
  • Himalaya;the Himalayas;Himalaya mountains
  1. 高喜马拉雅P-T-t轨迹的热模拟

    Thermal Modeling of P-T-t Paths in the Higher Himalaya

  2. 跨喜马拉雅的GPS观测与地壳形变

    GPS measurement and current crustal movement across the Himalaya

  3. 少数几个冒险翻越了喜马拉雅山的欧洲人回来后讲述了这个故事。

    Few Europeans who had ventured beyond the Himalayas had returned to tell the tale .

  4. 我们整个夏天都在喜马拉雅山的山麓艰难跋涉

    We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas .

  5. 早年,尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山南麓很少有外国人涉足。

    Before , very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas .

  6. 喜马拉雅旱獭G带核型研究

    Study of G-banded karyotype of Marmota himalayana

  7. 喜马拉雅运动的影响使本区构造复杂化。形成NE向扭性断层;

    The structures that are influenced by Himalayan movement take on complexity .

  8. 在接下来的一个小时里,我们将沿着不丹雄伟壮丽的富毕卡谷地(PhobjikhaValley)一路飘游,从空中欣赏绵延不绝的喜马拉雅山(Himalayan)的壮美景色。

    For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .

  9. 2007年,IPCC发布了一份报告,报告中有关喜马拉雅冰川消融的速度有误,此后IPCC的信誉一直受到质疑。

    The IPCC 's credibility has come under scrutiny since a 2007 report that contained errors about the pace of the melting of Himalayan glaciers .

  10. KongkaLA是一处喜马拉雅山脉的低矮山脊,位于中印有争议的拉达克(Ladakh)边境地区。

    Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh .

  11. 喜马拉雅运动使川东北地区遭受抬升剥蚀,储集层温度降至低于120℃,TSR反应停止。

    The Himalayan orogeny caused the uplift and erosion of NE Sichuan area , the reservoir temperature fell to less than 120 ℃ and the TSR ended .

  12. 诸多错误中的一个是,这份由联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)出具的报告说,喜马拉雅冰川可能会在2035年以前消失,而现在IPCC称这种说法并不准确。

    Among those mistakes : The 2007 report by the U.N. 's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said Himalayan glaciers might disappear by 2035 , a claim the IPCC now says was inaccurate .

  13. 黑云母矿物具有的易风化性,为高喜马拉雅河流放射性87Sr提供了主要来源。

    The biotite is readily weathered and should be the primary source to the radioactive ~ ( 87 ) Sr of the High Himalayan rivers .

  14. MurariSharma说,尼泊尔拥有大部分喜马拉雅山区域,它必须处于任何区域气候变化方案的核心位置。

    Home to most of the Himalayas , Nepal must be at the heart of any regional climate change initiative , says Murari Sharma .

  15. 帕德玛(T.V.Padma)报道,喜马拉雅山区的科学家正在与资源贫乏作战,以保护这个地区少受气候变化的影响。

    Scientists in the Himalayas are battling poor resources to protect the area from the effects of climate change.T.V.Padma reports .

  16. 喜马拉雅山区数以千计的人口以及当地的道路、桥梁和通讯设备等基础设施都处于GLOFs的危险之中。

    Thousands of people as well as the local infrastructure of roads , bridges and communication networks in the Himalayas are at risk of GLOFs .

  17. “这种雪覆盖模式的变化有潜力影响许多喜马拉雅河流的径流模式。”Kulkarni说。

    " This [ change in snow cover patterns ] has the potential to influence run-off patterns of numerous Himalayan streams ," Kulkarni said .

  18. 印度政府已委托印度空间研究组织(isro)和科技部在整个喜马拉雅地区进行全面的冰川调查,以评估这些冰川的状况。

    The Indian government has requested that the Indian Space Research Organisation and the Department of science and technology undertake extensive glacial surveys across the Himalayas to assess their condition .

  19. 由多个推覆体板片和形成众多Siwalik期山前褶皱的印度次大陆俯冲断层构成的体系展示了喜马拉雅新构造动力学的主要过程。

    The Hindus subcontinental underthrust fault system consisting of several nappe plates and many piedmont folds of Siwalik demonstrates the main processes of Himalayan neotectonic dynamics .

  20. 联合国环境规划署的官员在高高的喜马拉雅山上召开一次记者招待会,强调碳化合物HCFC对臭氧层的危害。

    Officials from the United Nations Environment Programme have held a news conference high in the Himalayas to underline the dangers still facing the ozone layer from carbon compounds known as HCFCs .

  21. 喜马拉雅期发生陆内造山作用(65~15Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带出现逆冲-推覆和大规模走滑平移,伴随喜马拉雅期花岗岩的侵位和拉分盆地的形成。

    During the Himalayan ( 65-15 Ma ) intra-continental orogenic movement a large-scale strike-slip thrusting induced the intrusion of granites and development of pull-apart basins .

  22. 从喜马拉雅到贝加尔湖以南包括中国西部的广大范围内,主压应力P轴的水平分量位于近NE-SW方向,形成了一个广域的NE-SW方向的挤压应力场。

    The horizontal components of the principal compressional stress P axes are oriented in a nearly NE - SW direction , forming a wide NE-SW compressional stress field in a wide areal extent from the Himalayas to south of Baikal Lake , including western China .

  23. 营地上的一个向导瓦伦·库帝(VarunKutty)是个衣冠楚楚的小伙子,自小生长在离贾瓦伊很远的喜马偕尔邦境内的喜马拉雅山麓。

    One of the guides at the camp is Varun Kutty , a dapper young man who grew up far from here in the Himalayan foothills of Himachal Pradesh .

  24. 但是我们没有关于大多数兴都库什喜马拉雅(HKH)冰川退缩或膨胀了多少米的信息,也没有关于冰川表面增加或减少了多少的信息。

    But we do not have information on how many metres most of the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan ( HKH ) glaciers are retreating or expanding by , or how much expansion or decrease in surface ice there has been .

  25. 在位于喜马拉雅山脚下的印度Uttaranchal邦,壮观、古老的橡树林为流入低处平原的两条大河形成了一道自然的分水岭。

    At the foot of the Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttaranchal , forests of regal , old oak form a natural watershed for two major rivers that feed the plain below .

  26. 根据Chubbies公司的世界观,“长裤是工作的时候穿的,”而短裤&尤其是他们生产的短裤,则是运动、娱乐、泡吧或是爬喜马拉雅山的时候穿的。

    According to the chubbies worldview : " pants are for work , " while shorts their shorts are for having fun , or jumping off rocks , or playing beer pong , or climbing Everest .

  27. 错过恒河、拉贾斯坦(Rajasthani)大沙漠、古怪的孟买电影院、喜马拉雅山、旧日的茶园、加尔各答摩肩擦踵的人力车,将使我伤心欲绝。

    And I 'd be devastated to miss the Ganges , the great Rajasthani desert , the nutty Mumbai movie houses , the Himalayas , the old tea plantations , the Calcutta rickshaws racing against each other like the chariot scene from Ben-Hur .

  28. 喜马拉雅运动使本区发育为类前陆盆地。

    Himalayan movement made the area developed as a para-foreland basin .

  29. 山水画写生探微喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山冰川的变化

    On Mountains - and-Rivers Sketching Glacier Variations in Himalayas and Karakorum

  30. 喜马拉雅山区与横断山区自然条件对比喜马拉雅山区新生代植物群与聚煤环境

    Cenozoic floras and coal-accumulating environment in Himalayas and Hengduan Mountains Areas