亚松树喜来登项目。

    The picture shows the Algeria Sheraton Hotel of Pine Club .

  8. 你可以在喜来登饭店免费吃住?

    You get to stay at the Sheraton and eat for free ?

  9. 劳艾德是喜来登的宴会助理。

    Lloyd was working as an Assistant Banquet Manager at the sheraton .

  10. 热烈欢迎您来到东莞喜来登大酒店餐饮部。

    Welcome to the Food & Beverage department at the Sheraton Dongguan hotel .

  11. 三亚喜来登度假酒店:世界小姐的家

    Sheraton Sanya Resort & The Home of Miss World

  12. 南京金丝利喜来登酒店总经理托马斯·穆勒

    Thomas Mueller , General Manager of the Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel & Towers

  13. 滨海路上的阿拉伯人及背景中的喜来登大酒店。

    Arabs at the Corniche with Sheraton Hotel behind .

  14. 再次感谢下榻喜来登酒店。

    Thank you again for staying at Sheraton Hotel .

  15. 一些有钱的青年走进喜来登饭店或巴勒斯坦饭店饮酒用餐。

    Richer young people wining and dining at the Sheraton or the Palestine Hotel .

  16. 逸林酒店1999年被希尔顿集团纳入麾下,其主要竞争对手包括万豪与喜来登。

    Hilton acquired Doubletree Marriott and Sheraton are among its main competitors in 1999 .

  17. 我住在喜来登豪华饭店,房间号码是816。

    I 'm staying at the Sheraton please hotel , the room number is816 .

  18. 傍晚时分,从阿勒颇喜来登大酒店的屋顶上上眺望阿勒颇城市全景。

    Overhead view of Aleppo city skyline at dusk from rooftop of Sheraton Aleppo Hotel .

  19. 宁波东港喜来登酒店,座落于宁波市中心,优越的地理位置使得购物、乐和观光都非常方便。

    Sheraton Ningbo , located at the heart of Ningbo where the city beat pulses .

  20. 关爱文化的传播者&三亚喜来登度假酒店总经理那瑞帝

    A Disseminator Who Cares about Culture & Claudio Nardini , GM of Sheraton Sanya Resort

  21. 让台北喜来登大饭店的行政管家服务给您备感尊宠的服务。

    Allow yourself to be spoiled by the executive butler service of the Sheraton Taipei Hotel .

  22. 麻烦到喜来登饭店。

    The Sheraton Hotel , please .

  23. 我们的第一家酒店是和一个很小的连锁企业签约合作,第二家和喜来登合作。

    To a tiny chain to first hotel , to Sheraton for example the second one .

  24. 为期五天的2007首届德国啤酒节在长沙喜来登酒店开幕。

    The five-days of " 2007 Germany beer festival " was held in Sheraton Hotel in Changsha .

  25. 虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店盛邀您前来品尝黄满肉厚、肉质嫩滑的大闸蟹,必让您饕餮整个金秋。

    Do not miss this delicacy created by the dedicated chefs of Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel this Autumn .

  26. 它还能拍一组写真,并能在当地的喜来登酒店贵宾房住上一晚。

    It will also get to do a photo shoot and a VIP stay at the local Sheraton hotel .

  27. 所有客房均配备有喜来登甜梦之床,互联网宽带及等离子电视。

    All guestrooms are furnished with Sheraton Sweet Sleeper bedSM , broadband internet access and flat screen plasma TV .

  28. 近日,李敏被西安赛瑞喜来登大酒店任命为市场销售总监。

    Lucy Li has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Sheraton Xian North City Hotel .

  29. 甚至本地的喜来登酒店也将举行“埃塞俄比亚艺术展”,这是一场专门展示各界艺术新秀作品的年度盛典。

    Even the local Sheraton puts on " Art of Ethiopia , " an annual show of new talent .

  30. 喜来登酒店及度假村是喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团旗下的一个酒店品牌。

    Sheraton is owned by and is the largest and most global brand of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide , Inc.